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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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10 hours ago, piebaps said:

KLB - wowzah

Never in the field of electoral conflict has so much positive been said on MF by so many about just one candidate.

Is KLB the new Saint Rachel?

I would suggest any adulation is due to the surprise of an MLC making a proper valid politician of themselves, with a public mandate.


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1 hour ago, Fluffy123 said:

She says not in her interview. 

My recollection is that Leonard Singer indicated that he wouldn’t stand down when he first announced he was standing again for the Keys, however in the run up to the election pressure mounted.

Its inconceivable, but not impossible,  that someone who fails to win a popular mandate at the ballot box could stay on as an unelected member in LC.

May be more a case of not wanting to cause a vacancy to be filled by the retiring HK?

The time for retiring will surely be contemporaneous with filing her nomination papers  

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Got to admit to being more than a little surprised at the support for KLB on here.

What is it based on? A manifesto? Prior political achievements? Prior business achievements and a proven ability to drive positive change?

Or is it just because she is a current MLC?

For the record I have met her, and Harmer, and Boot a number of times over many years.  Given the choice I wouldn't vote for any of them.

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15 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Got to admit to being more than a little surprised at the support for KLB on here.

What is it based on? A manifesto? Prior political achievements? Prior business achievements and a proven ability to drive positive change?

Or is it just because she is a current MLC?


I don't know her or her politics, but it's clear to me that she has over the last couple of years demonstrated her frustration with the way Tynwald and governance on the Isle of Man in general 'work'. 

If she feels that she would be able to get more done as a member of keys with a public mandate then good for her. Easier to sit back and take the MLC pay I'd have thought.

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On 4/22/2021 at 10:35 PM, Rhumsaa said:

before or after you buy another car?

Likely before. I want an EV but prices for them are a bit off-putting, especially if I see the deals available elsewhere while we don't even get any government incentive. Quite the opposite now actually 😞

Anyway, we want that election sub forum right? Any special requests about it? 

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3 hours ago, trmpton said:

Got to admit to being more than a little surprised at the support for KLB on here.

What is it based on? A manifesto? Prior political achievements? Prior business achievements and a proven ability to drive positive change?

It is very difficult to assess the performance of an MLC. It doesn't appear all that stressful though. They only scrutinise work that has already been prepared and mostly done by others it seems.

If you go by the behaviour in Tynwald then that is a different matter, but as an MLC then I can evaluate a persons political contribution on what is seen and heard.

Having said that, I do not agree with some of the posts about the qualities or otherwise of those putting themselves forward. Some may benefit their own constituents to some degree, but representing them at a national level is a different ball game. Experience, gravitas and integrity count as important qualities for me alongside tenacity and stamina. 

The next administration has to hit the ground running and will not, I imagine, be for the faint hearted or the frivolous. For those reasons I could not vote for KLB, or one or two others.

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