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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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On 5/11/2021 at 8:45 PM, finlo said:

Oh I dunno, he got a nice surface on the Sloc!

A DOI Minister putting new tarmac down on a road close to his abode just before an election?

Glad we've seen the back of those crazy days

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On 5/17/2021 at 10:12 AM, HeliX said:

Everyone always asks how Labour plan to pay for helping people, but nobody ever asks how Conservatives plan to pay for corporate tax cuts and backhanders. Weird.

Two things.

1. Many Conservatves* believe that by reducing corporate taxation the actual tax take can be increased. There is mixed evidence for this. And it may make decreasing sense in an era when when companies employ ever fewer people. Sooner or later there will be no customers.

2. The current Conservative government is planning to increase corporate taxation.

*Quite different from people who self-identity as small 'c' conservatives or as 'classical liberals'. Those people are invariably contrarians.

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The MLP plan to pay for it is, I think, to raise some taxes like the tax cap and get the off Island Corps to pay tax on what they earn here (not sure how), but not much. Another element is to cut back on capital expenditure -  the Liverpool project would pay for a lot of Mental Health projects. 

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Better that public opinion ensures IOMG spending is directed away from building the most massive small island government edifice anywhere in the entire world, & towards those areas that really need it

Carbon pollution levies may also contribute to the public exchequer

MLP is right that the taxation burden should move away from low to medium income earners who are perceived to carry too much of it, & on to those with larger disposable incomes

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Given that the reality (and probably the best) is that governments muddle - though and make compromises, I tend to be put off by people with big clever ideas. Especially if they haven't got a proper job / profession.

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5 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

One of my ideas which has been contested a bit, is paying decent specialists from the UK with relocation packages, to provide our people with much needed healthcare and then in the future make steps to turn nobles in to a training hospital and hotspot for medical tourism...


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3 hours ago, Anyone said:

And nothing will really change so it will be 5 more year of the same old , same old. After 30 odd years of voting the same things are still being talked about and nothing has progressed.

Nothing will change with THAT attitude... 

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39 minutes ago, Banker said:

Just heard Fowler on radio, standing in middle because Douglas south is too liberal for his politics, he didn’t come over well 

Interesting gambit

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Just heard Fowler on radio, standing in middle because Douglas south is too liberal for his politics, he didn’t come over well 

Yeah! Blame the electorate for your failure to connect with them. 

Although - appealing to the snobbery of Middle voters might be a smart move. 

Perhaps these type of discussions need to be taken to the threads Amadeus created yesterday and this thread left for general discussions. 

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