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First Premier League Numbnuts Question of 2021

Manx Bean

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And..early out off the starting blocks is Wonder Woman Julie Edge in her question in Tynwald today:


Q 18. The Hon. Member for Onchan (Ms Edge) to ask the Member of the Department for Enterprise responsible for Tourism:

Why the Laxey Wheel is not operating?


Can I please just say here (please forgive me mother) - What fucking planet is this air head living on??? Seriously, what the actual Fuck! 

1). Nobody, but nobody actually cares right now because (Hello!!) it's the middle of Winter;

2.) In case the daft blonde twonk hasn't noticed (clues in the fact they are sitting by Zoom today), we are in the middle of our second lockdown.

Isn't it about time in all seriousness that the President calls idiotic questions like this out? Questions like this cost tens of thousand of pounds a year to answer - never mind frustrate the shit out of the poor civil servant who has to spend time preparing a response for this sort of tripe. 

Is it me or what???



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19 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Its a pretty dumb question. 

It may be designed to bring out an interesting answer though.  This probably isn't tourism-related as MNH-related (DfE is the responsible Department).  So it may be about the works that are supposed to be going on with the Wheel.

Also sometimes constituents want the answers to daft questions - and it's election year.

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15 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It may be designed to bring out an interesting answer though.  This probably isn't tourism-related as MNH-related (DfE is the responsible Department).  So it may be about the works that are supposed to be going on with the Wheel.

Also sometimes constituents want the answers to daft questions - and it's election year.

Its an Edge v Callister thing according to my Tynwald spy

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Have the staff been redeployed to elsewhere because of lockdown?

MNH staff were acting as door keepers/meet & greet at Nobles last week.

I used gel on my hands on the way in, and they insisted I did on the way out. I carry a small refillable gel bottle and had cleansed my hands on leaving clinic. Apparently that wasn’t acceptable.

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There have been some good ones. Christian again challenging the treasury on the speed of the support reaching people - and lots of supplementaries- including challenging Ashey to publish the actual schedules for vaxines. Edge as annoying as ever - Hooper speaking sense as always. Quine as boring as an old man in the pub. Howie just applauling at not actually answering the questions he’s asked. And then they voted not to continue with questions which is wrong!  

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