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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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To my shame, I once voted for Mr Boot ( I was told counseling wouldn't help,

I just have to live with the shame).

At the time it was anybody but Mr Anderson vote.

I hope there is counseling for people who voted for Him, Harmer, Callister , Ashford,

Quayle and Hooper last time.

But I seriously doubt it.

It not nice and time doesn't heal the shame and degradation one has to live with.

So I would say think before you vote,

because next time you too could suffer from this, if you vote for Corrie or Josem or any of the above.

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14 hours ago, Holte End said:

To my shame, I once voted for Mr Boot ( I was told counseling wouldn't help,

I just have to live with the shame).

At the time it was anybody but Mr Anderson vote.

I hope there is counseling for people who voted for Him, Harmer, Callister , Ashford,

Quayle and Hooper last time.

But I seriously doubt it.

It not nice and time doesn't heal the shame and degradation one has to live with.

So I would say think before you vote,

because next time you too could suffer from this, if you vote for Corrie or Josem or any of the above.

Imagine how we in the South feel having voted for Cregeen and Moorhouse ! Even a counsellor would need counselling. I suppose the one thing that makes the shame bearable is it kept Gawne out, that thought has kept me going. 

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What are all these new jobs in the 'green economy' the MLP are going on about? Do they really know themselves, in fact do any of those waffling about the green economy really know what it is?

This is going to be the hot buzz word in the upcoming election so be prepared to listen to a lot of total bollocks, until after the election and they can all slip back to knowing nothing about it!

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2 hours ago, Max Power said:


What are all these new jobs in the 'green economy' the MLP are going on about? Do they really know themselves, in fact do any of those waffling about the green economy really know what it is?

This is going to be the hot buzz word in the upcoming election so be prepared to listen to a lot of total bollocks, until after the election and they can all slip back to knowing nothing about it!

Well it's not farming. It won't be manufacturing or engineering.. We already have various contractors on island capable of fittng and maintaining solar, air source heat pumps, power walls etc. so they may take on some but more likely retrain guys they already have as gas boilers will be banned in UK by mid 2030's. MUA will have to pull a finger out to get us ready for the ban on petrol & diesel cars by 2030. Planting trees maybe?

Big elephant in the room, how do we replace Pulrose power station 85MWe with an interconnector that carries 40MWe, 40MWe at Peel for an emergency backup, Sulby dam is 1.2MW and Ramsey 3.6MW also an emeregency. 

After all if you transfer kW from oil in your boiler to electric, even if it is more efficient, you still need that power from somewhere. My humble suggestion would be to build an offshore windfarm to the UK and put in another interconnector of a decent size. That way we can sell surplus energy to the larger market and in return get the security of supply.

To put it in persepctive the 3 x 125m wind turbines near Heysham generate 7.5MW. So we'd need 30 or more in an accesaible location with the infrastructure like roads. Oh and not to mention they couldn't be within miles of the airport as they'd interfere with radar so thats half the south out. 

Maybe the master plan is to dot them all along marine drive where no-one will see them.

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