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Pushers, Dealers, Users, it doesn't really make any difference.

Just for an example say a teenager you know is out on the town and has a few beers then goes on to a party somewhere, (as they do).

Then they have a few more beers and fall asleep and unknown to them some scrote has come with a bagful of gear, sees the person asleep and decides to inject them full of morphine.

The person doesn't wake up and unknown to them there are lots of people out looking for them the next day, but the owner of the place were the party was held doesn't let anyone know that there is a person in there flat nearly dead until the third day.

Eventually the person rings an ambulance and the teenager ends up in intensive care with total renal failure and in a coma.

People can go on and on about drugs, heroin is worse then ecstasy, ecstasy is worse than pot, blah blah.

But in a situation like above, what chance have you got.

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Just for an example say a teenager you know is out on the town and has a few beers then goes on to a party somewhere, (as they do).

Then they have a few more beers and fall asleep and unknown to them some scrote has come with a bagful of gear, sees the person asleep and decides to inject them full of morphine.

The person doesn't wake up and unknown to them there are lots of people out looking for them the next day, but the owner of the place were the party was held doesn't let anyone know that there is a person in there flat nearly dead until the third day.

Eventually the person rings an ambulance and the teenager ends up in intensive care with total renal failure and in a coma.

People can go on and on about drugs, heroin is worse then ecstasy, ecstasy is worse than pot, blah blah.

But in a situation like above, what chance have you got.

the word eyebrows springs to mind, that would be someone with a mental problem.

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WilDDog - I agree with you absolutely when it comes to that kind of thing.


Something like that is nothing short of despicable but it's not the sort of thing that I imagine happens too often, or at least not somewhere like here.

I know people do get drinks spiked sometimes which is a chilling prospect, and disgusting that there are people that will do that kind of thing but I've never heard of anyone it's actually happened to over here, let alone the likes of being unwittingly injected by someone.


It's a scary thought alright but not I think one that people need to worry too much about over here, and I'm not exactly a stranger to the sort of parties where you wake up wondering where you are and who the person sleeping in the bath is etc.

Well, saying that, it's been a good while.... :D

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the word eyebrows springs to mind, that would be someone with a mental problem


I see you edited the post there m8.


No. for someone to do that to somebody else they wouldn't have to be mental, just full of drugs.

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Opposite ends of the spectrum how exactly?  I don't think they really are, but aside from that I don't see it as all that interesting being as we've already seen a wide variation of experiences, theories & ideas on this subject already.....


Firstly I would like to say what a balanced posting by Cret for this time of night!


Secondly I thought it was interesting because Mo said it was a complete myth and Cret says granted that's true. If it bores you then sorry but in keeping with most of this thread views seem to be polarised.


  I'd be interested to hear your comments about the situations I mentioned in response to your earlier post though.


I hope that doesn't sound like I'm being funny with you.  I'm not, just thought your comments were a little, odd.  :)


When I was learning to fly microlights at Camelford aerodrome a major problem in the afternoons was avoiding the kids grazing on magic mushrooms while landing. I was a crap pilot by the way ie it was just as well they were as high as kites!


Your comments have made me think about it and I guess the quick answer is that there is no money to be made in grazing mushrooms or growing your own. There is zillions resting on the opiates market and so I suppose that is why organised crime pushes drugs.

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When I was learning to fly microlights at Camelford aerodrome a major problem in the afternoons was avoiding the kids grazing on magic mushrooms while landing. I was a crap pilot by the way ie it was just as well they were as high as kites!


Certainly an interesting anecdote, but I doubt that's too common a problem to be honest! The feckers presumably shouldn't have been on an airfield in the first place.


Nice to see a sensible response though. Good stuff. :)


*edit* Thinking about it, wouldn't you have been 'higher than a kite' at the time?


Sorry. I'll get me coat...

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sorry, but that is a myth, no truth in it, the suppliers of crack or heroin are frowned upon by dealers of E or weed. they are regarded as scum, much the same as anyone against E or weed on this thread.


With that statement, you've completely destroyed any credibility you may or may not have had. Just because your small time dealers don't have the contacts, capital or nerve to deal in them, doesn't mean there aren't a hell of a lot of dealers operating an all you can eat buffet.


Please, stop trying to pass yourself off as an expert because you have a mate, who knows a guy, who met someone in the pub once who offered him grass.


what knowledge of the subject do you have to be so narrow-minded then, pray tell?


I wouldn't be so stupid as to confess to any seedy or dubious past I may or may not have had on a public forum accessed by many people I know, some I'm related to and some I work with. You'll just have to take my word that I know enough.


As opposed to you, who seems quite proud of your 'extensive' knowledge without actually realising how catastrophically wrong you are, and how you're demonstrating how little you actually know.


And on that note, I withdraw because I've more than exceeded my troll quota for the week.

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I see you edited the post there m8.
yeah, i was gonna say it was the sort of stuff ya see on the bill, as i've never heard of it happening anywhere, not that it hasn't, however unlikely that'd seem. removed due to not offend anyone on this earth it may have happened to.


if pushers were the ruthless people they're made out to be, then why would they kill off their customers?

he'd likely to be a drug user too, if he existed, being at a party that someone like that was invited to, so he would probably be high on morphine anyway, so whats actually happened inthat scenario you've painted is more likely to be a story the family have put to it to save face, both theirs and their poor son who had o'd'ed at a smack-den.

not a rave,

like E-users would fratinate,

watch Human Traffic and Trainspotting to see the diference.


goodnight guys, its been....... well, its just been.


edited to say goodnight to ans, the all knowledgable.

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As opposed to you, who seems quite proud of your 'extensive' knowledge without actually realising how catastrophically wrong you are, and how you're demonstrating how little you actually know.


And on that note, I withdraw because I've more than exceeded my troll quota for the week.


Not exactly the kind of comment that will lead to a healthy deabate....


Just an observation of course.....

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he'd likely to be a drug user too, if he existed, being at a party that someone like that was invited to, so he would probably be high on morphine anyway,


Another good surmise there


No this person had to much to drink they were in no way involved in the drug scene.

Haven't you ever been to a party that people turn up/gatecrash?

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A benefit of living on the Isle of Man?


There are places away from this Island where people certainaly DO rob, maim and murdur for drugs and/or the finances to support their chosen recreation.


Except it isn't a benefit.. as it does happen here..


Only in the last couple of years a neighbour of mine was nearly stabbed to death in his own house with his 4 year old son watching to do with cash owed from drugs.


It wasn't widely published at the time but I doubt many people would class that as being exactly good.

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Haven't read the 'whole' thread but my views on drugs are thus...


some drugs are beneficial, some drugs ease pain, others allow release... Who can attempt to play god on this one? who's to say what is right or what is wrong, personal choice for everyone I say.... as long as that persons sociable obligations are met, who can judge...?


*after thought... by 'sociable l obligations' I kinda mean the ability to live, intergrate and get on with your fellow man*

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Who can attempt to play god on this one? who's to say what is right or what is wrong, personal choice for everyone I say.... as long as that persons sociable obligations are met, who can judge...?


Good question. Why should laws be made on our behalf? Why aren't we all allowed to just live our lives as we wish?


We are an intelligent society. All laws are broken at one time or another when it suits and it does no harm, so why not simply do away with them all rather than criminalising individuals just for breaking the particular ones that they disagree with?

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Who can attempt to play god on this one? who's to say what is right or what is wrong, personal choice for everyone I say.... as long as that persons sociable obligations are met, who can judge...?


Good question. Why should laws be made on our behalf? Why aren't we all allowed to just live our lives as we wish?


We are an intelligent society. All laws are broken at one time or another when it suits and it does no harm, so why not simply do away with them all rather than criminalising individuals just for breaking the particular ones that they disagree with?


I'm with you there Ripsaw... some of the mental Laws people have to abide by make me laugh and remind me there is more to the Matrix than meets the eye!


Mo, that little myth about dealers pushing harder drugs to regular class b customers is probably true in the Uk, to a degree, but I kinda agree with you on this one, it aint like that here... Im not profeesing knowledge of dealers in the IOM, for the record, I am merely stating that those 'friends' I have known that have delved into the sad world that is Heroine, did not do so due to the weed/E dealer offering it to them but mainly due to the close circle of friends participating.... and I can say now folks, its all kinda of people that have been drawn in...

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