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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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7 hours ago, BILLYWIZ said:

Trouble is, just about every country could say the same. Global problems require collective action, with every country doing their bit. Your argument is the same as an individual littering on the grounds that their little bit won't make any difference.

Agreed. The West cannot demand action from developing countries whilst continuing to do ‘business as usual’. The problem with such pragmatic but hypocritical politics is that the high-CARB countries (China, Australia, Russia, Brazil) will block remedial initiatives until rich western countries can demonstrate that they take this issue seriously and are willing to make significant sacrifices, even if at an individual country level the carbon emissions are small. And this is why achieving anything meaningful at COP26 will be Herculean task.

Edited by code99
typo - emissions
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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Don’t worry we’re paying £40k for some observers to make sure elections are run correctly!!


Given the cock-ups that were made last time, some outside eyes on the process should be very welcome.  Unfortunately what we'll probably get is various equivalents of Rodan saying everything is hunky-dory while the process goes on with no cross-checks, controls or integrity.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Given the cock-ups that were made last time, some outside eyes on the process should be very welcome.  Unfortunately what we'll probably get is various equivalents of Rodan saying everything is hunky-dory while the process goes on with no cross-checks, controls or integrity.

There will be some very nice lunches & dinners involved, meeting with governor & tour of island with free admittance everywhere 

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Once again Mr Ramsay has dispensed some more of his wisdom/ homespun philosophical outlook. What strikes me most about his latest despatch is that even many ex-MHKs could not tick all of his checklist boxes.  For example, he says that candidates should be able to argue coherently using evidence. At a recent PAG meeting a couple of anti-vax lunatics accosted the two ministers, and those ministers (DA and AA) had no idea how to respond appropriately, IMHO. Dr Allinson’s ‘spoon bending’ retort was not the best answer.   

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=63261&headline=Alistair Ramsay%3A Sorting the sheep from the goats&sectionIs

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1 hour ago, SleepyJoe said:

What evidence would anti-vaxxers find convincing - a spell in hospital?

That’s not really the point I am making, SJ. The purpose of the PAG meeting was for the two ministers, who were supposed to be “largely responsible for implementing the IOMG response to the pandemic” to explain to the public “how the plans to manage and control the illness were made and implemented”.

As things turned out, this important public meeting got hijacked by a tiny group of determined protesters, who were not there to offer reasoned arguments, but instead to interrupt the meeting with ridiculous nonsense that vaccines made people ‘’magnetic’’. My issue is that the two ministers were completely at sea and did not have a clue how to manage the situation and hereby gave the anti-vaxxers some undeserved publicity. Both ministers showed themselves to be completely ineffective leaders in a moment of pressure.

It appears that DA and AA are harbouring an ambition of becoming the next CM. If they couldn’t handle a couple of disruptive crackpots in an otherwise friendly situation, then how credible can they be as our future leaders? How could they possibly handle EU representatives who are considering putting the Island on the EU blacklist?

Alistair Ramsay made some excellent observations. Sadly, I just don’t believe that many candidates will meet his criteria.

Edited by code99
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I can imagine it is a struggle to convince anti-vaxxers of much TBH & I don't envy either of them in such a situation

Can't see Ashford as CM, not in my lifetime anyway

Allinson is self-declared 'very left wing' - would the GMP buy it?

Edited by SleepyJoe
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3 hours ago, code99 said:

As things turned out, this important public meeting got hijacked by a tiny group of determined protesters, who were not there to offer reasoned arguments, but instead to interrupt the meeting with ridiculous nonsense that vaccines made people ‘’magnetic’’. My issue is that the two ministers were completely at sea and did not have a clue how to manage the situation and hereby gave the anti-vaxxers some undeserved publicity. Both ministers showed themselves to be completely ineffective leaders in a moment of pressure.

To be fair that's not really the politicians' fault in this case.  It wasn't their meeting and they had no control over it.  There's always a danger that PAG meetings can be hi-jacked by a few determined blowhards like Heading and his ilk - even when the topic isn't one of their hobbyhorses. 

The thing about the anti-vaxxers and their sort is that they are only interested in attention, rather than understanding or persuasion or explanation or any other reason that most people involve themselves in discussions for.  They don't need to behave reasonably because they know they are right and any opposition or dissent or preventing them doing exactly what they want somehow proves this to themselves in their self-centred worldview.  This makes them very difficult to deal with in social settings because they feel no obligation to follow the rules.

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