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TT 2022 ??


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2 hours ago, ManxTaxPayer said:

Check this out.

Countdown to TT 2022

Countdown to Classic TT 2021

And in the News

Countdown to Classic TT 2021 (Which Seems To Clash With TT 2022)


Very sloppy. On several levels. 

Ahh, I was involved in starting and running that site in the 90’s before we sold it to Duke. Good times. 

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26 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Is this the event that was vandalised last year ?    If it was that was probably the last straw.   Shame though.

Not sure if it was the E2E but mountain bike event sabotage has become quite a popular past time.

Plenty of them have signs moved or removed and extra obstacles added. Some to the point of being genuinely deadly.

Covid and volunteers is just an excuse. Dwindling numbers for the past 5 years is the reality. 

Edited by The Phantom
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1 hour ago, The Phantom said:

Not sure if it was the E2E but mountain bike event sabotage has become quite a popular past time.

Plenty of them have signs moved or removed and extra obstacles added. Some to the point of being genuinely deadly.

Covid and volunteers is just an excuse. Dwindling numbers for the past 5 years is the reality. 

Rumour is that it was the fatality that caused the appetite to be lost. 

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Alf was on the Moanin Line today, he says he is confident that the TT2022 is going ahead. Confident? It should be everything is done, roads done, Marshall’s available etc. I think that IOMG/Alf/Rob Callister are running a fly by the seat of your pants operation, as to whether the event goes ahead, or whether there are major issues which are going to crop up. 

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28 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Alf was on the Moanin Line today, he says he is confident that the TT2022 is going ahead. Confident? It should be everything is done, roads done, Marshall’s available etc. I think that IOMG/Alf/Rob Callister are running a fly by the seat of your pants operation, as to whether the event goes ahead, or whether there are major issues which are going to crop up. 

Unless we manage to recruit a whole lot of staff for Nobles the TT has no chance.

Am I wrong Wrighty?............

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4 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

Unless we manage to recruit a whole lot of staff for Nobles the TT has no chance.

Am I wrong Wrighty?............

That's the strong rumour doing the rounds. Together with the fact they won’t be able to draft in any from across either as the main UK hospital trust in the northwest has told Nobles to get stuffed due to liability issues associated with the way some of the recent actions against Nobles’ consultants are being pursued by the police.

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Alf said the T.T. was still on the cards but his words lacked conviction in so much as in these uncertain times he sounded more hopeful than certain.  He didn’t say why are people even questioning this it is a well planned event and I have every confidence it will take place.   He mentioned something about lateral flows but I did not catch it all.    The Juan came on and as I had suffered Quirky and Howard I had had enough and turned off.   Wint reckoned he had loads of questions to put to Alf so why let these three wind bags on, every day they are on and I was putting it down to lack of interest but not do apparently.  That Juan really loves himself.

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FFS unless they have a mild winter and get lots of time for 'repairs' the state of roads alone will stop this happening, just today i noticed some of those works happening on Glencrutchery road have left a lovely patch of shit bumpy tarmac right where they are anchoring on the brakes to get in the pits. There's more patches round there than original tarmac.

FYI for the TT superfan who had a pop at me about racing lines and all that other bullshit last time i pointed this out, there's a lovely crack pothole forming right on the 'racing line' at the bottom of bray.

If they are going to put this on its got to be done as safely as possible for EVERYONE, residents,racers,spectators, marshals, medics, everyone. 

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