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TT 2022 ??


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2 hours ago, Hooly said:

Don't know what line of work your in to get that sort of bullshit rammed down your ears but might do you well to get a new career

*Shrugs* From what I saw over the fortnight. I agree with their comments. If your experience is different then that's fine also. Everyone has differing standards of what they consider acceptable. I personally think the TT can be improved and more done to bring people over.

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9 hours ago, Max Power said:

It’s not particularly balanced Max, unless you are looking for a convenient article that draws no conclusions either way. It also repeats the false notion that stopping the TT would be the result of “banning” it. The TT only exists because the IOM Government uses taxpayers money to fund it. All the Government needs to do is to decide not to do so and find another method of supporting the visitor economy, for example by a comprehensive tourism strategy that sets realistic visitor targets and a realistic size and GDP contribution for the sector. No ban is necessary. 

There is a straightforward moral question for the TT; is it right to support a sector of the economy at the expense of human life? Free will has nothing to do with it; there are many examples where the law acts to prevent people doing things of their own free will that are dangerous to themselves and others and where that moral and ethical judgement has already been exercised. “Sport” does not provide a barrier for such judgement. If we really want balance, we should allow a proper debate about the event and our politicians should be free to express their opinion. Perhaps a public consultation?


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12 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

TT plus wasn’t perfect but for the first year it was absolutely brilliant, £15 was more than reasonable, yes the stream was iffy at times and sometimes the view wasn’t the best but overall everything was better than I had expected. 

What were you expecting?

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11 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

What were you expecting?

I wasn’t expecting as many camera locations, I also expected the stream to be worse quality due to the number of subscribers and I wasn’t sure what to expect of the commentary as that can make or break watching any motorsport for me, overall it was just really good.

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10 hours ago, Passing Time said:

329 pages and haters are going to have and lovers are going to love

Being concerned about, and expressing an opinion on, the unnecessary ending of human life and clear safety issues that continue to need addressing isn’t being a hater by any margin.

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So schools are back, and yesterday kids were asked what they did over the TT holiday, amoungst stories of wonderful family holidays was a normally outgoing primary age child old who sat silent and evasive.

Rumour has it their TT highlight was seeing two riders 'explode' and one get his 'head ripped off'. 

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2 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

So schools are back, and yesterday kids were asked what they did over the TT holiday, amoungst stories of wonderful family holidays was a normally outgoing primary age child old who sat silent and evasive.

Rumour has it their TT highlight was seeing two riders 'explode' and one get his 'head ripped off'. 

He/She knew the risks 🙄

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5 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

So schools are back, and yesterday kids were asked what they did over the TT holiday, amoungst stories of wonderful family holidays was a normally outgoing primary age child old who sat silent and evasive.

Rumour has it their TT highlight was seeing two riders 'explode' and one get his 'head ripped off'. 

Enough to scar someone mentally for life, and also creating a problem later on in life, for the islands mental health service.

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59 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Enough to scar someone mentally for life, and also creating a problem later on in life, for the islands mental health service.

Saw an old fella have a heart attack and keel over on my way to school aged 6 or so. Ban old people from going outside.

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15 hours ago, Chie said:


I am not surprised. I wont state where i work as im not allowed to but i have been in regular contact with visitors from the island and they are all really quite unhappy with how things are now. One only a few minutes ago one that is staying a little bit longer said to me:

“It’s too much about money and ripping people off now. It always has been but everything now costs and costs dearly. Even spectating on the better spots around the course now costs for each and every race sometimes £5-10. It used to be a lot better over here. Still cost money but there was more freedom and more to do. For the first TT since Covid its a pretty poor show.”

I have to agree. The fair wasn’t allowed. Mad Sunday is ending. Any merchandise or even the possibility of street vendors is now tied up in regulation and licences. Big named acts at big named prices. I saw one guy in his garden just before TT, won’t name where, building a small spectating scaffold thing with a sign attached to it saying something like “£7.50 viewing, £2.50 toilet use”. Peel day was apparently a huge joke. Some newer visitors even asked me what the prices were like with the Steam Packet the rest of the year and were disgusted when they found out. Some complaining that there was no real race coverage and they would have to pay even more money just to hear commentary via the app. Others complaining that the app half the time didn’t even work as the video kept cutting out. Other complaints were regarding the view from the helicopter stating that half the time you had no idea who was racing.

While i get that the TT makes the island a lot of money they need to start looking at what actually needs improving instead of the organiser meetings being “How can we milk them for even more money”.

Some of my ideas would be….

Bring back the much talked about legendary street party.

Give more freedom to vendors and merch resellers rather than having all contracts tied up with that guy at the grandstand. Let motorcycle parts and merch vendors come over and setup shop somewhere for example.

Allow audio commentary for the TT to be free and just charge for the streaming video.

Have some big named acts perform free of charge in a larger arena such as the villa with Bushys on hand rather than the 1886 nonsense.

See if any quad bike companies want to setup on Douglas beach for example and let people pay for X amount of time racing round a designated track.

Bring back the fair. Maybe re locate it to nobles park once more and ask if they have more rides they can provide to make it bigger and better than ever.

Idk stuff xD It’s difficult but they have to do something. It’s a shadow of its former shadow these days.

I had two Irish bikers in their mid 20s stay for the whole two weeks.  They'd both come once before, pre-covid. 

They absolutely loved it and couldn't have been more complimentary of the place, racing, organization, entertainment.  One is now chatting with the Relocate people and is planning on bringing his wife over for a non-TT holiday/fact-find in the next few months. 


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