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TT 2022 ??


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8 minutes ago, Declan said:

Chance for the Island to make an Environmental Statement that will send a message around the world. Road Racing Capital of the World bans carbon emitting motorbikes. 

While generating electricity for the new e bikes from almost exclusively carbon emitting sources.

It'll send a message around the world OK, that we're a bunch of idiots who haven't quite grasped the climate problem yet 😀 

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1 minute ago, A fool and his money..... said:

While generating electricity for the new e bikes from almost exclusively carbon emitting sources.

It'll send a message around the world OK, that we're a bunch of idiots who haven't quite grasped the climate problem yet 😀 

Ban electric bikes too then. 

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6 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

There's been an electric bike race at the TT since 2008, despite poor grids and even poorer racing (the outcome of most races is known in advance) and little interest from fans. As far as I'm aware none of the manufacturers competing have ever produced or even had plans to produce a production motorcycle. If it was a new ICE class it wouldn't have made it to 2009. If that isn't embracing a reduction in CO2 emissions in racing then I don't know what is.

You talk about the past and the future of the TT. The past should be celebrated and the future should be embraced, that's exactly what the TT does extremely well.

However you completely ignore the present. We need to embrace the present too or there'll be no future. Like it or not the world has decided that moving away from ICE motorbikes is not a priority, and has no plans to do so. Racing is simply following suit.

It's not a priority but it will come.


The only country to specify motorcycles is Taiwan, and it’s aiming to be harder on those than anything else. That country is planning to phase out fuel-powered motorcycles by the year 2035 (everything else has until 2030). The country has the highest density of motorcycles anywhere in the world, and their fleet of 14 million really makes a dent in their air pollution; the estimates are that motorcycles contribute twenty percent of emissions there. They’re working hard on installing infrastructure to support electric vehicles so that they can be ready when the ban comes. 


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1 minute ago, Happier diner said:

It's not a priority but it will come.


The only country to specify motorcycles is Taiwan, and it’s aiming to be harder on those than anything else. That country is planning to phase out fuel-powered motorcycles by the year 2035 (everything else has until 2030). The country has the highest density of motorcycles anywhere in the world, and their fleet of 14 million really makes a dent in their air pollution; the estimates are that motorcycles contribute twenty percent of emissions there. They’re working hard on installing infrastructure to support electric vehicles so that they can be ready when the ban comes. 


Seems like a very logical move to me. 

What percentage of our emissions are caused by motorcycles?

What percentage of our emissions are caused by racing motorcycles?

Perhaps we could apply the same logic here.

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11 minutes ago, Declan said:

Ban electric bikes too then. 

And what message would that send out to the world? 

"In considering action to reduce emissions, draw up a list of activities which cause emissions with the ones causing the highest proportion of emissions at the top.

Then simply ban something toward the very bottom and announce to the world your leadership and suggest they follow suit."

I'm surprised no one has though of it before!  

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55 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

While generating electricity for the new e bikes from almost exclusively carbon emitting sources.

It'll send a message around the world OK, that we're a bunch of idiots who haven't quite grasped the climate problem yet 😀 

we don't have a climate problem , we have a people problem.

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2 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

F1 was supposed to die because of the hybrid engines and the loss of screaming v engines a few years ago.

Has it?

The TT, if it must continue until there is a really big accident with the public,  should at least try and be modern and reintroduce the Zero TT race.

It was miles ahead of its time.

We can't keep going around in circles Boris, we can reintroduce TT Zero and still get ten entries and everyone can be bored for half an hour waiting for the last guy to finish. 

Until there is sufficient manufacturer participation, it's a dead duck. I'm not saying it will never happen, but as you say, it was, and is, ahead of its time.

F1 Hybrids are a different kettle of fish, anyone who suggested it would finish F1 was wrong to start with. Hybrids were a proven technology on the road too, E bike racing has been proven, to be boring and unexciting. 

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TT Zero at least partly failed because it fell into the trap of the ethos that is consuming the rest of the TT...that of increasing lap speed to the disregard of all else.

This allowed one manufacturer with resource and finance (and no intention of incorporating the technology into road-going electric bikes) far in excess of the other concerns to run away with the racing. If that had been the case in F1 there would have been rule updates and penalties to keep other concerns in the frame; as it was, they couldn't compete and lost interest.

That having been said, the TT survives and is presented to its fans as a spectacle. Expecting a fledgling class of electric bikes to light up the enthusiasm of fans when they struggle to complete one lap vs six laps of high speed, highly-developed ICE bike racing was never going to happen - for far too many fans they were tedious and pointless.

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

, E bike racing has been proven, to be boring and unexciting. 

E anything racing is boring because half the draw of these things is the noise,  in our heads noise = speed = exciting , unless it's the neighbours mower at 8am on a sunday.

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2 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

F1 was supposed to die because of the hybrid engines and the loss of screaming v engines a few years ago.

Has it?

The TT, if it must continue until there is a really big accident with the public,  should at least try and be modern and reintroduce the Zero TT race.

It was miles ahead of its time.

Hybrid cars were mass produced by some of the worlds largest car manufacturers for 17 years before the technology was introduced into F1. The relevance of that introduction is obvious.

Electric bikes are yet to be seriously mass produced and were introduced to the TT 13 years ago.

Do you see the difference?

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

TT Zero at least partly failed because it fell into the trap of the ethos that is consuming the rest of the TT...that of increasing lap speed to the disregard of all else.

This allowed one manufacturer with resource and finance (and no intention of incorporating the technology into road-going electric bikes) far in excess of the other concerns to run away with the racing. If that had been the case in F1 there would have been rule updates and penalties to keep other concerns in the frame; as it was, they couldn't compete and lost interest.

That having been said, the TT survives and is presented to its fans as a spectacle. Expecting a fledgling class of electric bikes to light up the enthusiasm of fans when they struggle to complete one lap vs six laps of high speed, highly-developed ICE bike racing was never going to happen - for far too many fans they were tedious and pointless.

But don't the ICE bikes only manage 2 laps at a time. Not that much difference is it. You could easily change a battery as quickly as you fill a tank couldn't you?

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4 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

The TT, if it must continue until there is a really big accident with the public,  should at least try and be modern and reintroduce the Zero TT race.

It was miles ahead of its time.

Just to point out again that technically TT Zero was only suspended for two years not stopped.  As there was no racing those years anyway,it should actually be back in 2022 and if it isn't they should really explain why.

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

But don't the ICE bikes only manage 2 laps at a time. Not that much difference is it. You could easily change a battery as quickly as you fill a tank couldn't you?

It depends on the class and how much fuel they are allowed to carry. Some bikes could do four laps.

Changing a battery could prove very dangerous, especially when done in a hurry.  

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