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Man Jailed For Attacking Gull!


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You clearly have no news sense.


Animal cruelty stories are some of the most emotive stories around and always attract a huge response from readers.


This thread itself has come to three pages - what does that say?


News sense what's that then? it's not required in my line of work mate. Is it like spider sense? I have got a copy of the 6th Sense though it's a smashing film. My Dad always said I had no common sense.




I think a lot of people are preoccupied with with utter nonsense. I'm much more interested with the wider world. In my opinion the story doesn't deserve front page coverage. It is sensationalist introverted drivel that seems very prevalent at the moment!


The Save the Children fund raisers on the IOM collecting for West Africa crisis would have been a much more news worthy headline.


I'm a little bored of it now and I think I have stated my opinion.




Sex with a Gull would have been news worthy and very very wrong.

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Not required in your line of work eh?


Then who are you to preach what makes a good news story and what doesn't?


If every editorial decision was made on the basis of the story's noble worth that newspaper would be out of business within a week.


Whether people like to admit it or not, most have a macabre curiosity for crimes, accidents and the like.


And us much as they admire the fundraising efforts of charities, it doesn't grab their attention.

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You know what, i am not in the slightest suprise that somthing as pathetic as that has made the paper in the isle of man!


now somtimes i do wonder, dont blame me for being embarrased for being from this crazy little place

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Where's the line drawn in relation to animal cruelty? I mean, would he have got six weeks if he kicked a blue-tit, a rat, a fish or even a beetle.


For instance;



Don't search for "Crush Videos" on google - there are some very odd fetishes in this world.

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£200 fine for importing a squirrel;

£2000 fine for calling Gubby a xxxx;

£5M bonus for fiddling £120M;

Who knows what for letting your wife take the rap;

6 weeks for kicking a noisy, xxxxty, annoying, smelly, dirty, pathetic seagull chick while awaiting a jail term, the gull got off lightly.

But then, the miscreant was an ' estate kid' who isn't a mason or ever likely to amount to the dizzy heights of MHK or Legco was he, so why are you all bleatng?

Get real and fight the real cancer in society,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(fill in the blanks yourself.)_

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Hi Skrappey (Is that after Scoobey's nephew?)


Could I counsel caution here?


Who "fiddled" 120m?


We don't know the charges so who is to say that anyone let their wife take the rap?


Who vetted the seagull to determine that it was worth a good kicking?


And what, in God's name, is an 'estate kid' over here? I can't remember the last time a car was set on fire by disaffected youths!


The whole point of this thread was the lack of real news. I think the majority of contributors found the act abhorrent, and no amount of 'social deprivation' can justify that. Lose that sense of indignation and you are probably a long way to creating the estate kid you refer to.

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Hi Skrappey (Is that after Scoobey's nephew?)


Could I counsel caution here? 


Who "fiddled" 120m?


We don't know the charges so who is to say that anyone let their wife take the rap?


Who vetted the seagull to determine that it was worth a good kicking?


And what, in God's name, is an 'estate kid' over here?  I can't remember the last time a car was set on fire by disaffected youths!


The whole point of this thread was the lack of real news.  I think the majority of contributors found the act abhorrent, and no amount of 'social deprivation' can justify that.  Lose that sense of indignation and you are probably a long way to creating the estate kid you refer to.



Excellent post GTBB

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...skip to the end...


okay people, i love animals as much as the next person, my parents even thought i'd become a vet...


but it's a damn seagull... if you haven't noticed they aren't the most friendly of animals and if they were ten times the size of use they certainly wouldn't think twice about pecking our eyes out.


there's so many gulls in douglas you could probably toss a hedgehog into the air and have it come down with several gulls stuck to it.


they crap on our cars, hell they even crap on us, should we really put a man in JAIL for losing it with one of them? i vote give the man a shotgun and a limitless supply of cartridges and let him have fun for a week.


PS as for the journalistic quality of the Courier... well.. let's just say the headlines scream at me... 'Man finds dog in car on back seat with no water!'*




For example... when we had the hurricanes? what was the headline... something like 'Hurricane Havoc'? no. look back through the archives, but make sure there's no sharp objects nearby when you do.




*may not actually be a real headline. but the syllables are in the right place.

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