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*****drugs Warning*****


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All the accountants I know are too anally retentive to even contemplate anything more daring or cosmically beneficial than a bottle of Vodka/Gin/Brandy blah blah blah....


See. There's the problem. By using the adjective 'daring' and accusing those that don't take drugs as being 'anally retentive', you're trying to portray drugs as being something to aspire to, something glamourous, something cool.


What's so 'daring' about taking a substance that can land you in prison, ruin your life and career or even possibly kill you? What's actually cool about that?


Sounds pretty 'stupid' really.

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accusing those that don't take drugs as being 'anally retentive'


That's odd, I thought the bees in fact quoted that all accountants are anally retentive. Deliberately twisting that into saying that 'all people who don't take drugs are anally retentive' is quite dismal at best.


And I've have to at least agree with the bees on that point anyway - all the accountants I've met do seem to be, and only able to have fun with their accounting pals. Apologies to any who are actually 'normal'. :P

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That's odd, I thought the bees in fact quoted that all accountants are anally retentive.  Deliberately twisting that into saying that 'all people who don't take drugs are anally retentive' is quite dismal at best.


That's odd. I can't see anywhere where I used the word 'all'. Deliberately trying to twist what I said into 'all people' is dismal at best.


I think you're confusing 'those' with 'all'. Considering I even quoted what I was referencing 'those' as, I find it difficult to see how you've misinterpreted it. Perhaps you need to re-read what I wrote, I don't believe there are any big words you need to look up so you should be ok.


Of course, you could just be a bit dim...

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That's odd, I thought the bees in fact quoted that all accountants are anally retentive.  Deliberately twisting that into saying that 'all people who don't take drugs are anally retentive' is quite dismal at best.


That's odd. I can't see anywhere where I used the word 'all'. Deliberately trying to twist what I said into 'all people' is dismal at best.


I think you're confusing 'those' with 'all'. Considering I even quoted what I was referencing 'those' as, I find it difficult to see how you've misinterpreted it. Perhaps you need to re-read what I wrote, I don't believe there are any big words you need to look up so you should be ok.


Of course, you could just be a bit dim...


Or not. It could just be (and is) that you still badly twisted what he said. I on the other have made a minor grammatical error (from your perception at least) which you're using (badly) to try and redirect the attention from your deliberate trolling.


Besides which the word 'those' when used in the context of your comments is generally taken to mean all, as when that is not the case one would expect to write 'some of those', or 'most of those', not simply 'those'.


So, a) I haven't done something deliberate to misrepresent what someone wrote unlike yourself, b ) I'm not twisting anything, c) I'm most certainly not dim as anyone that knows me will be happy to confirm.


Oh, and d) I'm better than to have to try and seek refuge in semantics.

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Oh, and d) I'm better than to have to try and seek refuge in semantics.


Apparently not, seeing as your original complaint was just that. You're also using semantics to defend yourself now. Huzzah, you rule.


You can misinterpret what you like, just don't forget that you're the one who's accused me of twisting a phrase into something I didn't actually say.


Oh, and you're the first person who has pointed out that I have been trolling for 17 pages now, apart from the one person who messaged me with a knowing grin after my first post.

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Oh, and you're the first person who has pointed out that I have been trolling for 17 pages now, apart from the one person who messaged me with a knowing grin after my first post.


Well, to be honest I can't really be arsed bickering with you really so I thought I'd just point it out as a sort of 'I'm going to stop now' type thingy. :)

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Heh, I know everyone, let's all post stuff, then if it looks like we're losing the argument, just say "Oh, I was only trolling anyway."


I'm not losing any argument son. On the contrary, I've beaten/bored everyone else into submission on the whole drugs thing. A troll can claim a moral victory if people give up replying. If you actually knew me, you'd possibly be able to see how much of a troll my whole stance on drugs has been, although it's not really too difficult to assume that my Mother Tereasa like opinion might not be too accurate.


I was merely agreeing with Cret in his observation that I was deliberately trolling (Although not over the last page or so, granted. I didn't twist anyones words, that's the truth) and you're just feeling a bit daft that you were taken in. Mo Beats in particular got very het up :)

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I've beaten/bored everyone else into submission on the whole drugs thing.


Right that's it!


The fact is that as the law stands people break it every day. Perfectly normal people with normal jobs and normal lives. Millions of them.

If the police were actually successful in arresting everyone who takes drugs there wouldn't be enough room in the prisons for a quarter of them.

Keeping drugs illegal is pointless. The "war on drugs" was lost years ago, and the sooner naive, stupid people realise that the better.


Cocaine for example. Per gram it is 3 times the price of gold. Why? Because it is illegal. How are you ever going to stop a trade so lucrative?

So give me one good reason why it shouldn't be legalised and taxed.


And if drugs were legal, who do you think would be the most p1ssed off? Drug dealers. Hard drug dealers especially. They don't want drugs legalised, no way jose. How would they earn a living? How would they keep people dependent on them?


A THIRD of people have used illegal drugs. That's one hell of a lot of people to criminalise.

A quarter of children under 14 have tried illegal drugs, and almost half of children up to age 15.

Drugs are part of life, burying our heads in the sand is not working. Not for our children being offered E in the playground, not for our Grannies being mugged or burgled by addicts desperate for a fix, not for us paying millions in trying and failing to control the situation.


Have you actually read up on the issue? Researched it and come to an informed decision as to your stance on the subject? Or are you just reeling off what you've been told? "Drugs are bad mmkay." I only ask because I cannot understand how anyone who has even slightly looked into it can be pro current drug laws. It's so obviously not working.


If drugs were legalised it would: create a hell of a lot of tax, save a lot of money on policing/jailing offenders, open the door to people receiving help and treatment, stop people dying from impure/too pure drug consumption and HIV infected needles, stop drug related violence and crime.


Some interesting reading on this page: http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/library/basicfax.htm#q1


(Including the fact that 60% of people in US prisons are in for drugs offences and there are 1.5 million people in prison in total. If all drug users were caught and imprisoned it would be an extra 40 million inside. Which would mean that approx 99% of prisoners would be inside for drugs!*)


This: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v99.n975.a05.html


And this: http://abcnews.go.com/onair/2020/stossel_drugs_020730.html


*Not sure how recent this page is, but the point still stands.

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Have you actually read up on the issue? Researched it and come to an informed decision as to your stance on the subject? Or are you just reeling off what you've been told? "Drugs are bad mmkay." I only ask because I cannot understand how anyone who has even slightly looked into it can be pro current drug laws. It's so obviously not working.


Umm, which part of "how much of a troll my whole stance on drugs has been" are you not getting? :rolleyes:

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