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TT 2022 ??


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1 hour ago, James Blonde said:

I was wrong TT 2022 is definitely* [maybe] going ahead! 



*but hospitality should be prepared for it to be cancelled at the drop of a hat.

To me, Rob Callister is intent in upsetting those providing Homestay with his comments. It’s coming across as though the TT are going ahead, maybe going ahead but with changes - a TT without tourists as mentioned before? Hence the need for flexibility? Something isn’t sounding straight forward.

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3 hours ago, James Blonde said:

I was wrong TT 2022 is definitely* [maybe] going ahead! 



*but hospitality should be prepared for it to be cancelled at the drop of a hat.

It's going to be challenging to get the momentum going again I think, the SPCo and Hoteliers will have spent a lot of the money paid to them for 2020/21 bookings and could be working for nothing? 

We always have to take the first step if we are to get going again, otherwise we will spend the rest of our lives cowering and waiting for the next outbreak or mutation. 

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

It's going to be challenging to get the momentum going again I think, the SPCo and Hoteliers will have spent a lot of the money paid to them for 2020/21 bookings and could be working for nothing? 

Don't worry, I've been paying all of my tax receipts to help them out. They'll be fine.

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

It's going to be challenging to get the momentum going again I think, the SPCo and Hoteliers will have spent a lot of the money paid to them for 2020/21 bookings and could be working for nothing? 

We always have to take the first step if we are to get going again, otherwise we will spend the rest of our lives cowering and waiting for the next outbreak or mutation. 

as opposed to doing nothing and being paid for it?

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The TT may well be the reason we have such a shit tourist accommodation provision.

It allows shitty dumps to keep going when in the real world they would go out of business due to their crap standards.

The half a million visitor project will never work as long as we have damp old converted guest houses from the start of the last century as our main accommodation providers.

Look on the web, you can find clean new hotels all over the mainland, what have we? The Premier Inn and the hotel in Ramsey, other than that a lot of badly done up crap, The new one on Broadway thats name escapes me excepted.

Edited by Boris Johnson
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