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TT 2022 ??


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4 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

On the basis of the old scoreboard being painted planks of wood slotted into a steel frame which has lasted about 70 years you do wonder what staggeringly grandiose plan hasn’t successfully passed muster at Treasury? 


download (23).jpeg

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

On the basis of the old scoreboard being painted planks of wood slotted into a steel frame which has lasted about 70 years you do wonder what staggeringly grandiose plan hasn’t successfully passed muster at Treasury? 

I can understand the need to provide a scoreboard that reflects 2022 technology, rather than that of the 1920s, but this can be achieved with a decent digital scoreboard surrounded by something reflecting the heritage of the event. Of course, things get complicated if you want to incorporate Cub Scouts doing unnecessary stuff and I wonder what nonsense has been added to pad the package. The design and bid really shouldn’t be that difficult or costly. 
Once upon a time, fuel forecourt attendants would fly into panic if you had a mobile phone in your possession. Now we have worked out that a phone doesn’t create sparks that would trigger an inferno. Some thought needs to be put into how pit crews can access the tracking available online, thus simplifying the information on the scoreboard for the grandstand punter’s consumption. Has this been considered? 

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2 hours ago, Manx17 said:

Good and there shouldn’t be any funding for a scoreboard. Buy some chalk and paint a black board and stand there and write the times. People are sick to death of wasting our money on stupid vanity projects. 

Alf, Rob Callister and Ashy like vanity projects. Lots of photo opportunities to be gained and pats on the back, job well done. After the new TT scoreboard is officially opened, Tynpotwalders can attend a reception in the TT ‘Manx Gas’ Hospitality Tent. 

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1 hour ago, joebean said:

I can understand the need to provide a scoreboard that reflects 2022 technology,

2022 technology has eliminated the need for a scoreboard. A single large device providing the same data data to a large number of people is just so 20th century.

These days every person (except for people like me) has their own display device. The data monitoring system that I assume the TT has, can provide each person with exactly the data they are interested in - each rider where and when etc.

No scoreboard required. Just a bit of this software stuff to pump out information to mobile phone feeds (or whatever the phrase is).


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3 hours ago, manxlass said:


Unbelievable , if true, and if the object of the exercise was to encourage even more marshals on the mountain to vote with their feet I have to say that he is doing a fairly good job ,   has he attended the Eddie Nelson charm school ?

Mike Brown is an excellent CSM and is respected by marshals on the mountain and is not ,IMO , obliged by his position obliged to accept,  adopt  and applaud the views and aspirations of the islands political masters and those they appoint.

Gary Thompson should perhaps remember that during the last MGP marshals got so frustrated at being held on the mountain until after the breakdowns/crashed bikes  were recovered that many gave the ultimatum that if they did not have a 'copper bottomed' guarantee that this practice would cease they would "step over the tape"  leaving their marshalling posts unattended ( It's happened before) . Fortunately the guarantee was given.

Edited by paswt
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A couple of years ago it was reportedly the stated aim of a certain individual to, "Get rid of the MGP".

It would appear that some people are following up that intention. If these latest reports are true they quite clearly indicate the dictatorial, dead hand of the IoM Government.

We may as well apply the last rites now.

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