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*****drugs Warning*****


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Im a heavy smoker and have found that when Im in a location where smoking is banned, Planes, Irish pubs, public places in the USA, I have no problem with not smoking, yet find it hard to give up completely. I would welcome a total ban in public palces for a start.


Ditto except that I only really feel like smoking when I have a drink and not the rest of the time, but I'd have no problem if this happened as it'd quite possibly prompt me to no longer be arsed smoking at all.


This drugs bickering will never be resolved either way but one thing I've noticed from a great number of comments on here is that (putting aside the legal issue, and the "some tw@t robbed my house to get a hit" issue etc) the anti-drugs people seem to keep bleating about all these people who need to get ripped to the tits every weekend on chemicals in order to enjoys themselves.


I'd wholeheartedly agree that this makes the people in question a bit sad if they have to do this to enjoy themselves and that if that's the case they have a problem just like most addictions, but most of the people I know/have met that do consume these things don't need them at all as such. They simply choose to now & again for something a bit different. I'm not saying that's right or wrong but I would hardly say that occasionally fancying a bit of a change makes someone a sad loser or whatever they're being branded as. That merely smacks of ignorance & naivity.


Also, having been in hospital twice on account of unprovoked violence from shatfaced, drunken yobbos, I would far rather encounter people who have got a bit high and will give you a smile & say hi than worry about getting a bottle across the back of the head for no reason or a smack out of the blue again for perhaps inadvertantly 'looking at someone'.

I'm not into really drugs (having tried a few at the typical experimental stages of life) and prefer to drink myself if I go for a night out, but the negative hype about recreational drugs is generally poorly reasoned, overexaggerated, scare tactics, and often the sort of playground mentality of "it just is, BECAUSE".


Oh, and peanuts kill people too but they're still on sale quite readily. ;)

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Most people get there “highs” in life from something like sport, DJing, playing in a band or some form of hobby, The feeling a musician gets when the audience are really enjoying what they are playing, the feeling a driver gets when he has won a race, all natural highs, drugs I believe give you those feelings, but, you don’t have to do any preparation, spend any money, really no effort on your part at all, it’s a sign of times people tend to want to be entertained without having to do anything themselves. How many times have you heard “there is nothing to do” in reality there is plenty to do but you have to get of your backside and do it yourself.

I don’t think any drug can compete with the satisfaction and high you get from something you have done yourself. But if someone supplies an easy way then lots of people will take it .

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It's a well known FACT [sic]that anyone who finds it necessary to insert 'FACT' in capital letters is usually talking out of their arse.




E-takers are not smack-heads, FACT.





no i don't see, are you trying to say they are?


just got back in from work, read all these posts from what look like bitter, angry people. i don't understand where this death to all druggies attitude comes from, we are not talking druggies, we are talking about people who use E, people who wash, people who make money, people who are as much a relevant part of society as any of you.

i read those posts and to be honest, you don't come across as nice people, you are ignorant, nasty and just plain rude, not singling anyone out, but look at yourselves and your attitudes.


  QUOTE(Alex @ Jul 29 2004, 10:44 AM)

lol, that's kind of a simplistic view on it.

I see no "druggies" here accusing people of being boring, stick in the muds, in fact the only person resorting to insults appears to be you.







Perhaps you need to re-read Mo Beats' comments.

and where did i insult people, or call them boring or whatever. i said
by trying to alienate these people it is you that are sad, and you that would contaminate the gene-pool.


this is because of someones ignorance, that they would not associate themselves with a part of society because of a stigma, when in reality it is all around them and that the person next to them was likely to be an E-taker without them knowing, and how would they know, these are "normal/everyday" people. it was not a direct insult, thanks.

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no i don't see, are you trying to say they are?


I think you missed the point. Too many E's clouded your brain perhaps.


just got back in from work, read all these posts from what look like bitter, angry people.
Bitter and angry and the fact that we're bringing children into a drug ridden world infested with people who think it's ok to take a chemical to make them feel nice.


and where did i insult people, or call them boring or whatever. i said


You also said other things, try looking harder.

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Stop talking sh7te. I know plenty of people who *indulge*. They are witty, articulate, successful, original people. Your generalisation does your so-called intellect no favours...


Then why do they need to take drugs? If they were so witty, articulate, sucessful and original, they wouldn't need a stimulant to make them feel better.

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QUOTE(the mo beats experience @ Jul 29 2004, 01:47 PM)

no i don't see, are you trying to say they are?



I think you missed the point.

why, was there a hidden meaning?


QUOTE(The Godfather of Manx House @ Jul 29 2004, 01:52 PM)

Stop talking sh7te. I know plenty of people who *indulge*. They are witty, articulate, successful, original people. Your generalisation does your so-called intellect no favours...




Then why do they need to take drugs? If they were so witty, articulate, sucessful and original, they wouldn't need a stimulant to make them feel better.


why not, why do peolpe drink, smoke or do anything, do you not take any sort of stimulant?

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Bitter and angry and the fact that we're bringing children into a drug ridden world infested with people who think it's ok to take a chemical to make them feel nice.


no change there then from when you were brought up, that attitude got nowhere back then either did it, ignorance is bliss, eh?

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As I’ve already said, I think most people like that don’t actually ‘need’ to take them, they just choose to sometimes in the same manner as someone might choose to enjoy a few drinks sometimes. Whether legal or otherwise – if you categorically state that someone who takes a chemical for fun on occasion is a sad loser, then the same must apply to anyone who decides to have a few drinks here and there also. Not everyone who has some drugs intends to turn themselves into a frantic, gurning spectacle on a dance floor.


If people can’t distinguish between a person like this and someone who has an addiction and really does ‘need’ to get high on a regular basis then they’re more than likely dragging their knuckles on the ground when they walk (semi upright). It would be the same as saying that anyone who drinks alcohol at all is a rotten livered alcoholic, and that would simply be absurd and nonsensical.


I’m not bothered if these things are legal or not as it doesn’t affect me but there’s some really dozy comments being made on here.

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There seems to be a lot of uneducated guesses at whats right and wrong going on here. And that this is a terrible problem that is going to destroy our communities.


Recreational drug use (illegal and Legal) has been in human society for thousands of years.





Some of the greatest writers, poets, artists, philosophers and ppoliticians of world history have been avid drug users, particularly in the use of opium or as is now refined down to smack/brown/heroin.


You would also be amazed at the heroin community in London including doctors, teachers, company directors. Just because you use heroin doesn't mean you are stuck in your flat trying to work out how to get your next £10 bag! Lots of people have manageble usage. It is through bad education that we imagine as soon as you have had your first hit you are doomed. In fact Nicotine is as if not more addictive than Heroin. http://www1.umn.edu/perio/tobacco/nicaddct.html


It is human nature to use mind altering substances (and that includes alcohol) to relax, unwind. It has been going on for thousands of years. Armies were regularly supplied with tobacco to 'keep spirits up'. Workers in ancient civilisations wound down by drinking beer/meed/wine.


If someone is articulate, witty, humourous and a general good bean, perhaps like yourself ans, why would they ever need to have a beer/glass of wine? Surely because they enjoy the experience. It relaxes them, gives them a feel good factor - but they don't need it. The same for ectasy, it's not necessary but it is an enhancement to their evening and an experience that can be shared amonst friends.


Ectasy dangerous? May I take you back a couple of years to an incident at the Cul-de-Sac in Douglas involving drink...


Please before you have all your white is white and black is black arguments, try and understand the bigger picture. It has and always will be a problem to certain sectors of the community. But please do not class drug users with such sweeping statements.

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we are not talking druggies, we are talking about people who use E,
In my view, the same thing.


Recreational drug use (illegal and Legal) has been in human society for thousands of years.


So has murder, incest, bestiality, robbery, etc

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Bill Posters:


please note the words Illegal and Legal. I am pointing out 'recreational drug use' including drinking down t'pub.


With an avatar like that are you saying drinking Guinness is wrong like murder/rape? Actually after 8 pints the morning has been murder...

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So has murder, incest, bestiality, robbery, etc



wondered why gerorge best walked the way he did...... was not down to all the drink.


was of course the bestiality! damn you george damn you!!

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do you not take any sort of stimulant?


No. I get my kicks from doing physical activities, creative art and spending time with my kids.


no change there then from when you were brought up, that attitude got nowhere back then either did it, ignorance is bliss, eh?
With no due respect, you don't know anything about how I was brought up, nor my own personal experiences, and you certainly have no idea of any attitudes I've held over the years.


If all these wonderful people who took drugs were actually wonderful people, they wouldn't need to artificially raise their own levels of self worth and improve their personality by taking them.


Ectasy dangerous? May I take you back a couple of years to an incident at the Cul-de-Sac in Douglas involving drink...


You do anything to excess and it will harm you. I don't recall anyone ever dying from having one pint of lager, yet I can recall people dying from their first (and only) pill. If you're going to make comparisons, at least make them relative.

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I don't believe that any of us are so naive to believe that drug use is a problem confined to a certain sector of society. Neither do I believe that any of us are disputing the fact that nicotine and alcohol, when taken in excessive amounts, are any less harmful than certain illegal drugs. But, rightly or wrongly, smoking and drinking is not illegal. Lots of people are comparing drug use to alcohol comsumption or smoking.............one ecstasy tablet can cause death or serious harm, can one vodka and coke or one cigarette do the same? I think what most of us have a problem with is the fact that some people seem to almost condone the taking of certain illegal recreational drugs, and play down the harm they can cause.

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