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TT 2022 ??


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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Hotels being converted as there’s no demand for outdated, crappy hotels anymore & the costs on updating are prohibitive with not enough demand outside TT/MGP & maybe summer months 

I was brought up in this trade. No need to be nasty to it, especially when i only need to change one letter of yours..! 

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10 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I heard an interesting tale, whether it’s true is another story. With the new TTMarshall Association being planned, plans are afoot to import Marshalls to the island for the festival. It will be a way for DfE to control people and clamp down on criticism.

Another story I’ve heard, is Manx Radio aren’t broadcasting the Racing this year. I am assuming it’s going to be subscription/prepay commentary via an app? Anyone else hear anything?

I'd heard that MR had lost the broadcasting but thats all . 

Edited by Numbnuts
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34 minutes ago, Banky said:

I was brought up in this trade. No need to be nasty to it, especially when i only need to change one letter of yours..! 

So are you suggesting that there's a cost effective way of bringing some of these Edwardian and Victorian properties up to modern day standards and expectations? 

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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

People used to let their homes out and go on holiday with the money from rental paying for their holiday but travel is so uncertain at the moment they are waiting for a bit longer to go away.   

That's a really good point. A good number of people aren't confident enough to book foreign travel 6 months ahead. 

I think as well some people just find it a faff. The pandemic has changed a lot in terms of people's outlook and mentality... can they even be arsed to rent their house out for 2 weeks? 

Personally I won't be chancing it out on the island's roads during TT. 2 years of no TT mixed with the hype of them being back is going to be a recipe for carnage IMHO. 

But at the same time I wish race fans well and hope it goes well for them. 


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36 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

That's a really good point. A good number of people aren't confident enough to book foreign travel 6 months ahead. 

I think as well some people just find it a faff. The pandemic has changed a lot in terms of people's outlook and mentality... can they even be arsed to rent their house out for 2 weeks? 

Personally I won't be chancing it out on the island's roads during TT. 2 years of no TT mixed with the hype of them being back is going to be a recipe for carnage IMHO. 

But at the same time I wish race fans well and hope it goes well for them. 


The state of the TT course roads will have enough of an effect to possible kill off the event.

They may be working on the mountain for 6 weeks but the rest of the course is bumpier and more poorly surfaced than I have ever seen it.

I will beT that their will be at least 1 death on the road between Sulby and Ramsey in this years event, likely many more.

Have you driven it recently? Shocking state and lots of it has been overlaid with that slurry stuff which may give a bit of grip but is only recommended for housing estate roads in the UK...............................

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1 hour ago, Boris Johnson said:


Have you driven it recently? Shocking state and lots of it has been overlaid with that slurry stuff which may give a bit of grip but is only recommended for housing estate roads in the UK...............................

I can't profess to be an expert on 'the course' and it's conditions, but I can say it doesn't seem like the usual super smooth road I've known it to be in the past. 


50 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I think this is the main issue. People who usually let out their houses to pay for a free holiday have no certainty as to whether they will be able to go on holiday yet. Once clarity emerges it will probably release stock for let. It makes a mockery of the 500,000 visitors target though doesn’t it if they can’t even accommodate an average TT without relying on peoples goodwill surrounding their own houses.

I'm not sure the 50,000 number is grounded in reality. It's just a throwaway number someone in DfE has come up with. By the time the target date arrives there will be a new minister, the world will have moved on and there will be something to blame the failure on.

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2 hours ago, 0bserver said:


Personally I won't be chancing it out on the island's roads during TT. 2 years of no TT mixed with the hype of them being back is going to be a recipe for carnage IMHO. 

Are you should be driving at all? If you think you are “chancing it” by mixing with other road users that is a bit worrying.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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The subject of Manx Radio’s coverage of the T.T.came up on Mannin Line a couple of weeks ago when someone was saying that it was not happening this year I think Greenlight was mentioned.   The racing is getting commercialised so much the atmosphere is suffering, a bit like Christmas really.

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25 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Are you should be driving at all? If you think you are “chancing it” by mixing with other road users that is a bit worrying.

Chancing it is the risk of visiting road users coming at you on the wrong side of the road at an unsafe speed. 

My concern is confined to the behaviours of others who think our roads are one big race track for the period of TT. We see it almost every year, local injured, seriously injured or even killed as they're just trying to go about their business. 

Other than that I'm fine, thanks for your concern though pal. 

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12 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

Chancing it is the risk of visiting road users coming at you on the wrong side of the road at an unsafe speed. 

My concern is confined to the behaviours of others who think our roads are one big race track for the period of TT. We see it almost every year, local injured, seriously injured or even killed as they're just trying to go about their business. 

Other than that I'm fine, thanks for your concern though pal. 

In my experience it’s most often locals who dust off the bike ‘because it’s TT’, having pootled around in a Focus for the previous year (or three!) that cause the most trouble.  The foreigner driving on the wrong side is a rarity. If you’re in a reasonably sized piece of metal yourself and suffer a collision, you’ll probably be OK.

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2 minutes ago, wrighty said:

In my experience it’s most often locals who dust off the bike ‘because it’s TT’, having pootled around in a Focus for the previous year (or three!) that cause the most trouble.  The foreigner driving on the wrong side is a rarity. If you’re in a reasonably sized piece of metal yourself and suffer a collision, you’ll probably be OK.

Fair points! 

Personally I'm planning to take a bit of time off, hopefully enjoy the weather and paint the house. Avoiding the traffic bedlam. 

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16 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

 We see it almost every year, local injured, seriously injured or even killed as they're just trying to go about their business. 

I think I can just about remember 3 locals being killed in TT week, one on his way to work at Handley's, one on the mountain (travelling against the direction of the course before it was on way throughout) both of these were a good 20 odd years ago. The third was on a bike and reportedly doing well over a ton off the Cronk-y-Voddey straight.

I can't think of any who have been seriously injured. Hardly almost every year is it?

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