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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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The belief in addressing ‘Inequality’ is an emotionally potent political narrative; but what would this really mean in practice?

What does inequality actually include? For example, does ‘Inequality’ include: levelling the medical treatment playing-field, so that somebody who can afford to get a hip replacement done privately could be forced to languish in pain on the hospital’s waiting list for years, the same as everyone else who is reliant on the NHS? Does it include giving further assistance to low-income families, who are struggling to feed their kids, by penalising senior civil servants who can afford to send their kids to King Bill’s? Should well-off pensioners who like to spend some of their retirement dosh on cruises, being asked to instead help young people who are suffering mental health issues?

When it comes to dealing with societies’ multiple inequalities, even the UK Labour Party is a bit coy on what their plans will actually mean in practice. I imagine if the UK Labour Party was to win the next UK general election, they will try to address inequality by shaking up the taxation system by introducing a wealth tax or increasing income taxes on the highest earners.

Over here, any talk about tax rises is a complete anathema to most people, and especially to businesses, many of whom are only resident here because of the very low taxes. The introduction of a CGT could raise a lot of money, but it would almost certainly put stop to entrepreneurs coming to the Island to ‘tax effectively’ sell their businesses. Then, it would not be just a few of HNWI’s who would threaten to leave over the rising Tax-cap rate.

Tackling real ‘inequality’ on this Island will take some serious doing, much more than just vague promises.  Other than changing taxes, what else can our politicians practically do?

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There's an old piece on addressing inequality here Eight Ways To Reduce Global Inequality - Inequality.org

The approach is being re-addressed with 'Green New Deal' programmes

Hope our incoming administration will formulate one suitable here for combating climate change, restoring nature & begin with addressing the 'parasitic inequalities' Quayle CoMin admitted exist but completely failed to direct efforts to remove - one might even be forgiven for concluding that at least some of them were in fact conducting an undeclared campaign of warfare against the Manx welfare state

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Alistair Ramsay identifies the very nub of our political problems in his most recent piece on @iomtoday:

"MHKs are unaccountable as a body of national politicians.

The government they form has no policy mandate, makes no clear commitments to the people, and is not held collectively responsible for its performance."


It is little wonder senior CS bods give CoMin the run around & the public have no confidence in the institutions of Tynwald & government


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5 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Notice of Poll has been published. See your candidates and who proposed and seconded them, plus info on polling stations:


In Rushen Martin Bushy's nominating Juan. 

Two former CM nominating in ABC - Brown for Creegan; Miles for Glover. 

Claire Barbour nominating Claire Christian

Mrs Quayle nominating PW




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Rob Callister seconding Perkins (Callister lives in Onchan Parish, but that's part of Garff not Onchan) and Perkins was also nominated by Rodan.  Though Andrew Smith got an ex-Governor (Sir Laurence New).

All four Rushen candidates actually live in Port St Mary.

Of the seven Douglas East candidates only Joughin and Walker live in the constituency.

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10 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Rob Callister seconding Perkins (Callister lives in Onchan Parish, but that's part of Garff not Onchan) and Perkins was also nominated by Rodan.  Though Andrew Smith got an ex-Governor (Sir Laurence New).

All four Rushen candidates actually live in Port St Mary.

Of the seven Douglas East candidates only Joughin and Walker live in the constituency.

Port St Mary is in Rushen!

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