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TT 2022 ??


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Passed by two English bikes on the Sulby straight 40 limit . I was doing 40 they must have been doing at least 60 and continued to disappear at speed through the 30 limit...All clearly marked. Maybe that's why they are punished. Oh yes, that was this Friday at lunchtime. Saw them parked at the Ginger later.

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Electronic gates being fitted at Creg so that people do not head out of Onchan and onto the T T course…..cost…..immaterial .     Very soon it will actually cost more to run the TT than the financial value of the event provides.     The scoreboard will be the next vanity project.

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On 4/29/2022 at 8:54 PM, The Voice of Reason said:

But your daughter is an adult, a driver, and as you say knows the speed limit. At what age should  you not be intimidated at being giving a shitty talking to for exceeding the speed limit? Should she have been treated with kid gloves because of her age? Should the policeman have just said “ you’ve broken the speed limit, now go on your way”

I myself have been pulled over and fined  for speeding. Yes I was sarcastically patronised but just sat it out and nodded until the lecture was finished.

Accepted I was in the wrong and duly paid the fine.

Did your daughter get a ticket for speeding or just a shitty talking to?

I can understand your feelings as a father wanting to protect your child and this reaction from the police as you describe it seems to be overkill for a relatively minor offence. But an offence it was.

I am concerned a little that you refer to the police as “Bastard Squad”’ and Hobby Bobby’s ( do you mean Special Constables?). You may well need their assistance one day.

You are a spineless fucking bootlicker. Not for not doing anything about it at the time, but for seemingly not having any problem with it at all.

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11 hours ago, Chef Raekwon said:

You are a spineless fucking bootlicker. Not for not doing anything about it at the time, but for seemingly not having any problem with it at all.

Assuming you are being serious.Yes I let it all wash over me. After all I couldn’t argue with the content ( “speed limits are there for a reason sir”)

Should I have told him I didn’t like the tone of his voice?. That wouldn’t have affected the putcome of our encounter ( well not in a positive way for me anyway)

Sometimes you have to choose your battles.


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I say again that the speed limits here are not based on actual reasoning or logic. They seem to be based on a system that says, if it's built up it might be 30 or then it might be 20 or maybe no limit. If there are few houses then it's no limit even if it's single lane or twisty or has blind entrances, it is as though no one in power has actually visited the locations and used some common sense as well as whatever system is in place to indicate what speed limit is needed.

I don't know the answer, there are so many anomalies on Manx roads, signs, surfaces, speed limits to name a few problems that it would take a very strong, knowledgeable person to sort them out.

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53 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

I say again that the speed limits here are not based on actual reasoning or logic. They seem to be based on a system that says, if it's built up it might be 30 or then it might be 20 or maybe no limit. If there are few houses then it's no limit even if it's single lane or twisty or has blind entrances, it is as though no one in power has actually visited the locations and used some common sense as well as whatever system is in place to indicate what speed limit is needed.

I don't know the answer, there are so many anomalies on Manx roads, signs, surfaces, speed limits to name a few problems that it would take a very strong, knowledgeable person to sort them out.

It's a horrendous mish mash resulting from years of different cultures, different individuals, jobsworth job justification, employment protection and reactive rather than proactive policies; and it's still going on.

We had a highways bod a few years ago who appeared to be trying to make inroads into it.

He left.

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Well some years ago they made the decision to change Quaterbridge to oak tree roundabout from a 30mph to a 40mph and given all the active travel  nonsense it made a refreshing change to see an increase rather than decrease.

I’ve noticed for example that Ramsey in particular has a lot of stop junctions that really should be giveway, the most obvious one being the junction by Ramsey Bakery/Ramsey commissioners which nobody stops for anyway.

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1 hour ago, Lightening McQueen said:

I wider why they have increased the limit as you enter Kirk Michael from Rhencullen from 30 to 40, it then goes down to 30 after the filling station. Me thinks someone may have ****** up?

It only goes to 40mph in one direction not both, it’s 40mph entering KM and 30mph leaving, although that’s another section that people have been doing 40mph for years, I’m fairly certain at this stage the vast majority just do a speed they feel comfortable with and ignore signs altogether.

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12 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

It only goes to 40mph in one direction not both, it’s 40mph entering KM and 30mph leaving, although that’s another section that people have been doing 40mph for years, I’m fairly certain at this stage the vast majority just do a speed they feel comfortable with and ignore signs altogether.

That is faulty signage then. You can’t have different limits on the same carriageway.

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