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*****drugs Warning*****


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  Personally I am pro-alcohol, will tolerate tobacco but very anti everything else. The reasoning is well demonstrated by these results from the arrests of scum from 8 metropolitan forces:



The largest relevant research study is the NEW-ADAM survey (Bennett, 1998; 2000; 2001), which drug-tests and interviews samples of arrestees. The latest sweep of the survey found that 65% of all arrestees tested (1,435) were positive for some form of illicit drug, with 24% testing positive for opiates and 15% for cocaine. The average weekly expenditure on drugs, for heroin and crack/cocaine users, was £290. The main sources of illegal income during the last 12 months were property crime (theft, burglary, robbery, handling stolen goods and fraud/deception) followed by drug dealing and undeclared earnings while claiming social security benefits. Heroin and crack/cocaine users had an average annual illegal income of around £15,000 - compared to an average annual illegal income of £9,000 for all interviewed arrestees. Bennett concludes that these findings suggest drug use and in particular the use of heroin and crack/cocaine is associated with higher levels of both prevalence and incidence of offending.



When you bear in mind the tests were voluntary and the misery of the victims I don't believe there can be any justification for recreational pharmaceuticals. 


talking a completely diferent kettle of fish there though, most E takers are just normal people leading normal lives, with normal jobs, that do nothing else illegal.

crackheads and smackheads are not in the same league, they'd rob or kill their own for the next "fix". it surprises me in this day and age some people don't see the diference. look at the guy/girl standing/sitting right next to you at work, more than likely they go out at the weekend, take E, and don't rob or maim anyone in the process of doing so.

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more than likely they go out at the weekend, take E, and don't rob or maim anyone in the process of doing so.

A benefit of living on the Isle of Man?


There are places away from this Island where people certainaly DO rob, maim and murdur for drugs and/or the finances to support their chosen recreation.


Whatever your opinion in the pro/anti drugs arguements, the level of comfort here on the Island creates difficulty when making comparisions to drug useage and their effects here with elsewhere.

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Recreational drugs are a sticky topic really. Personally, I don't choose to use any but I recognise the differences between them.


Alcohol is a recreational drug and one that is legal to use and yet it is directly responsible for a vast amount of violent crime, conversely you will seldom come across any violent crime associated with the use of cannabis. Historically, cannabis was only ever criminalised as a result of International Opium objectives primarily dealing with opiates but within which Egypt wanted cannabis included, despite there being no case studies supporting that it's use was detrimental.


Personally, I have always found it strange that we can abuse our bodies with alcohol and yet are prohibited from using other, less harmful substances, despite various studies showing the physical and social harm alcohol can and does do.


As I said, my personal choice is that I don't require excessive use of stimulants to enjoy myself. I'll have the odd drink but can take it or leave it really. Similarly, I expect other people to exercise their own choices and for that reason I would say that there was a fairly good arguement for conducting a thorough study into all recreational drugs, including alcohol, and then have those considered suitable for recreational use produced, sold and taxed in a controlled manner. This eliminates crime that results from black market trading and also deals with quality and saftey issues that would effectively put an end to events such as the original issue of this thread. I'm sure the tax collected could be put to good use in the health service or similar as well.


/me stands down from soap box.

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Knowing the Isle of Man Government, they'd legalise the use of canabis the day AFTER they banned smoking in all public places.


we can abuse our bodies with alcohol and yet are prohibited from using other, less harmful substances

My body is a temple and I want it to retain it's current state of perfection until I am well into my 40s when I antisipate Mother Nature taking her toll.


I'll still look good though, so don't worry folks.

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Border TV has just put out a warning to DRUG USERS on the IOM, they have warned that a supply of E on the island is contaminated and should be avoided. The E has a star stamped on it.


This was on Manx Radio yesterday too. They said something along the lines of - some people had been ill over the weekend (on the Island) due to a bad batch of ecstasy and they warned people to watch out for them (batch with star on)

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found on website url is web site thingy

have copied main bit below tho for easier reading.


Am not against certain drugs e.g canabis use it or leave it...




So does Ecstasy have the potential to kill?


Ask the scientists and they will tell you that the LD50 (lethal dose that killed 50% of a group of rats/mice) of MDMA is 97mg/kg, ie. a person weighing 170kg would have to take around 150 Ecstasy pills or more before death occurred. However this is taken from the animal world and if you read the small print, you will see that the doses were administered IP, that is, injected into the membrane that holds the major organs together. Ouch!


In the human world, there is anecdotal evidence that large amounts of Ecstasy can be consumed orally with no apparent long term effects. There are several instances of people consuming hundreds of pills and living to tell the tale.


So why is Ecstasy thought of as being such a big killer in the UK?


There are three possible reasons, which relate to poor provision of resources for drug takers in clubs.

First of all, many clubs still do not have proper ventilation, running cold water and 'chill out' areas to prevent heatstroke, a major cause of death for Ecstasy users in the UK.


Secondly, the 'Barry Legg Act' effectively means that a club that allows Ecstasy testing can have its license taken away - the police can use Ecstasy testing as 'proof' of drug taking and have a venue shut down for good. This means a greater chance of consuming non-MDMA substances like DOB, DXM and PMA which really can be lethal.



Thirdly, the UK Government do not follow Dutch practice and publicise the discovery of lethal 'ecstasy' pills - the National Poisons Unit will test pills and pass data onto people like the police, but Joe Public is kept in the dark. Luckily, it's legal to own an Ecstasy Testing Kit in the UK.



Used correctly, MDMA doesn't necessarily have to be a killer at all - certainly in comparison with tobacco and alcohol, which kill many hundreds of thousands every year. More research into safety is needed. But as for taking hundreds of pills in one go - don't try this at home, folks.

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The trouble with black market trading is that you are not sure that it is MDMA that you are getting (MDMA has a chemical composition that is

related to both amphetamine and mescaline) frequently, what is sold as 'E' is actually a mixture of amphetamine (speed) and LSD, with the emphasis on the speed element. There are a great many health risks associated with the use of speed - to be expected as a result of sustained increased heart rate particularly in individuals with underlying health issues, anxiety, etc. etc.


The trouble is you just don't know what you're getting - it's effectively a game of russian roulette.

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