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TT 2022 ??


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1 hour ago, Blade Runner said:

Jesus H Christ - HE SAID THAT/ this....?

“Phillips admitted that the TT organizers face a major pushback against attempts to improve safety and avoid deaths"

Just WOW................... Fucking WOW 

The Civil Service on the IOM will do anything and say anything, it seems, to protect their income stream - for the avoidance of a misunderstanding for the off island Press reading these pages - the islands government has a government  department to organise this death race.

To the residents of the IOM - You must know by now that the races have an unacceptably HIGH death rate for a so called "sport" ? Why not do something about it?

A CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE SPONSORS OF THE TT like Monster and Milwaukee on their web sites may help. (I will never again buy a Milwaukee tool - I spend approx. £10,000 on hand tools a year for my business - their loss, I have bought plenty of their kit in the past - never again.

To quote Phillips again  - "The improved measures this year show that organizers understand the problem"

Real translation - THEY UNDERSTAND THEY CANT DO ANYTHING MEANINGFULL TO STOP DEATHS BUT IF THEY SPEND A LOT THEY CAN SAY  this -  " We have spent millions on the so called SMS so that means we, PERSONLLY,  have a clear conscience  regarding the yearly, very predictable deaths."

The truth is, you cant make the TT races safe, -  Fuck they died doing what they love - That argument is so stupid its not worth countering.

Bottom line it is an un-inclusive "Sport" with all white males and obvious lack of diversity, in fact many of the leading racers are openly homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic.

It is a, STATE SPONSORED, for profit , CARNAGE that accepts death as part of the process of bringing money to your sad little island in the middle of the sea that has lost all sense of common decency.



You will have your sad little island "politicians" saying the TT has been a success............
😞 FFS Sort yourselves out 

Some really wild claims there Blade, there's no indication of who the pushback to improve safety comes from, but we all know it isn't true supporters, politicians etc. The practicalities of some of the things required would be impossible.

Now you claim that the TT is racist and homophobic, the preserve of white men, transphobic, misogynistic etc etc? You obviously have no idea who some of the leading sponsors or competitors are, haven't watched or listened to any of the broadcasts. If you want to broaden the debate into some other areas, I suggest that you do a bit of homework.     

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5 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Now you claim that the TT is racist and homophobic, the preserve of white men, transphobic, misogynistic etc etc? You obviously have no idea who some of the leading sponsors or competitors are, haven't watched or listened to any of the broadcasts. If you want to broaden the debate into some other areas, I suggest that you do a bit of homework.     

He sort of has a point though. Do we have any coloured never mind LGBTQ+ or otherwise gender diverse TT riders? It does seem to comprise largely of stereotypical heterosexual white men some of whom have even been exposed as wife beaters. 

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13 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Wayleaves run with the land. So they bind subsequent owners. They can be registered against the title, and must be if for longer than 21 years. Same as phone posts, electric pylons, water/electric/gas mains.

Interesting. I hadn't thought they were wayleaves but you could well be right and yes they would transfer.

Like I say, I have a friend who has one, I'll see if I can take a skeet. I remember his saying they just wrote to him and asked if he minded if the area was made restricted during TT and MGP. He was more than happy but I doubt money changed hands and my memory tells me that it was in the region of 3 years but, my memory tells me all sorts these days which turns out to be BS. 

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4 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

He sort of has a point though. Do we have any coloured never mind LGBTQ+ or otherwise gender diverse TT riders? It does seem to comprise largely of stereotypical heterosexual white men some of whom have even been exposed as wife beaters. 

So do you think that there is an issue with people who are, coloured, gender diverse, gay or otherwise being discouraged from racing?

A famous ex racer has transitioned and is welcomed everywhere, including the TT, a major sponsor is trans, another black, a Japanese rider, one of a long line, competed this year. Black and Indian riders have competed in the past. I can't think of any Middle Eastern riders, or any Balkan riders. 

This is one of those arguments that go round in circles, "why don't black people spend more time in the countryside" for example. Maybe they just don't want to?  

I'm sure there must be some gay TT riders but that's their business! There are female riders, some have been very quick. Women are involved at all levels at the TT, the Deputy CoC is a woman, the head of the TTMA is a woman, the TT Race Secretary is a woman, several sponsors are women. 


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22 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

He sort of has a point though. Do we have any coloured never mind LGBTQ+ or otherwise gender diverse TT riders? It does seem to comprise largely of stereotypical heterosexual white men some of whom have even been exposed as wife beaters. 

Motorsport the world over is dominated by white men.  Take a look at the F1 paddock etc.

There have been female TT racers for years.  Maria Costello MBE probably being the most famous but there was also Jenny Tinmouth and of course Beryl Swain.

I did wonder when "wokeness" would be brought into this.  The TT must be one of the most anti-woke events in the world.

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3 minutes ago, Max Power said:

So do you think that there is an issue with people who are, coloured, gender diverse, gay or otherwise being discouraged from racing?

No I was asking you a question which was does anyone in any of those categories actually exist in the TT? Which you have now answered. That’s was it. There was no other agenda. 

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4 hours ago, Youaintseenme said:

If you look purely  at the solo classes it has been a superb week of racing with barely any incidents .

There have also been no road deaths.

Possibly the best race week for singles I can remember at an event where many predicted (and wanted 🙄) carnage.

Improved safety right from improved rider preparation up has been a success.  The on road campaigns have been a success.

Very sadly there have been two awful sidecar accidents which need further investigation Ona number of levels to find out what went wrong and try and make sure it doesn’t happen again.  That could even be as drastic a pulling the sidecars completely.

So as far a the bikes go I think the event has been better than most expected in every way.  The sidecars need a serious looking at.

Incidentally, while typing I am watching the build up to Le Mans on Eurosport.  They have hundreds in a parade thing on the start line and hovered a massive military helicopter over them before nosediving it straight at the crown and over their heads.  It looked awesome and I bet was a real thrill for the pilots and the people it buzzed but could have gone horribly wrong.  That’s life I guess.  You take your own chances dependent on your appetite for thrills and risks.

Bring on more great racing at a bigger event in 2023

Errr Mark Purslow and Dave’s Morgan…

Edited by Passing Time
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2 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

No I was asking you a question which was does anyone in any of those categories actually exist in the TT? Which you have now answered. That’s was it. There was no other agenda. 

Well yes, but you did suggest that Blade had a point, but no probs. 

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3 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Well yes, but you did suggest that Blade had a point, but no probs. 

He does have a point. I mentioned riders and then you moved on to sponsors. I had forgotten about Clarissa. It isn’t really the most diverse sport at face value but I take your comments on board. 

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As Max says, there are female riders - Maria Costello (who competes on solos and in an all female sidecar team), Jenny Tinmouth, Carolyn Sells etc 

The deputy clerk of the course is a woman.

Carl Cox, team owner, is black (please don’t say ‘coloured’)

There is a well known trans team owner.

A lot of the race officials, marshals and other volunteers  are female.

Heck, some of the officials even come from Laxey. I know!

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