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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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10 minutes ago, english zloty said:

The powerhouse is the executive. Backbenchers' can shout as much as they like, however reflect back and you'll see the best they can do is either directly 'shame' or indirectly 'influence' CoMin into thinking the idea is their own. That is the reality of things. 

Now look to the executive. Degrees, Masters even. Many from a place of privilege and privately educated.

Well if you're referring to CoMin, a majority of them (Quayle, Cannan, Boot, Skelly and Cregeen) don't even have degrees as far as I'm aware.  Though Quayle and Cannan both went to King Bills and there's something about Boot that just say "Minor public school".

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16 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:


Keiran here. My hobbies or how I earn pennies should not make you less likely to vote for me. If that was the case, I could try and become a millionaire who accepts back hands for fun to make you more comfortable? 

Judge me for my plans foreward or my big mouth ... Maybe? 

Yes. I do have thick skin. Yes I will be fighting for the little man. And yes, I am fighting for cannabis.... But so much more too. 


Judge for yourselves. 

Ps. Nice one Wrighty.

I would say first to have a good think on some of the things that you have listed here and what angles you can approach it from in trying to convince the electorate that voting for you is the right things to do.

For example, the cannabis issue. Why import it, why not grow it locally and then export it. Why not make it legal in approved places or your own home for example, allow the island to open up cafes, bring in tourists, generate a hell ton of revenue. Use that revenue to better support the health system, fund free education to anyone regardless of their age who is looking to improve their position in life, fund low income families, build more affordable housing, utilising parts of the Manx coast and using the money to build a hyrdoelectric power station to provide cleaner energy, funding towards solar power for residents etc etc *insert whatever else hear*. Cannabis legalisation is a multi multi million pound industry.

Getting people off benefit. You need to think about how you would do that, what incentives would you offer, expand upon what you mean by "fair pay for labour" and what that labour would be. The benefit system doesn't really pay out liveable money at the best of times, how do you incentivise those who are content on less to work for more?. What schemes could you introduce?. Training incentives? etc.

Minimum wage is a good one to add. At present it is £8.25 an hour. Not exactly great is it?. How would you go about raising it to say £10 an hour or even £11-12?.

You say that those with the most should carry a fairer share of the weight. In what respect?. The moment you start talking "higher taxes for the rich" is the second you face resistance from the elderly voters who make up a huge majority of those who actually bother to vote. How can you more evenly distribute the cost. One idea could be the lowering of tax for those under a certain bracket with the higher brackets staying as they are now but then....how do you fund it...could it link back to the cannabis agenda and the money to be made there?.

You are missing a trick on the education front. Under paid and over worked teachers have been a bone of contention during this last year, there is a small pool of voters to get on your side if you can work to better the lives of the teachers around the island.

Also, I would recommend spell checking your posts before you make them public. If you are unsure on how a word is spelt, then take the time to look it up. As much as you want to be the average bloke in this election, you do need to come across as if you know what you are talking about and at least have some understanding of spelling and grammar. I am not calling you an idiot there by the way. There could be a multitude of reasons as to why a person has issues with spelling and grammar. However, in an election such as this you are going to be critiqued at every corner. As weird as it sounds, spelling and grammar could be the difference in some peoples eyes between voting for you and voting for someone else.

Finally, I wish you good luck. I will be keeping an eye on your progress. I am In the young category that others say should be voting for you. Should your final policies catch my eye and you can show that you have a solid plan on how to achieve them then by all means you can have my vote.

Edited by Chie
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13 minutes ago, Chie said:

For example, the cannabis issue. Why import it, why not grow it locally and then export it. Why not make it legal in approved places or your own home for example, allow the island to open up cafes, bring in tourists, generate a hell ton of revenue.

To be elected the need for realism is crucial. This would never be sanctioned by the majority of people on the island or the UK. Sound as it may seem, it is not really an election issue yet.

Best to stick to the old chestnuts of "doing what is best for the people of the Isle of Man" approach, but finding a niche subject might be useful (support for new education review and systems seems to be in vogue ) soon. Commits you to nothing substantial. 

Any rivals would rip you apart on the "support cannabis growing for home consumption ticket". Thats why they don't even stand for that on a  party line basis in the UK. 

Yes, it could be a money maker. But not yet.

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45 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I know it's driven by fear but truly, what is it you're frightened of.  Really?

Suggest getting older and becoming less relevant? Scary for some.

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19 hours ago, Apple said:

Read the Facebook manfesto, thanks.

Can I just ask, with all due respect, to clarify exactly how you would improve our health services and safeguard its future as a public service for all.

  - and what do you think we will need to do to deal with female suicide. 

Not just female suicide. With us having 2 times the recorded drug related death and suicide rate of the uk, I'd first make sure that ACMD report annually as per their legal requirement in the misuse of drugs act. They have not released a report since 2014.

I'd then, ideally want to know if these people had access to actual mental Healthcare and if they had asked for help. There's very little to help people on island who are neuro diverse, besides medication. As, by in large ADHD tends to be flagged in hyperactive males, but females are often misdiagnosed and/or given the correct treatment. I'd like to see everyone on addictive or brain chemistry/hormone altering drugs is checked in with by a community health worker. And those meds are revised. 

As for our Healthcare. I would like to know who decides what is an "elective surgery", because it's certainly not the patient. It might not be life dependant, but quality of life yes. I personally have been trying to get diagnosed for 15 years and have just been in a revolving door of locums kicking the can. And I know I'm not alone.


I'd like to see, when you leave a doctor, an email sent as a receipt of sort, to confirm what you have discussed and what the next step is. So patients can feel as though there is some hope of being healed.


I would like to see a boost in certain surgeries, such as recorrective eye surgeries and hernias. LARGE quality of life improvements and massive success rates.


You speak to people of old and they were so proud of old Noble's. Very few people have much good to say.

I plan to meet with henrietta and Ashford about this. As my own personal case is a pretty convincing argument.

I'd also like to sit down with Ian and have a pow wow.

Id like to see patient focussed medicine. Instead of what it has become. 

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9 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

As for our Healthcare. I would like to know who decides what is an "elective surgery", because it's certainly not the patient. It might not be life dependant, but quality of life yes. I personally have been trying to get diagnosed for 15 years and have just been in a revolving door of locums kicking the can. And I know I'm not alone.

It’s Interesting that your experience is more or less the same as mine, the absolute fight to be heard, fobbed off with some pills and when then doesn’t work, try some more, definitely makes you feel like giving up at times.

I’d like someone to look at workplace pensions, it really is about time the IOM followed the UK on this front, with the state pension age ever increasing there needs to be something to bridge the gap. All that happens now is the healthy 60+ year olds carry on working, while the ones in poor health have to claim benefits.

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3 hours ago, Chie said:

I would say first to have a good think on some of the things that you have listed here and what angles you can approach it from in trying to convince the electorate that voting for you is the right things to do.

For example, the cannabis issue. Why import it, why not grow it locally and then export it. Why not make it legal in approved places or your own home for example, allow the island to open up cafes, bring in tourists, generate a hell ton of revenue. Use that revenue to better support the health system, fund free education to anyone regardless of their age who is looking to improve their position in life, fund low income families, build more affordable housing, utilising parts of the Manx coast and using the money to build a hyrdoelectric power station to provide cleaner energy, funding towards solar power for residents etc etc *insert whatever else hear*. Cannabis legalisation is a multi multi million pound industry.

Getting people off benefit. You need to think about how you would do that, what incentives would you offer, expand upon what you mean by "fair pay for labour" and what that labour would be. The benefit system doesn't really pay out liveable money at the best of times, how do you incentivise those who are content on less to work for more?. What schemes could you introduce?. Training incentives? etc.

Minimum wage is a good one to add. At present it is £8.25 an hour. Not exactly great is it?. How would you go about raising it to say £10 an hour or even £11-12?.

You say that those with the most should carry a fairer share of the weight. In what respect?. The moment you start talking "higher taxes for the rich" is the second you face resistance from the elderly voters who make up a huge majority of those who actually bother to vote. How can you more evenly distribute the cost. One idea could be the lowering of tax for those under a certain bracket with the higher brackets staying as they are now but then....how do you fund it...could it link back to the cannabis agenda and the money to be made there?.

You are missing a trick on the education front. Under paid and over worked teachers have been a bone of contention during this last year, there is a small pool of voters to get on your side if you can work to better the lives of the teachers around the island.

Also, I would recommend spell checking your posts before you make them public. If you are unsure on how a word is spelt, then take the time to look it up. As much as you want to be the average bloke in this election, you do need to come across as if you know what you are talking about and at least have some understanding of spelling and grammar. I am not calling you an idiot there by the way. There could be a multitude of reasons as to why a person has issues with spelling and grammar. However, in an election such as this you are going to be critiqued at every corner. As weird as it sounds, spelling and grammar could be the difference in some peoples eyes between voting for you and voting for someone else.

Finally, I wish you good luck. I will be keeping an eye on your progress. I am In the young category that others say should be voting for you. Should your final policies catch my eye and you can show that you have a solid plan on how to achieve them then by all means you can have my vote.

Hi there and thanks for the in depth response!


In regards to cannabis. The reason it should be able to be imported, is that there is a world wide market, producing lab tested, approved cannabis.  It's going to take the island at least 2 years to have passed testing (optimistic time frame) medicinal cannabis is already legal here. Has been since 2018...just illegal to import or cultivate. The medicinal side is just the first step, as people's suffering should come before profit or parties.


I am building a pretty comprehensive plan to address the treasury with, in regards to an overhaul of benefits and low income earners. I won't go into it too much until I have all the details (should be in by end of the week), but it's basically a grant that lifts minimum wage to living wage. This incentives people to not stay in the poverty cycle of the benefit system, when working a 40 hour minimum wage job leaves you with less cash than if you just sign on. This also allows the lowest income families to be able to enter the housing market. There's a few crinkles to iron out, but that's the BARE bones of it...

I am planning on meeting with headteachers over the next few weeks to discuss this and to talk to year 11s and 6th formers about their vote. To be honest, I don't know enough about the education system and plan to be more informed first. I can promise that I won't just nimble if I don't know. I'll find the info first. Though, teachers are the writers of the future and yes. They should be paid appropriately. 


Lastly, my grammar and spelling. I have a Copywriter on my campaign team. I'm just not utilizing them until I have produced the final Mann-ifesto. And I've actually found, by in large that it's been working in my favour, as people are too busy pointing out a misplaced comma to attack my "radical view points"


Overall, I've received quite good feedback, even from the 50+ age group. With offers to help me raise funds, canvassing and many other things. I've also had confirmation so far of over a dozen people registering to vote, who would not have. 




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22 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Overall, I've received quite good feedback, even from the 50+ age group. With offers to help me raise funds, canvassing and many other things. I've also had confirmation so far of over a dozen people registering to vote, who would not have. 

I'm over 50; I'll be sixty in one year and 281 days, not that I'm counting. 😂 So far I like what I'm reading, but I despise Facebook so I've only read what you've posted here.

I may be old and cranky in the eyes of the casual observer but as far as I'm concerned, I'm forward thinking and progressive in my outlook.

Legalise cannabis? Living wage? Universal Basic Income?

Better funding for and implementation of mental and physical health care? A more holistic approach to problematic addictions?

Better funding and accessibility for education and occupational training/retraining for all?

A more equitable tax system?

Paying more than lip service to climate change? Investment in renewable energy? Investment in sustainability in all spheres of development?

Yes please to all of the above, with bells on. 

Are you not on Twitter? I did a search on your name and came up empty. Your manifesto can be easily expressed on Twitter, despite the character limit, by posting threads.

I'd be more than happy to follow and support you on twitter, but not FB. I know many others on island who feel the same about FB. 

Unfortunately I don't live in Middle so I can't vote for you, but I'd be willing to support you in other ways - and any other progressive from the younger generations.

We really need to get some fresh minds and progressive thinking into government if my daughter's and grandson's generations stand a chance of not just surviving, but thriving on this beautiful island. I know it's possible.

We need to make the slogan The Isle of Man, Where You Can actually mean something positive rather than the empty phrase it is currently. Our hope for this becoming reality lies with our youth; they truly are the future.

TL;DR... Get yourself on Twitter, lad, and good luck. You've got my support.

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1 hour ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

As, by in large ADHD tends to be flagged in hyperactive males, but females are often misdiagnosed and/or given the correct treatment. I'd like to see everyone on addictive or brain chemistry/hormone altering drugs is checked in with by a community health worker. And those meds are revised. 

Agreed - revised on a 6 monthly basis I would add. That was (supposed to be )a standard in 1990's for IOM.

1 hour ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

I'd like to see, when you leave a doctor, an email sent as a receipt of sort, to confirm what you have discussed and what the next step is.

I would advocate copies of referral letters and care and treatment plans along with all off island referrals and discharge plans be sent to all patients to encourage a sense of joint responsibility and involvement in treatment. 

There seems to be more to all this than meets the eye. Very interested.

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34 minutes ago, Zarley said:

I'm over 50; I'll be sixty in one year and 281 days, not that I'm counting. 😂 So far I like what I'm reading, but I despise Facebook so I've only read what you've posted here.

I may be old and cranky in the eyes of the casual observer but as far as I'm concerned, I'm forward thinking and progressive in my outlook.

Legalise cannabis? Living wage? Universal Basic Income?

Better funding for and implementation of mental and physical health care? A more holistic approach to problematic addictions?

Better funding and accessibility for education and occupational training/retraining for all?

A more equitable tax system?

Paying more than lip service to climate change? Investment in renewable energy? Investment in sustainability in all spheres of development?

Yes please to all of the above, with bells on. 

Are you not on Twitter? I did a search on your name and came up empty. Your manifesto can be easily expressed on Twitter, despite the character limit, by posting threads.

I'd be more than happy to follow and support you on twitter, but not FB. I know many others on island who feel the same about FB. 

Unfortunately I don't live in Middle so I can't vote for you, but I'd be willing to support you in other ways - and any other progressive from the younger generations.

We really need to get some fresh minds and progressive thinking into government if my daughter's and grandson's generations stand a chance of not just surviving, but thriving on this beautiful island. I know it's possible.

We need to make the slogan The Isle of Man, Where You Can actually mean something positive rather than the empty phrase it is currently. Our hope for this becoming reality lies with our youth; they truly are the future.

TL;DR... Get yourself on Twitter, lad, and good luck. You've got my support.

Im on Twitter :) my handle is @kh4mhk


I havent really used it for much but having a quick dig at howard. But, I do plan to as the Mann-ifesto is released.


Thanks for the kind words. And certainly a less conservative government could do alot for this island.


Its a habitat, not a business. If we are spending as much as they state in benefits, why are so many using the food bank? After one week of no wages, alot of people sank seriously deep. This island seem to be manned by people on the bread line. And lots, unfortunately seem to have developed a form of Stockholm syndrome in the hope that the rich men may help.


They won't.


And, it's OK if you don't live in middle, our island is powered by skeet. The benefit of being a "controversial" candidate is people love to gossip. So, I'm saving money in adds and actually engaging with people about issues with legislation.

I'd like to hope there will be other progressives step forward for other seats.


But with or without them, I do plan to fight for the whole island and not just my constituents. 

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43 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:


I would vote for you purely because without vowels your name is KRNHNNFN...............

Which is the exact noise I make when Rob Callister makes sanctimonious blog posts about his greenhouse whilst pushing the St John’s cycle tragedy and Andreas murder into the “condolences” category.

Best of luck Sir 

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4 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Im on Twitter :) my handle is @kh4mhk


I havent really used it for much but having a quick dig at howard. But, I do plan to as the Mann-ifesto is released.

Thanks - I'll check you out.

Please think about putting your ideas out there on Twitter sooner rather than later. You can quickly and easily copy and paste what you've written on FB ~shudder~ into threads on Twitter.

It will benefit you in that people can give you feedback on points under each individual post in a thread. Each thread you post could have a theme/plank of your Mann-ifesto. (lol)

It's a great place to be "actually engaging with people about issues with legislation".

11 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Its a habitat, not a business. If we are spending as much as they state in benefits, why are so many using the food bank? After one week of no wages, alot of people sank seriously deep. This island seem to be manned by people on the bread line. And lots, unfortunately seem to have developed a form of Stockholm syndrome in the hope that the rich men may help.


They won't.

Well said. Trickle down theory is nothing but a con job. Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining. 

31 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

And, it's OK if you don't live in middle, our island is powered by skeet. The benefit of being a "controversial" candidate is people love to gossip. So, I'm saving money in adds and actually engaging with people about issues with legislation.

I'd like to hope there will be other progressives step forward for other seats.

Skeet is a useful - if double-edged - aspect to Manx society. Hopfully the skeet about your campaign is/will be mainly positive. We all know you'll get a few Manx Crabs trying to pull you back into the pot; haters gonna hate.

I'm hoping a progressive or two stands in the West this year. I can't wait give Boot the boot and Harmer the hammer.

It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place last election. Lesser of three evils and I know several who didn't bother to vote because the options were so dire. 

32 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

But with or without them, I do plan to fight for the whole island and not just my constituents. 

That's exactly the mindset we need.

I wish we were permitted to vote for the candidates in our home constituency plus (say) six other candidates of our choice island-wide. Voting for these additional candidates would hopefully give something of a mandate for a specific pool (top two or three overall) from which to choose a CM. 

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21 minutes ago, Zarley said:

Thanks - I'll check you out.

Please think about putting your ideas out there on Twitter sooner rather than later. You can quickly and easily copy and paste what you've written on FB ~shudder~ into threads on Twitter.

It will benefit you in that people can give you feedback on points under each individual post in a thread. Each thread you post could have a theme/plank of your Mann-ifesto. (lol)

It's a great place to be "actually engaging with people about issues with legislation".

Well said. Trickle down theory is nothing but a con job. Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining. 

Skeet is a useful - if double-edged - aspect to Manx society. Hopfully the skeet about your campaign is/will be mainly positive. We all know you'll get a few Manx Crabs trying to pull you back into the pot; haters gonna hate.

I'm hoping a progressive or two stands in the West this year. I can't wait give Boot the boot and Harmer the hammer.

It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place last election. Lesser of three evils and I know several who didn't bother to vote because the options were so dire. 

That's exactly the mindset we need.

I wish we were permitted to vote for the candidates in our home constituency plus (say) six other candidates of our choice island-wide. Voting for these additional candidates would hopefully give something of a mandate for a specific pool (top two or three overall) from which to choose a CM. 

If only we voted our CM.


I was asked today in an interview if I think I could beat him and I responded...


Well yeah. Didn't he get like 250 seats, second chair in a constituency that prior to that had just 1 seat? I can beat him.


And if I can't... The island deserves the government it gets. They will vote for who they vote for. With the best of luck in that instance, I might have at least lit a fire in a few bellies for next time.

I really like the idea of being able to also vote in other areas too. It's been said to me quite a bit the last few days 

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4 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:



And That's an ish

Just an FYI... there's an edit button here. 

Click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of your post once you've posted. 

Edited by Zarley
Couldn't remember where the edit button is 😆
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