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General Thread for the election (old Electioneering starting early thread from Local News)

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Mr Sunak said the agreement would tackle tax havens and tax-dodging digital companies, vowing: “We are going to level the playing field.”


Being a billionaire Tory, he must have a Plan B for his family's money & that of the Russian Oligarchs who helped fund #Brexit

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On 6/4/2021 at 8:17 PM, the stinking enigma said:

I was one of the 39. Still am actually

Didn't they make a film about you and the other steps?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have noticed that both the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece, IOMNewspapers and 3fm have taken to rehashing the announcements of candidates standing for the HOK election. It’s as if it’s a fresh announcement, some candidates are getting repeated mentions when most already are aware of their candidate credentials. A case in point is 3fm today trotting out as fresh breaking news, that Sarah Maltby is standing as the Manx Labour Party candidate for Douglas South. It further mentions that her father is the ex Douglas South MHK and MLC, and all round Motorcycle Ace, Sir David Cretney. 

Are candidates repeatedly sending press releases to announce their intentions or are the local media organisations that lazy, and there must be an absence of worthy local news?

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12 hours ago, SleepyJoe said:

Manx Radio were making a bit of an effort - some very good profile interviews - but James Davis led one of the panel discussions & he promptly left to become a candidate himself

Do you mean Tim Glover?

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17 hours ago, 2112 said:

Are candidates repeatedly sending press releases to announce their intentions or are the local media organisations that lazy, and there must be an absence of worthy local news?

It is to remind us that there is an election coming and who to vote for. 

I think our politicians are apprehensive about a number of things in the forthcoming elections, one of them being very low turnouts. We are that disengaged maybe from the political and national seven as probably it does 't include us too much. The seats in Tynwald and local councils are largely empty on a regular basis.

Just a view.

The walk through the constituency by prospective candidates and actual representatives could / should become an annual event. That would get my vote.

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On 5/15/2021 at 1:57 PM, SleepyJoe said:

Not sure this is a widely held viewpoint either. Ms Lord Brennan has been a very active and to my mind effective MLC championing a number of issues but particularly the lack of action by CoMin on it's own declared climate change emergency.

The lady is becoming increasingly involved in community matters in Peel & Glenfaba - she's championing the residents and workers of the Corrin Home, & shares I think the local disgust at the lack of action on this & other issues by CoMinDara members Harmer and Boot. Expect she'll be speaking at the community meeting on the issue at the Corrin Hall on Monday evening.

I wish her well in the coming general election and very much hope that she'll be elected

The Corrin Home is closing down by July 19. The residents are being farmed out to Albert Terrace Home in Douglas and Southlands in Port Erin, and maybe others. The comment about the Albert Terrace Home - Shithole as someone said to me. Hence why £ms gettng spent on the old Glenside site. 

Ashie and the DHSC looks like they are claiming the site as their own, but I can’t imagine they are in a hurry to redevelop and rebuild. It’s sad when benefactors leave funds in place for the benefit of others, only for it to be trashed, abused or run into the ground, then for Government to think they own the site and will do what they want. I wouldn’t leave a legacy which involved IOMG. 


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Just by way of a general observation, the election takes  place 13 weeks - or one quarter if you prefer - from today. Historically, things don’t gear up until relatively late in the day; a surprising number of candidates declare at an advanced stage. But having said that, things do seem terribly flat. There are no interesting new candidates with alternative ideas, no voices espousing coherent policies, no younger candidates, and no sign of those with the skills and experience to be credible future Ministers. I fear apathy abounds; among potential candidates and the electorate. This is however possibly less so in constituencies where the sitting members are utterly and irredeemably useless to an Olympic standard, Peel/Glenfaba and Castletown/Malew/Arbory come to mind, where the electorate may be minded to put the fools out of their misery. But overall this campaign needs to light up, and soon. As it happens I’ll be off Island from early September until well after polling day. I don’t think I’m going to miss much.

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11 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

no sign of those with the skills and experience to be credible future Ministers. I fear apathy abounds; among potential candidates and the electorate.

Ain't that the truth. 

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8 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Its gonna be the best election ever, you're going to miss loads.

Damn, I’m gutted. Save some of the thrills for me.

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