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*****drugs Warning*****


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What if these idiots have hid the drugs, in places that todlers could find and mistake for sweets, its happened before.

I now hear the the Local Police are giving very large rewards to those that report drug dealers. About time to

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The danger is where they are not hidden and small children come across them and eat them.


Sounds unbelieveable, but it can happen.

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What if these idiots have hid the drugs, in places that todlers could find and mistake for sweets, its happened before.


Sure it has, but an uncontaminated batch would have an almost as catastrophic effect.


I think it was 'thi' who said this a few years ago on Manx.net, not sure if it was his own idea or if he was quoting it, but he said that the Government should start peddling Vim on the streets as cheap smack.


Once all the druggies have killed themselves off with it, no more drug problem. Huzzah!

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What if these idiots have hid the drugs, in places that todlers could find and mistake for sweets, its happened before.


Sure it has, but an uncontaminated batch would have an almost as catastrophic effect.



Not necessarily, amazingly enough.

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Personally I am pro-alcohol, will tolerate tobacco but very anti everything else. The reasoning is well demonstrated by these results from the arrests of scum from 8 metropolitan forces:

The largest relevant research study is the NEW-ADAM survey (Bennett, 1998; 2000; 2001), which drug-tests and interviews samples of arrestees. The latest sweep of the survey found that 65% of all arrestees tested (1,435) were positive for some form of illicit drug, with 24% testing positive for opiates and 15% for cocaine. The average weekly expenditure on drugs, for heroin and crack/cocaine users, was £290. The main sources of illegal income during the last 12 months were property crime (theft, burglary, robbery, handling stolen goods and fraud/deception) followed by drug dealing and undeclared earnings while claiming social security benefits. Heroin and crack/cocaine users had an average annual illegal income of around £15,000 - compared to an average annual illegal income of £9,000 for all interviewed arrestees. Bennett concludes that these findings suggest drug use and in particular the use of heroin and crack/cocaine is associated with higher levels of both prevalence and incidence of offending.


When you bear in mind the tests were voluntary and the misery of the victims I don't believe there can be any justification for recreational pharmaceuticals. However I hope no younsters at the "experimental and rebellious" stage get harmed by this.

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