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*****drugs Warning*****


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I've beaten/bored everyone else into submission on the whole drugs thing. A troll can claim a moral victory if people give up replying.

A moral victory? I frequently don't bother replying if I feel a post that is challenging me is so stupid that it doesn't warrant it.


If a troll thinks that's a victory then they are sadder than I can imagine.....

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A moral victory? I frequently don't bother replying if I feel a post that is challenging me is so stupid that it doesn't warrant it.


Now that's not true, otherwise you'd never reply to Declan.

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Keeping drugs illegal is pointless. The "war on drugs" was lost years ago, and the sooner naive, stupid people realise that the better.
Ahem? Naive? In some matters almost certainly. But I'm not naive in holding the belief that legalising drugs will not be beneficial to society.


There are two drug worlds, there are the soft(ish) drug takers who do weed once a week or whatever and there are the drug takers who become destroyed because of their addiction. You probably live in the soft drug world where taking drugs is not that big an issue, and you are quite correct that if the police had to arrest everyone who took drugs then there would be no room in the jails....but with the declassification of cannabis then that number i believe would decrease by a vast amount. I am not going to get into the issue of gateway drugs because simply there is no conclusive proof either way, and imo whether taking a soft drug leads onto harder drugs is down to the taker not the drug. If you do have experience of the harder world then you will realise what a disgusting and terrible place it is.


You are also naive in the belief that legalising all drugs is ever...ever going to happen. If it were then i am tempted to agree with you that it might actually help take the drug dealers off the market....but how many retailers are going to provide cocaine, heroin etc over the counter, i can see it now "Erm can i have 20 L&B's oh and half an ounce of cocaine please!" When good businesses refuse to sell the newly legalised drugs because of their reputation and the fact that they don't want heroin addicts as customers then will we see the opening up of drugs chain stores, Not pharmaceutical ones but mind altering ones? The government can never endorse drug taking, even now we see them putting heavy restrictions on the legal drugs that are available, How can they justify making heroin legal "because people are taking it anyway." Lets legalise robbery "Because it happens anyway!"


Perfectly normal people with normal jobs and normal lives. Millions of them.


Your point? People are breaking laws so lets get rid of them? I don't give two shits if Mr and Mrs Jones next door, the pillars of the community, are doing speed it is still illegal!


I find it interesting that the sources you have used cite legalising drugs as a way of "Striking a blow against the ever-growing nanny state" It's almost like something you'd read in the Daily Mail, except it is on the oppostie side to their stance on drugs. In what way would it prevent the lesser criminals from needing to steal or mug for their next hit? Surely they still need to get the money some how, or are the government handing out drugs for free? Are we going to see people using up their benefits provided by the government to spend on drugs provided by the government....are we going to see lots of undernourished children because their mum who used heroin when it became legal and continued to use it and became addicted are using their child benefit to find their next hit.


And you use the figures that 52% of under 15's have tried drugs...how would legalising drugs help this? Are we not putting a minimum age on it then? If we did put an age limit on it then surely it would mean even more kids would try it, how many kids under the age of 15 have drunk alcohol, i'd estimate well above 52%! And if there was no legal age limit...well yep kids aren't going to be stopped from taking it. "Hi. erm can i have a sherbet dip...oh and a tab of LSD please" Again more kids would take it. Stupid statistic to bring in.


You are right on one thing, the war on drugs is unwinnable, but legalising drugs doesn't mean that it will be over it just means there is a new war on trying to stop people from becoming addicted to a government supported product, and look at the mess they have made with tobacco for an example at how inneffective that would be.


Oh and there is no need for personal insults, i think it is quite clear i am not stupid it would be nice to have a debate where it did not turn into a slanging match.

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I'm kinda seeing this whole pro/anti drugs debate along the same lines as the

mac/pc debate.


There's loads of venom from either side, "my xxxx is better thean your xxxx" etc.


At the end of the day I think we should all get on with the fact (FACT????) that we're all different, we all of different points of view.


Personally I beleive the human race has been taking intoxicants for millenia, if you have a can of red bull driving to work in the morning too keep you awake while you drive, i don't really see that as much different than someone smoking a ciggarette, taking a pill or two, some speed, or a few beers at the weekend - I beleive it's totally natural for us to want to explore different states of reality.

(The only difference being the legality here)


Some people get off on religion, sport and - whatever - fair enough, why can't we all accept that as humans, we're all going to experiment??


I personally woudn't be able to race in the TT - would scare the hell out of me, but I appreciate what these guys do, and I totally the love the atmosphere of TT week - I would never want to miss it, same thing with drugs (legal & illegal) - I've tried a few things, I've also had great times when I'm straight & others have been drunk/stoned/etc.


Recreational drugs are something that we have evolved with, they are never going to go away and people are always going to be creating new ones - that's just evolution.


Harder class A's such as heroin - I'm not so sure about, I've had no experience with it and no desire to, it does seem to work for some people though.


I would rather see people have help for heroin addiction (a few £ on the national health rather than them having to rob for their fix) - it's possible to get nicotine patches from your GP, if you're addicted to nicotine!!!!!


When Timothy Leary was interviewd and asked for his opinion on Nancy Reagans "Just Say no to Drugs policy", he replied:-


"Well I thnk that's all well and good, but kids should at least be taught manners, if they're going to say no, they should be taught to say no thankyou".




97% of heroin users start on milk

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