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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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Well that is kind of what I meant , a change if you like. I was not being derogatory. And I think you would be a hoot , certainly not dull and with some much needed radical thinking. But I may be wrong and you are only a hoot. Don’t be and you might get in , and you might be able to really change things for the better. Big job though , and best of luck with it. I’d rather you shaking things up than what we’ve had for the last 30 years I’ve been here. 

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Soul is just one part of the necessary requirements. I have to be good With the policy too. Otherwise people feel good about being listened to, but nothing actually changes.


The reason we are getting a new boat, is it's not viable to keep patching it up in the long term. The more I am getting into the issues of people and organizations I'm talking to, the more that applies across the board. 

Edited by Keiran Hannifin
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9 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Soul is just one part of the necessary requirements.


It hasn't been necessary to have one to be elected for a long time, possibly ever.

I might be too cynical, but change is a very slow process in the government, and will meet significant resistance. Remember, a large proportion of your electorate likely works for them!

What I kind of mean is that by saying "this is who I am, this is what I believe and these are the goals I will work towards" you may find more people willing to give you a chance than saying "if elected I will do this, this and this" only to find that actually you can't do any of it, because the civil service won't let you.

Edited by TheTeapot
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We need a whole raft of people to stand who are as far away from the old boys club as possible, and a diversity of ideas and a willingness to engage and debate ! I listen to the argument that we don't need shrewd business people as we have those at the top of the CS ! well if we do I haven't seen any evidence of it !

The days of the nodding dogs have to be numbered as it is holding back the island and every decision needs scrutiny by opposing views, that alone would save administrative time in having less enquiries after the event !


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3 hours ago, asitis said:

We need a whole raft of people to stand who are as far away from the old boys club as possible, and a diversity of ideas and a willingness to engage and debate ! I listen to the argument that we don't need shrewd business people as we have those at the top of the CS ! well if we do I haven't seen any evidence of it !

The days of the nodding dogs have to be numbered as it is holding back the island and every decision needs scrutiny by opposing views, that alone would save administrative time in having less enquiries after the event !


In other words, 24 new MHK's. Still won't solve the problem of the faceless CS...but it's a start

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37 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Good luck.  

Where did you get statistics from that the Isle of Man drug and suicide death rate is twice that of the UK?

It’s a good question. There’s too many people making up stats. It would be responsible to state where the figures come from. 

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http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=50662&headline=Govt has big history of reports that go nowhere&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2019


Also. If you investigate per 1000 people, the highest rates in England are Blackpool and Manchester. Our numbers are higher.


I am planning on releasing a full report and my intentions and thoughts on how we could fix it. I just need more info and I need to be able to speak to a few people face to face. 

Covid has made data collection even slower than usual. 

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Laws can be changed quick, if and when needed.


The government made it quick to hug your elderly relatives. 

We can approve vaccination quick.

We can bend rules when it suits, but things take time when it is for no real profit. I would advise that that is more politicians kicking the can, as they either can't get the credit or the reward for doing the job they are paid for. 



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On 1/29/2021 at 8:39 PM, quilp said:

What would it explain, exactly..? 

Well it would be difficult to be exact as you request because you have your definite  knowledge and experience of people who are stoned, such as at home, at a house party or pub/club type thing.  I'll try more generally. Here's a few pointers. 

Why they ramble bollox and use more words than is necessary and go off on unfettered tangents.

Pretend they know something when clearly they don't (ties in with above point).

Have an overly relaxed disposition to the situation, dilated pupils maybe, often with a silly self-assured fixed grin and a look as if they are not really listening to you but happy in the knowledge that you are  apparently willing to pay them a lot of your hard earned money.



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