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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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On 1/11/2021 at 7:27 AM, asitis said:

I am sure she is a perfectly lovely lady, but for me she is the old boys club in a frock !


That's a bit like saying "I like the girl but her father was a murderer". Caveat: I do not think DC is or was a murderer ;)

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29 minutes ago, Leon said:

From what I have heard you say and what I read you come across as a narcissistic self-seeker.

No different to any candidate over here. You need to have a degree of that to stand as an MHK, particularly as an independent. You need to believe that you and you alone know what's wrong with the government of the Island and know how to fix it.

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16 hours ago, Apple said:

As Chris Thomas told me once, you have to take the rest of Tynwald with you to make changes. 


It sounds very sageful but that is how Tynwald and democracies work. Too many candidates, bright eyed and bushy-tailed,  think that they can change things on their own. A candidate could have every single voter in their constituency* vote for them but at the end of the day they are just one voice in 24/36 in the House of Keys/Tynwald. 

*as Peter Karran sort of did, consistency 


14 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

You seem a decent guy. But did you not work out that attending meetings of Tynwald is an essential part of the role of an MHK before you decided to stand?

There are candidates elected who have never listened to a debate or read a Hansard or sat in the Public Gallery. Some have never sat on a committee of any sort. 

Frightening but true.


My general advice to any candidate is for ever 10 hours spent on social media, the best you could hope for is 1 real life vote** in the ballot box. That 10 hours would more likely get you 10 votes going out knocking on doors.

And in Middle a candidate is going to need 1000+ to stand any sort of chance.




'Likes', memes and 'with you hun' stand for diddly squat in a HoK election

Edited by Barlow
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1 hour ago, Leon said:

From what I have heard you say and what I read you come across as a narcissistic self-seeker.

That's a bit harsh, and you're making assumptions on a few paragraphs? Self-seeking? There's an element of him saying what he thinks people want to hear but how else is he going to get his foot in the door, get noticed? Deserves a chance, and the younger generation need a bit of inspiration...

Manx-crabbery Noel. 

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The irony of some of you having such a strong view point on such little information about you being sure that I have such a strong view point with little information is not lost on me. But you're entitled to it... And part of the reason, I'm campaigning openly and willing to chat (which seems like narcism apparently), is that I think its important that you get an idea of who I am. And I won't cower down to questions I cant answer, I will go and gather the information.


Re: the paedophiles thing.


Yeah... I do. But who doesn't? It's noteworthy that that was barely a foot note in the 25 min interview and in true manx radio style, that's the but they chose.


That section specifically was about, continuity across the board for all people who go through police and courts. And the punishments should Reflect the views of the population.


If you get caught with a joint, you should be punished the same as the last guy.

If you drive your car down the wrong side of the road and crash into someone, you should be punished the same as the last person.


Speeding. Shoplifting. Fraud. The lot. My issue is continuity with how crime is dealt with. And how the punishments rarely reflect the wants of the manx people.


Im not saying we should vote on trials. I'm not saying we should bring back the Birch.


I'd actually support a prison /rehab system for paedophiles, as its clearly rife here. I'd like to see a situation where someone who is worried about acting out on their Ill thoughts could be put in a room safely and to see if there is therapy. Before the bad thing happens. If we have a paedophile problem as big as we think, we should probably be taking more steps to prevent AND react.


In regards to taking tynwald with me? Yes. Absolutely. I deliberately contacted lib vannin and labour to try and get an idea where they might be putting their most progressive candidates,so I will not run against them and dilute their votes. And am planning on working closely with the parties. However, I want the ability to be able to take my constituents wants before a party, or the houses.


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38 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Perhaps it was the 2011 one then? He certainly got a low one at some point. Listen... Im in this less than a week, haven't launched my Mann-ifesto and am reading 10 hours a day 😂 

A quick search will tell you all you need to know.

It will do you no harm to spend a bit of time looking through the past election results for Middle. On the doorstep you will meet people who will have voted for decades, you will be able to show some knowledge and interest in your constituency.

It is worth noting that as a 21 year-old Peter Karran cut his teeth in Middle (please don't ask who is Peter Karran...).
Although he was Manx Labour Party he received over 1100 votes and still came 6th. That is good going and beat 3 other candidates. He was elected at a following by election in Middle and topped the poll in Onchan (the constituencies changed) for the next 6 General Elections.

Oh, and Peter Karran's qualifications amounted to a Dolphin Swimming certificate, Ballakermeen. Yep, topped the poll and received more votes than just about any other MHK in the Island all that time.


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22 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

I don’t believe a first offence should be treated the same way as a repeat offender, I don’t quite understand your view points on this? There is no way someone making a small mistake in their lifetime should be convicted the same way as a career criminal. 

Me either.


To clarify. There are plenty of mitigating factors. But... There are none with having 2000 indecent images of a child.


My cousin was once in jail for 11 days for stealing a Cornetto, obviously a first time offender wouldn't get that ... His rap sheet was large. And they didn't know what to do with him. But, he had been failed alot throughout his life. 

But there are lots and lots of instances of a lack of continuity in trials/prosecutions 

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12 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

To clarify. There are plenty of mitigating factors. But... There are none with having 2000 indecent images of a child.

But, do you think interventions could prevent them reoffending?

I agree our sexual offences penalties are too low. I am worried that your reported comments are "'If there’s a public outcry and a want for children to be protected from paedophiles then I think we should have a choice in how our criminals are punished', Mr Hannifin said."

Could you expand on that?

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16 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

You seem a decent guy. But did you not work out that attending meetings of Tynwald is an essential part of the role of an MHK before you decided to stand?

Its a bit like saying I applied for a job as a zoo keeper but was glad I didn’t get it because I don’t like animals.

I think every role has its positives and its negatives. I actually think your zoo keeper analogy is perfect: I think the worst part about being elected would be being stuck in a cage of politicians. Our modern western society have a deeply arrogant political class that portrays themselves as experts, when they have no expertise, they have no skin in the game, and are generally clowns. So yes, being in a workplace with that sort of person makes my skin crawl!

Someone asked me the other day about the factors that I was considering (and I think these apply basically any candidate who considers). I think the chief reason in favour of running is to contribute to making our community a better place (different people can define that differently, of course). I think the chief reasons against running relate to personal costs (privacy, money, time, effort, etc). Basically, the costs of being a candidate, and of being elected, are concentrated into individuals, and the potential benefits are mostly dispersed. The very decent book, Why We Get The Wrong Politicians, talks about this issue, and explains it as a key reason that our political leaders do not look like the broader population.

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