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TT 2022 ??


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Just now, Annoymouse said:

I’ve got one from last week that I’m still in two minds to report, half their car over the white line on a completely blind corner at 40mph, the reason I don’t report anything is I don’t want people prosecuted just educated (perhaps played the video back to them so they see how dangerous it potentially is) but there doesn’t seem to be the facility to do that, if you aren’t pushing for prosecution the Police aren’t interested.

Yeah that's fair.

I find the corner south of Santon Motel and the Fairy Bridge S bend are particularly bad for it.

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

Yeah that's fair.

I find the corner south of Santon Motel and the Fairy Bridge S bend are particularly bad for it.

The Santon one is particularly dangerous. Fairy Bridge esses you could happily fit 4 cars through.

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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

More navel gazing nonsense.

You can’t have carbon neutral and big motorcycles racing and thousands of bikes visiting, all spewing emissions. Either we want visitors spending or we should abolish the TT to keep the climate change lobby happy. Tough choices. 

As DfE Minister Dr Allinson committed the IOM to sustainable tourism, which includes the TT

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1 hour ago, SleepyJoe said:

As DfE Minister Dr Allinson committed the IOM to sustainable tourism, which includes the TT

What a load of bullshit and quite frankly playing to the gallery. We are in the middle of a cost of living crisis, we need every penny we can get and more costs are heaped on the GMP. Climate change whilst it has its place, needs to be slowed down, and where necessary should take a back seat. 

From a government that had its fill with zero emissions bikes (bear in mind that IOMG is involved in the running of the races in partnership with the ACU, so IOMG must have been involved in the decision to scrap the class). Hydrogen powered bikes, not much of a race is it over one lap. It’s a novelty, something for the navel gazers, and the green lobby. It should have been promoted properly as a class, increase the race distance and increase prize money. 

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1 hour ago, english zloty said:

There's a load of sustainable (not) supercars in Liverpool on their way to plant trees in lieu of burning up the roads for the weekend

I’m afraid that the supercars no matter how much emissions they may spew, will be welcomed with a red carpet. Money talks and the island needs the money. Ideas and principles are all well and good, but they need funding, and unfortunately there are people on the island that also need support. 

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5 hours ago, cissolt said:


Interestingly on the mountain we now have more signs than the rest of the island combined.  Do we really need the same signage 5 meters apart? 

the idea is that a full length canopy can be erected over the road from ramsey to douglas so the useless local drivers can still use the mountain road when there is 1/4 inch of snow on the ground , it's all being done by stealth so don't tell anyone.

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4 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

Well my reason for asking is my first thought was perhaps a HGV or something with a long wheel base might be involved? They have to swing quite wide and often into the opposite carriageway. That said large cars/vans also seem to treat white lines as guidelines and will often be right on or over the white line on tight corners.

There was a small black saloon and a larger, possibly silver 4wd involved, I drove past (incident under Police control at the time).

At a guess, it looked like the southbound vehicle had been turning right, across the road, to park up at the Hairpin lay-by area and had hit/been hit by the vehicle coming down into the Hairpin northbound. But that's conjecture on my part.

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I still think that there should be a return to a dedicated roads patrol unit with dedicated patrol vehicles, just like there used to be. There really is no logical reason for not having this system. Of course they trot out the usual lame excuse of saving money which of course, in reality, it doesn't. 

Just the presence of a roads patrol makes a massive difference to driver behaviour.

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20 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

I still think that there should be a return to a dedicated roads patrol unit with dedicated patrol vehicles, just like there used to be. There really is no logical reason for not having this system. Of course they trot out the usual lame excuse of saving money which of course, in reality, it doesn't. 

Just the presence of a roads patrol makes a massive difference to driver behaviour.

Perhaps instead of having jollies round the island in boats and hanging round at the sea terminal they could go back to actual policing.

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2 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

I still think that there should be a return to a dedicated roads patrol unit with dedicated patrol vehicles, just like there used to be. There really is no logical reason for not having this system. Of course they trot out the usual lame excuse of saving money which of course, in reality, it doesn't. 

Just the presence of a roads patrol makes a massive difference to driver behaviour.

There is a roads policing unit with separate cars and officers. 

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