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Man Jailed For Attacking Gull!


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I actually know this man. He was in a pub, knowing that he was going to prison the next day and was quite drunk. A seagull was hit by a car, and was staggering around, walking into the pub ( The Plough in Parliament Street, Ramsey). This is the seagull that he kicked. I do not agree with what he did, but he was trying to put the injured animal out of it's misery.


I think that the press have reported this in a very sensationalist way, and I would just like to give the full story.



Edited for spelling

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I suppose walking up to it and pulling it's head off in full view of all the patrons in the pub would of been better.

Then it would of been put out of it's misery more humanly eh?

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Man sounds like a true Prince. Would probably do the humane thing by drowning kittens and kicking dogs too.


I wouldn't consider myself an 'animal lover' per se, but I think this kind of loutish, cruel behaviour SHOULD be exposed at every opportunity.

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There is a baby seagull outside my friends house near St. Ninians. Everytime my friend leaves his house, he gets dive-bombed by seagulls and has now proceeded to throw things at it to get it to move so he can get out.


They even lurk in the back alley as well so hes screwed both ways.


They should be shot in msy opinion. Dont get me wrong i love animals but seagulls are a pest.

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They should be shot in msy opinion. Dont get me wrong i love animals but seagulls are a pest.

Yeah there are far too many of them.


If someone else had come along and seen me hammering a rabbit to death with a brick, would I have been done for animal crulety?




I remember someone who hit a cat, stopped the car and seen what he thought was the cat on the kerb.

It was flat out but still breathing, so he whacked it with something(tyre Iron) can't remember now.

Anyway this woman started shouting at him, that the cat he hit was still dead under the axle of his car.

The cat he bludgeoned to death was just having a kip at the side of the road.


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If this guy genuinely was just trying to put the gull "out of its misery" then fair enough.

However, what makes me think otherwise is the fact that he didn't actually manage it at all infact the bird had to be put down by the mspca.


I agree with Chopley Turnip the way to have done it would have been to hold it down and hit it over the head with something like a brick - far more humane than kicking it to death.

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Much as I hate seagulls and wish they could be culled sometime soon because their numbers are way more than they should be, I don't like animal cruelty and kicking the wretched creature was a pretty dimwitted thing to do. As has been suggested even if his intent was to put the thing out of its misery there are much more sensible ways of doing it.


I remember a few years ago when I worked in Ballasalla I'd eat lunch everyday by the ford at Rushen Abbey and feed the ducks as I love the little critters and have had loads of pet ones previously.


One day I was sat there in my friend's car eating lunch and some complete bellend in a blue sierra came zooming straight through the ford, out the other side and drove straight over a poor mallard that didn't get out of his way quickly enough. He promptly turned round & drove off without even stopping to look at the poor creature, and as it was very certainly due to imminently be a statistic my friend and I had the horrific and completely gutting task of having to finish it off.


It was a really horrible moment and I felt terrible at having to do but it was either that or stay there watching a squashed duck gasping, bleeding, and trying in vain to move. I hated the guy in that car for that and was about to ring the manninline & give him a big on air thankyou but I wasn't certain of the numberplate and really didn't want to say the wrong one. :(

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I'm 100% with you on that one Cret; why do people feel it is OK, even adding to their machissmo, to hurt something which cannot defend itself?


Driving along the prom one summer a couple of years ago a seagull flew into my windscreen and bounced off: there was nothing I could do it was just a low swoop. Much as I dislike the things, I felt dreadful and turned round at the Gaiety to go back to see if I could find it, but couldn't. Some people thought I was mad, but I felt sh***. I could never hurt something intentionally and, in your position, I hope that I would have been able to do the proper thing.

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If this guy genuinely was just trying to put the gull "out of its misery"  then fair enough. 

However,  what makes me think otherwise is the fact that he didn't actually manage it at all infact the bird had to be put down by the mspca.


I agree with Chopley Turnip the way to have done it would have been to hold it down and hit it over the head with something like a brick -  far more humane than kicking it to death.


I'm not defending the bloke since I obviously don't know the circumstances.


But it's very hard to actually catch an injured gull. Last summer I found one limping around the mud in the harbour at Ramsey. It was tied up in fishing line left behind by careless anglers. With a hook through it. As I tried to untangle it - well I ended up with a rusty hook through my thumb - and the other end of the line still attached to the fleeing bird and tugging on my thumb.


My guess is that only an expert would actually be able to catch and hold and kill a gull.


Leave it to the experts.


EDIT: and take your fishing line and hooks home with you :)

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Personally I would of tried to catch it and then taken it to the mspca.


Simon is right, it is better to leave it to the experts.


The guys attempt at kicking the poor bird to death was horrific and very cruel regardless if he thought he was doing the right thing.

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