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TT 2022 ??


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26 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

If the money for this grandiose score board comes out of budget other projects will suffer.   Is this just a way of not giving Treasury the chance to knock it back as they did before .    This department is determined to have a ridiculous, over the top, erection that will only be used for a few weeks a year and clearly they have worked out how to achieve this by the back door.

If they’d just waited insurers would have paid for the new one

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15 minutes ago, John Wright said:

If they’d just waited insurers would have paid for the new one

Although I believe, as with much of IoM Gov property, including vehicles, I would imagine if the scoreboard was covered at all it would be self insured.

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2 hours ago, hissingsid said:

 This department is determined to have a ridiculous, over the top, erection that will only be used for a few weeks a year and clearly they have worked out how to achieve this by the back door.

An erection by the back door? Oooerr missus! 

Edited by Itsmeee
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2 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

So they havent priced it up yet, is that what they're saying?

So what are we saying? Higher or lower than a million quid?

Dont get much for 1 million yessir , higher , higher , higher 

seriously , who knows what the powers that be mindset is. 

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4 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Dont get much for 1 million yessir , higher , higher , higher 

seriously , who knows what the powers that be mindset is. 

Well, the powers mindset will have factored in their 500,000 rampant tourists all paying £££ for trike/e-coach tours around the course. With the highlight being a stop at the TT (tourist tat) megastore and a chance to have your photo with the world famous scoreboard. Rob's  TT tours departing daily

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9 minutes ago, english zloty said:

Well, the powers mindset will have factored in their 500,000 rampant tourists all paying £££ for trike/e-coach tours around the course. With the highlight being a stop at the TT (tourist tat) megastore and a chance to have your photo with the world famous scoreboard. Rob's  TT tours departing daily

Let’s see a TT scoreboard or funding for a television series to be filmed on the island …….. mmmmmmmm toughy. Either one will be a waste of taxpayers resources, the scoreboard is really an extension Rob Callisters inflated ego. The old structure could have have had some money spent on it and one of IOMG pet contractors to tart it up, prolonging it’s life, but unfortunately MNH sticks it oar in. Waste and squandering of resources come to mind, this new scoreboard is no different and will be neglected and allowed to rot away. 

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I note that the Scouts Association has been part of the consultation. Does this mean that the TT will have a digital scoreboard with with scouts running around on it putting times up in a totally pointless exercise? I do hope not. This is when heritage turns into stupid. 

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Having just listened to Rob Callister’s radio interview I had to do a roll eyes at the answer to the question about the new scoreboard being built to last. He expects it to last 30 years. On what basis does he believe that we will still be racing motorcycles around the TT Course in 30 years time and that there will be an audience who wants to watch it? 
This all smacks of a lack of foresight and awareness of how the world is changing. In the absence of any new tourism strategy they’ll keep flogging this horse until it expires and then for a while after. I’m not particularly swayed by the Green agenda but even at my age and a lifetime of driving cars snd riding motorcycles, I can see that change is coming. It’s the old mistake of continually repackaging a product that new consumers are not buying in the belief that it is the packet, rather than the product that is the problem. 

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15 minutes ago, joebean said:

Having just listened to Rob Callister’s radio interview I had to do a roll eyes at the answer to the question about the new scoreboard being built to last. He expects it to last 30 years. On what basis does he believe that we will still be racing motorcycles around the TT Course in 30 years time and that there will be an audience who wants to watch it? 
This all smacks of a lack of foresight and awareness of how the world is changing. In the absence of any new tourism strategy they’ll keep flogging this horse until it expires and then for a while after. I’m not particularly swayed by the Green agenda but even at my age and a lifetime of driving cars snd riding motorcycles, I can see that change is coming. It’s the old mistake of continually repackaging a product that new consumers are not buying in the belief that it is the packet, rather than the product that is the problem. 

Not only that, new technology changes every year. If the scoreboard is LED and is all singing all dancing what’s its lifespan - 3 years, 5 years, 7 or 10 years? Everybody knows you buy a tv and it’s relatively old fashioned a year or two after you have bought it. 

If this scoreboard is wooden or a similar replica how many years is it predicted to last? Is it going to be maintained? Judging by most of IOMG assets they are poorly maintained, poorly treated, hammered and auctioned off, with taxpayers forking out for a brand new replacement. It’s only Rob Callister spending taxpayers money as though it’s not his own. 

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