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*****drugs Warning*****


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Leah Betts died of an overdose of water. She drank far too much water through fear and ignorance of countering the effects of MDMA.

Perhaps if parts of society hadn't had such a hysterical attitude towards this topic and faced the fact that our children will be exposed to this sort of thing some time in their lives and educate them about it, Leah might be alive today.

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Yes it does - sorry. I was distracted by the fact I had to move the damned thing back in here where it belonged!



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So, Minnie would you make nicotine and alcohol illegal too and similarly brand any people who continued to use it and go against the law in a likewise manner?


Normal? Yep, drinkers, smokers, E takers etc etc etc are all forms of normal. Goodness, if we laid out some perfect criteria in order to be able to be labelled 'normal' I don't think anyone would make the grade.

What exactly do you mean by me branding people? Who said I would make nicotine and alcohol illegal?

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Read it again dear when you've calmed yourself down a little :-)


I didn't say you would make it illegal - though you did, in your earlier post, refer to being able to do nothing about those problems (alcohol & nicotine) until they were made illegal.

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Read it again dear when you've calmed yourself down a little  :-)


I didn't say you would make it illegal - though you did, in your earlier post, refer to being able to do nothing about those problems (alcohol & nicotine) until they were made illegal.

I'm perfectly calm thanks, but I'm failing to see your gripe and argument with me here.

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Im a heavy smoker and have found that when Im in a location where smoking is banned, Planes, Irish pubs, public places in the USA, I have no problem with not smoking, yet find it hard to give up completely. I would welcome a total ban in public palces for a start.

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Thank you. I had a side bet with someone that at least one person would mention her name before the thread was out.

But it is such a poor example to use to dissuade people from taking ecstacy as even the doctors involved point out it was the over-consumption of water that killed her, not the drug. Linking to a picture of her corpse and underpinning it with "drugs kill" undermines the anti-drugs cause, not enforce it, in my opinion.
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But it is such a poor example to use to dissuade people from taking ecstacy as even the doctors involved point out it was the over-consumption of water that killed her, not the drug. Linking to a picture of her corpse and underpinning it with "drugs kill" undermines the anti-drugs cause, not enforce it, in my opinion.

But if she hadn't broken the law and taken an illegal drug in the first place.......???

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But if she hadn't broken the law and taken an illegal drug in the first place.......???

Not disagreeing with that at all, but to pretend that when such things are in circulation amongst young people they are not going to feel peer pressure or the temptation to try it, irrespective of the law is a very dangerous thing, and could cost lives.

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But it is such a poor example to use to dissuade people from taking ecstacy as even the doctors involved point out it was the over-consumption of water that killed her, not the drug. Linking to a picture of her corpse and underpinning it with "drugs kill" undermines the anti-drugs cause, not enforce it, in my opinion.


Absolutely. Too many people bandy the name around as an indelible indication that E is dangerous, without realising they're defeating their own argument.


You'll never erradicate drugs or abuse through legislation, you need to turn to education and just letting people know that they have a choice. Note, that's not the same as giving them a choice, they already have that.

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But it is such a poor example to use to dissuade people from taking ecstacy as even the doctors involved point out it was the over-consumption of water that killed her, not the drug. Linking to a picture of her corpse and underpinning it with "drugs kill" undermines the anti-drugs cause, not enforce it, in my opinion.
It is true that her death was reported as being from swelling of the brain due to over consumption of water and I can relate to Minnie's point about "If she hadn't taken the drug in the first place"...


Better education is important. Making teenagers sit down and absorb all the information is the difficult part. Apparently the average teenager has an attention span of about 8 to 12 minutes, and that is if they are interested in the information.


Their "mates" can tell them all they think they need to know (right or wrong) in 5 seconds flat. How do the *educators* compete with that?


Most drugs whether they be cannabis, E, Cigarettes, alcohol, herion or whatever, are not tried for the first time after the user has been made fully aware of the facts. They are taken on the spur of the moment or after persistant coersing (sp?) by non medically qualified aquantences.


Once they have tried it, they are then of the opinion as nobody knows better than them as "it never did me any harm".


Certain chemicals can seriously affect or even be fatal to certain people and at any time in their life. Other could do nothing for 10 years then all of a sudden have an effect.


Education (from birth) should include the theory of thinking for yourself and accepting responsibility for yourself rather than always accepting that the adjective "Cool" means safe and desirable.

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