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Reayrt Mie Ballasalla - Dandara


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I would imagine both price hikes and long lead times are a factor as well as labour limited with our nearly closed borders. 

Especially if there is no mechanism in the contract to pass on these unforeseen cost rises, it could already impact profit on those being built in the last year not to mention Covid costs if any. Factor in Brexit uncertainty to availability, prices and delivery and you might reach a point where the unbuilt contracts are cheaper to abandon with associated (presumably fixed) penalties if any than risk building at a loss.

Also given apparent shortage of local sub-contractors and probably ensuing escalating costs there too. I personally know of one joiner, who having left the trade 10 years ago for more work/financial security, getting a call to see if he would be interested in coming back many months ago.

Unfortunately, the nature of boom and bust building economics rarely brings back those that leave (or are let go) in the hard times when the booms return. 

And even being optomistic and re-training currently unemployed hospitality/retail staff to trades would take a few years even if they were able and prepared to do so.


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http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=60622&headline=More Hong Kong residents for the Isle of Man%3F&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2021&cat=Other News#readComments

Mr Skelly said: ’Government has just approved the Eastern Area Plan, which outlines considerable housing developments in that, which is also focussed on current residents as well as new.  Ballasalla and Castletown have also got new developments planned and will help people be able to get on the housing ladder'.

I am confused. Is Dandara returning deposits to customers? Is Dandara continuing to build or not?


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1 hour ago, code99 said:

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=60622&headline=More Hong Kong residents for the Isle of Man%3F&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2021&cat=Other News#readComments

Mr Skelly said: ’Government has just approved the Eastern Area Plan, which outlines considerable housing developments in that, which is also focussed on current residents as well as new.  Ballasalla and Castletown have also got new developments planned and will help people be able to get on the housing ladder'.

I am confused. Is Dandara returning deposits to customers? Is Dandara continuing to build or not?


Don’t know if they are returning deposits or not but after Skelly comments they probably will and put prices up by £50k in summer for all the new residents from HK

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13 hours ago, pongo said:

Would be brilliant for the local economy culture etc if the island could attract lots of people from Hong Kong. But I can't see why they would be especially attracted here vs anywhere else in Britain.

Recently there have been a series of articles on CNN that mock British hypocrisy; i.e. on the one hand they welcome HKers, thinking they are all rich, English speaking and educated, but on the other hand treating many other people who are fleeing wars and similar torment with contempt.

Apparently, the UK Government has boldly said something along the lines of: ''new migrants from Hong Kong will not cost British taxpayers a penny". The reality though may turns out a bit different to that wishful thinking. The early arrivals from HK will likely have planned their exits quite well, and therefore be in a position to prosper, but the later arrivals may not be so fortunate.

Many would-be migrants from HK are likely to be young, brave pro-democracy activists who hope that they have escaped from the wrath of the Chinse authorities. But will their 'escapes' be as unencumbered as they would like them to be? I think not. I suspect that the Chinese authorities will do whatever they can to prevent many of these people from withdrawing their wealth from HK and transferring it here. It seems to me that as time goes by, the Chinese authorities are likely to clamp down on outwards migration and thereby to allow fewer people (and their money) to leave HK. 

Another issue CNN has highlighted is that if there is a mass exodus from HK, then the 'wealth' of the last people to leave will be greatly diminished; i.e. property prices, stock market and other forms of investment will decline as more and more people sell up and leave. Potentially these types of 'unfortunate realities' could mean that some of the HKers who migrate to the UK will not have much more money than 'less privileged' refugees from other countries, and will therefore have to rely on their social networks of family and friends and also Government handouts, just like other refugees do. 

A big question is how politically sustainable such situation will be and whether/when the UK Government will have to face the music and admit that many of these HKers will need some kind of Government support.

So yes, the HK migrants are welcome, but let's not be completely naïve about who they are and what their personal circumstances will be. Let's curb our enthusiasm a bit, because rather than brining vast sums of money with them to invest into the UK/IoM economies, they may be looking for simple social support from us.      

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1 hour ago, code99 said:

Recently there have been a series of articles on CNN that mock British hypocrisy; i.e. on the one hand they welcome HKers, thinking they are all rich, English speaking and educated, but on the other hand treating many other people who are fleeing wars and similar torment with contempt.

Apparently, the UK Government has boldly said something along the lines of: ''new migrants from Hong Kong will not cost British taxpayers a penny". The reality though may turns out a bit different to that wishful thinking. The early arrivals from HK will likely have planned their exits quite well, and therefore be in a position to prosper, but the later arrivals may not be so fortunate.

Many would-be migrants from HK are likely to be young, brave pro-democracy activists who hope that they have escaped from the wrath of the Chinse authorities. But will their 'escapes' be as unencumbered as they would like them to be? I think not. I suspect that the Chinese authorities will do whatever they can to prevent many of these people from withdrawing their wealth from HK and transferring it here. It seems to me that as time goes by, the Chinese authorities are likely to clamp down on outwards migration and thereby to allow fewer people (and their money) to leave HK. 

Another issue CNN has highlighted is that if there is a mass exodus from HK, then the 'wealth' of the last people to leave will be greatly diminished; i.e. property prices, stock market and other forms of investment will decline as more and more people sell up and leave. Potentially these types of 'unfortunate realities' could mean that some of the HKers who migrate to the UK will not have much more money than 'less privileged' refugees from other countries, and will therefore have to rely on their social networks of family and friends and also Government handouts, just like other refugees do. 

A big question is how politically sustainable such situation will be and whether/when the UK Government will have to face the music and admit that many of these HKers will need some kind of Government support.

So yes, the HK migrants are welcome, but let's not be completely naïve about who they are and what their personal circumstances will be. Let's curb our enthusiasm a bit, because rather than brining vast sums of money with them to invest into the UK/IoM economies, they may be looking for simple social support from us.      

quite a few years ago HK residents had british passports, right up to the point they wanted to escape when china were going to be  given the reigns then all of sudden a HK passport wasn't actually a british passport after all and didn't give you the right to move to the UK.

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On 2/23/2021 at 7:28 PM, Banker said:

Don’t know if they are returning deposits or not but after Skelly comments they probably will and put prices up by £50k in summer for all the new residents from HK

I'm absolutely convinced that this is Dandara's plan, prices going up and up, them tied to such low prices. If you could afford it, it would be worth holding them to the contract! But I can imagine the difficulties they would put in your way!

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45 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I'm absolutely convinced that this is Dandara's plan, prices going up and up, them tied to such low prices. If you could afford it, it would be worth holding them to the contract! But I can imagine the difficulties they would put in your way!

According to the press report today if you can exchange within 14 days you can still have house otherwise you get your £1k back but don’t worry Cregeen is meeting Dandara 😂

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