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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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7 hours ago, piebaps said:

I kinda get that Declan but I also see the other side. Policy decisions are made in Tynwald where Comin don't have a majority (although they do if you include Department members however that should be a thing of the past following the recent pay restructure). 

Where they do have a majority, at least they make decisions. I would hate to see a position where even less gets done because the decision making is paralysed by infighting. I suspect that what the Dear Leader @RhumsaaIl Dong (see what I did there) meant when he referred to a benevolent dictator. At least with a Dictator, things actually happen*

*accepting of course that some dictators have a certain lack of empathy and may lack emotional intelligence.

Kim Il Rhum? although I enjoyed the use of Dong (steady now)

Do you want a serious answer?

I despise the UK/USA party models because all that happens is you get two opposing sides fighting for votes and playing tit for tat. One side gets in and spends time reversing decisions and the other side just opposes everything for sake of it. 

Opposition for the sake of opposition is useless but scrutiny and challenge is absolutely essential.

I think we have a great chance of having that in Tynwald but the personalities have to not get defensive and personal when challenged, play the ball not the man and all those other cliches. Rugby is always my favourite analogy, you might spend 80 minutes knocking 7 shades out of your opposite number (within the confines of the laws of the game obvs) but after the final whistle is blown you happily share a beer in the bar afterwards. Sadly what we end up with is people spending more time scoring points than doing what's best for the island.

So I agree with @piebaps if we reduce numbers and remove a CoMin function it could end up with 5 years of not achieving anything - we'd end up like the Belgians not being able to form a government for years because the Flemish and the French sides couldn't co-exist only in the IOM it would of course be the Great Greeba Divide.

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13 hours ago, Rhumsaa said:

So I agree with @piebaps if we reduce numbers and remove a CoMin function it could end up with 5 years of not achieving anything - we'd end up like the Belgians not being able to form a government for years because the Flemish and the French sides couldn't co-exist only in the IOM it would of course be the Great Greeba Divide.

Exactly where we are now.

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1 hour ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

I don't think anyone should run if they aren't prepared to take up a role in COMIN. I think there are a fair few candidates like the idea of being elected and then spending the entire term shouting the odds from the backbenchers. Anyone can do that.


The moment that Comin are allowed to disagree, then all would be prepared ! I would much rather be a backbencher having a point of view than a nodding dog.

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3 hours ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

I don't think anyone should run if they aren't prepared to take up a role in COMIN. I think there are a fair few candidates like the idea of being elected and then spending the entire term shouting the odds from the backbenchers. Anyone can do that.


it's a lot easier to say something is wrong, it's a lot harder to come up with what is right

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3 hours ago, asitis said:

Exactly where we are now.

I don't think so

Where we are now is we have a government that reacts incredibly poorly to challenge and scrutiny

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5 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

t's a lot easier to say something is wrong, it's a lot harder to come up with what is right

That depend on the style, philosophy and the type / measures that are used to manage the expectations and needs of the public. It probably more fair to say it's not what is done but more the how and why.

Generally we live a comfortable life here. Why rock the boat politically ? Why create unnecessary angst ? Why should we struggle when we don't really need to ?

No, we've got them right where they want us !

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1 hour ago, Rhumsaa said:

I don't think so

Where we are now is we have a government that reacts incredibly poorly to challenge and scrutiny

The culture of an organisation stems from the top...Quayle reacts incredibly poorly to challenge and scrutiny.

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6 hours ago, Uhtred said:

The culture of an organisation stems from the top...Quayle reacts incredibly poorly to challenge and scrutiny.

Agree 100%

I'd also add in a CS leadership culture that mirrors it - unsure if the chicken or the egg came first between those

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12 hours ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

I don't think anyone should run if they aren't prepared to take up a role in COMIN. I think there are a fair few candidates like the idea of being elected and then spending the entire term shouting the odds from the backbenchers. Anyone can do that.


No one sits on the backbenchers even less so shouting the odds. Immediately their  through the door they are drinking from the trough. That’s the system that has prevailed since the invention of the Ministerial system, one party state by patronage according Peter Karran, who would argue given how the system has developed.



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