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Tony's 12 Point Plan


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So here it is then, Tony Blair's action plan to preserve the British way of life:


# Deport foreigners who foster hatred

# Remove passports

# Make more house arrests

# Ban radical groups

# Close places of worship used to fuel extremism

# Draw up danger list of names

# Harder English tests to be a citizen

# Asylum clampdown

# New offence of glorifying terrorism

# Tougher extradition

# Give police extra powers to hold suspects

# Special terror courts


The list above is taken from the Mirror - a more extensive list can be found on the Beep's website


And the comments are already rolling in - Kennedy is concerned, Al Qaeda thinks it's Tony's fault in the first place and a cleric compares Blair to Hitler.


I guess something needs to be done, but the big question is what?


I wonder if, under the new legislation, the makers of this little game would be affected - it says it's "Anti Terrorism" but that's a matter of opinion, and some opinions may say it's a bit radical and glorifying terrorism....

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So here it is then, Tony Blair's action plan to preserve the British way of life:


# Deport foreigners who foster hatred - Agreed! Send all the Scottish and Welsh MPs back to where they came from!

# Remove passports - Tattoos on the arms are much more effective

# Make more house arrests - Yes! Houses are forever committing crimes! Arrest them, put them in a concentration camp and call it Jurby!

# Ban radical groups  Bye bye, Mecvannin!

# Close places of worship used to fuel extremism - Oh, God! Not another Masonic Lodge thread?

# Draw up danger list of names - Start with G W Bush and work down.

# Harder English tests to be a citizen - Okay, that takes care of most of the teenagers!

# Asylum clampdown - All cars supplied to asylum seekers by the social services should be clamped.

# New offence of glorifying terrorism (Thought we'd already dealt with Bush?)

# Tougher extradition - Yes, we need to get tough with ex-traditions; like Morris Dancing, for instance. Those guys are subversives!

# Give police extra powers to hold suspects - Steroids to strengthen their arms, simple and effective!

# Special terror courts - Excellent! Make courts terrifying by dressing up the judges and barristers in weird-lookin gowns and wigs and errm....errrr....



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