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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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12 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Illustrating exactly the problem we face.

For me, not voting will have nothing to do with apathy. I am perfectly willing to go to the polling station to cast a vote. The problem is that there is nothing to vote for. No competent candidates with any record of achievement; no candidates standing on a deliverable manifesto to reform or change the current political system and, what is worse, no candidates who actually stand on a broad range of policy that they are committed to and will undertake to deliver.

Time and time again elections here have proven to be a beauty contest featuring contestants who are either ugly, plain or masked. You cast a vote and hope for the best. It is no longer worthy of my engagement or endorsement. It's democracy Jim, but not as we know it.

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7 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

I've never really been into politics so forgive me if the answer is obvious but why do we need 24 mhks?

Jesus thommo. Get on that morning boat. Don't pass go and don't collect £200!! :D

Here's the wiki

The oldest known reference to the name is in a document of 1417, written by an English scholar in Latin, which refers to Claves Mann (the ‘Keys of Mann’) and Claves Legis (the ‘Keys of Law’). There is a dispute, however, over the origin of the name. The word keys is thought by some to be an English corruption of a form of the Norse verb kjósa (‘to choose’). However, a more likely explanation is that it is a mishearing of the Manx-language term for ‘four and twenty’: kiare as feed (['ciːəs 'fid]), the House having always had 24 members. The Manx-language name of the House remains Yn Kiare as Feed (‘The Four and Twenty’).

Here's what the official page says https://www.tynwald.org.im/links/tls/TC/Pages/C4.aspx

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

I honestly dont know that's why i asked the question. Towns in the uk with similar population have 1 mp

I agree with you Thommo

a benevolent dictator is exactly what the IOM needs

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I would point out to all politicians, current and aspiring, that the use of the phrase "our people" is completely wrong, condescending and unwise given that, actually, you are our people, not 'tother way round.

Been waiting for a chance to clear up that democratic misunderstanding. 

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

I would point out to all politicians, current and aspiring, that the use of the phrase "our people" is completely wrong, condescending and unwise given that, actually, you are our people, not 'tother way round.

Been waiting for a chance to clear up that democratic misunderstanding. 

Isn't it The Great Manx Public now?

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6 hours ago, Gladys said:

I would point out to all politicians, current and aspiring, that the use of the phrase "our people" is completely wrong, condescending and unwise given that, actually, you are our people, not 'tother way round.

Been waiting for a chance to clear up that democratic misunderstanding. 

Thank you, on behalf of the ‘Great Manx Public’.

Edited to add - Oooops, beaten to it by Grumble. Incidentally, after Quayle’s perpetual and irksome use of the term, the Uhtred household reduced it to ‘GMP’ which, on reflection, we decided was better expressed as ‘Galling Manx Politicians’.

Edited by Uhtred
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16 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Thank you, on behalf of the ‘Great Manx Public’.

Edited to add - Oooops, beaten to it by Grumble. Incidentally, after Quayle’s perpetual and irksome use of the term, the Uhtred household reduced it to ‘GMP’ which, on reflection, we decided was better expressed as ‘Galling Manx Politicians’.

Or "Gratuitous Mindless Platitudes". 

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10 hours ago, asitis said:

Perhaps half the number on twice the salary it may attract some decent candidates then.

Or twice the number on half the salary, would ensure COMIN didn't have a built in majority.

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Or twice the number on half the salary, would ensure COMIN didn't have a built in majority.

I kinda get that Declan but I also see the other side. Policy decisions are made in Tynwald where Comin don't have a majority (although they do if you include Department members however that should be a thing of the past following the recent pay restructure). 

Where they do have a majority, at least they make decisions. I would hate to see a position where even less gets done because the decision making is paralysed by infighting. I suspect that what the Dear Leader @RhumsaaIl Dong (see what I did there) meant when he referred to a benevolent dictator. At least with a Dictator, things actually happen*

*accepting of course that some dictators have a certain lack of empathy and may lack emotional intelligence.

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8 minutes ago, piebaps said:

I kinda get that Declan but I also see the other side. Policy decisions are made in Tynwald where Comin don't have a majority (although they do if you include Department members however that should be a thing of the past following the recent pay restructure). 

Where they do have a majority, at least they make decisions. I would hate to see a position where even less gets done because the decision making is paralysed by infighting. I suspect that what the Dear Leader @RhumsaaIl Dong (see what I did there) meant when he referred to a benevolent dictator. At least with a Dictator, things actually happen*

*accepting of course that some dictators have a certain lack of empathy and may lack emotional intelligence.

I reckon that most policies are dreamt up by the executive, or at least mimics the UK and Tynwald generally rubber stamps most of it. Very little legislation is what might you might term 'home grown'.

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