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10 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Would someone be good enough to let me know the new road closure times for today?  I need to go to Marksies.

Thank you. 

11.30 am closing but looking at weather forecast looks unlikely, updates at 9am

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I respect and agree with the mods actions regarding this thread, I have been an on off visitor to this forum for years and it is the ignorant ranting, typified in this thread, that drives me away from MF. There are a lot of intelligent and humorous contributors on here but there are a few absolute lunatics who spoil it. If people find themselves gnashing their teeth and posting every five minutes, I implore them to step away from the keyboard.  

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5 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Good decision by the mods.  Some posters on the topic cannot be trusted to be responsible and are keener to make their  point than consider the sensitivities of the matter. 

sensitivities,    we don't all share the same ones,  we may have a few in common though, 

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21 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Would someone be good enough to let me know the new road closure times for today?  I need to go to Marksies.

Thank you. 

Paul went out to get bread at Strang stores yesterday whilst the roads were open. Forgot they were about to close. Took him 2 hours to get back via TT Access Road.

And we are only top of Vicarage Road.

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25 minutes ago, John Wright said:

That’s not pressure by IoM Newspapers. That’s MF criticising them for focussing on posts here ( critical of R Callister and his attitude to the death/injury ) rather than investigating the story.

Thanks for clarifying. That’s Callister all over though isn’t it? Trying to pretend that it’s not about his wildly inappropriate Tweeting after a horrific fatality but it’s all about people picking him up for his wildly inappropriate Tweeting after a horrific fatality. You’d expect better from IOM newspapers. 

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5 minutes ago, Johnny F said:

I respect and agree with the mods actions regarding this thread, I have been an on off visitor to this forum for years and it is the ignorant ranting, typified in this thread, that drives me away from MF. There are a lot of intelligent and humorous contributors on here but there are a few absolute lunatics who spoil it. If people find themselves gnashing their teeth and posting every five minutes, I implore them to step away from the keyboard.  

Agreed.  Yesterday particularly there were about 3 posters literally foaming at the mouth on this thread. 

Knowing that my views on the TT are even slightly contrary to theirs, it's not even worth posting a comment.  Not really ideal for a Forum. 

If they were close members of the victims (any of them) family or friends, then I could understand it.  But I don't believe they are.  It puzzles my why you would get so pissed off about something. 





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25 minutes ago, MrGarrison said:

Thanks for clarifying. That’s Callister all over though isn’t it? Trying to pretend that it’s not about his wildly inappropriate Tweeting after a horrific fatality but it’s all about people picking him up for his wildly inappropriate Tweeting after a horrific fatality. You’d expect better from IOM newspapers

No you really wouldn't 

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24 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Good decision by the mods.  Some posters on the topic cannot be trusted to be responsible and are keener to make their  point than consider the sensitivities of the matter. 

I think the mods/John Wright is just being a pompous arse, and not for the first time. OK getting splattered against a wall is not nice, to put it mildly, but if we are sensitive about it we should not let it happen rather going "oh that is not nice,  please don't mention it". It seems utter bollocks to me that you can not discuss a person going splat, losing a limb, being disfigured or badly burned but actually supporting it happening is fine.

I appreciate I did not say I would not post again, but if the mods will not permanently ban me when I have asked nicely then I might as well get banned for being an absolute cock. Flooding the forum with loads of new threads headed John Wright is an effing arsehole should probably do it!

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13 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

It puzzles my why you would get so pissed off about something. 

It's simple. It's anger at the Isle of Man prostituting our roads to facilitate this horror show year after year and nothing ever changes. Then when there is horrific incidents we get the whole fake 'thoughts and prayers' followed by the usual "they died doing what they loved" spiel. 

Secondary to that there's whole 'industry' that is built on the back of it. It's bloody money and nothing else. Charging people £300 a night to sleep in a portacabin is not 'essential' to the island's economy. 

Then we have the issues of the politicos and very highly paid civil servants who bask in the glory of the horror show. How many of them are ever held to account  for failures of the event such as the Mercer incident? Some of them believe themselves to be un-fucking-touchable (it has reflections of the DHSC issues in it). 

Finally there's the issue of what incidents at this event cause. Out of respect to John not asking us to talk about the sidecar incident I'm not going to.  However I've spoken with witnesses to previous incidents and they have been massively messed up by it. IOMG have a duty of care to bystanders and spectators and I don't believe they take this role seriously. 

We also have the issue of TT supporters living in a state of denial about the real world impacts that their precious event has on real people. They don't realise the distress, hurt and real damage to families it causes. They think it just all ends on Senior Race Day with the fireworks. I can promise you it doesn't. 

I hope that helps you understand the opposing viewpoint. 

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46 minutes ago, MrGarrison said:

Thanks for clarifying. That’s Callister all over though isn’t it? Trying to pretend that it’s not about his wildly inappropriate Tweeting after a horrific fatality but it’s all about people picking him up for his wildly inappropriate Tweeting after a horrific fatality. You’d expect better from IOM newspapers. 

I doubt Rob's doing that.

Surely is the story is - "Callister accused of insensitivity" and the supporting evidence is the MF thread accusing him of insensitivity. So the central thrust is the insensitivity but without the accusation the story would be "Callister posted a selfie". Obviously it would be better if the criticism is a fellow MHK or someone connected to the race than us lot but I don't see the problem. 

Edited by Declan
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33 minutes ago, Johnny F said:

I respect and agree with the mods actions regarding this thread, I have been an on off visitor to this forum for years and it is the ignorant ranting, typified in this thread, that drives me away from MF. There are a lot of intelligent and humorous contributors on here but there are a few absolute lunatics who spoil it. If people find themselves gnashing their teeth and posting every five minutes, I implore them to step away from the keyboard.  

 Well I effing don't. I agree there are idiots who spoil the forum but generally the mods including John Wright just totally ignore. Some current or ex politicians get loads of personal abuse just because of who they are and posters don't like them not based on any decision they may or may not have made. Others who give every impression of being racist biggots are treated as if the sun shines out of their backside.

We had a thread recently which was conjecture about whether the then Chief Minister was or had a homosexual affair with somebody they worked with, which I found particularly distasteful.  Friends and families of riders who go splat at least know the risks that the rider takes and have the opportunity to dissuade, the family of the Chief Minister had no such opportunity yet despite, in my view, many of the posts being far more distasteful the mods/John Wright did diddly squat.

Generally on this forum posters can be as abusive and offensive as they like and virtually nothing is done, but if you upset the personal sensitivities of JW over something relatively minor it is another matter. Nobody is forced to comment or read this forum so if people don't like what is posted don't read or if you don't like the rules that fuck off, as I will shortly be doing.

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