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Census 2021


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Putting government IT into the Cabinet Office only served to bolster the arrogant, self important, I’m better than you attitude rife in that department.  

Everyone in that department use 1000 words when 2 will do and most are paid just to ring Sure, MT or Typhoon House when a problem arises.

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22 minutes ago, Banker said:

Chris Thomas said on radio that the post office had offered to run census project as they have done previously but it was declined by cabinet office as they said they could do it more efficiently in house!!

Is that the same Post Offfice that recently issued a load of incorrect polling cards for an election?

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14 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Jeepers Creepers 

A few technical problems plus a bit of human error and the whole thing in some people’s eyes becomes an unforgivable fiasco!

It will all get sorted. Those who want to complete their  census form  will have the opportunity to do so without any threat of a fine hanging over them.

As the youngsters say, “ take a chill pill”

I agree. After all, they've only had the last ten years to get it sorted.

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19 minutes ago, x-in-man said:

Putting government IT into the Cabinet Office only served to bolster the arrogant, self important, I’m better than you attitude rife in that department.  

Everyone in that department use 1000 words when 2 will do and most are paid just to ring Sure, MT or Typhoon House when a problem arises.

What do you expect when you have people who haven’t a brain cell between them. Maybe some have professional qualifications and experience within CS, but it’s doubtful they have ‘common sense’. Zero problem solving skills - throw it on to others if possible, it’s on taxpayers money.

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14 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Jeepers Creepers 

A few technical problems plus a bit of human error and the whole thing in some people’s eyes becomes an unforgivable fiasco!

It will all get sorted. Those who want to complete their  census form  will have the opportunity to do so without any threat of a fine hanging over them.

As the youngsters say, “ take a chill pill”

Sorry I don’t like ineptitude, arrogance, bullshit, hectoring and bullying behaviour. I don’t like being controlled or legislated against, or at least if I am, I expect the procedures to carried out efficiently, productively, on time and to budget. SIMPLES really - unless there are people who think failure, inability to do the simplistic of tasks and the I know best as I am the best attitude is the way to go. 

Yet again it’s another weak, inept and dire performance from IOMG. Take a bow HRH The Chief Minister of Fcuk ups.

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'Sorry I don’t like ineptitude, arrogance, bullshit, hectoring and bullying behaviour.

Neither do I as the people involved are being paid large sums of money to get it right .  Sorry but 'Voice of Reason ' needs to look and assess is the constant cockups and over spends in anyway reasonable or acceptable and would they be entertained in the private sector . Answer is clearly NO ! and whats worse we consistently pay for everything twice , once for the cock up and again to put it right . That in my book is no way 'Reasonable' or acceptable . I ask again VOR to inform me of one contract over recent years that hasnt endured constant delays or overspends or both ?? Not to mention cockups . Waiting !! ?


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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

Neither do I as the people involved are being paid large sums of money to get it right .  Sorry but 'Voice of Reason ' needs to look and assess is the constant cockups and over spends in anyway reasonable or acceptable and would they be entertained in the private sector . Answer is clearly NO ! and whats worse we consistently pay for everything twice , once for the cock up and again to put it right . That in my book is no way 'Reasonable' or acceptable . I ask again VOR to inform me of one contract over recent years that hasnt endured constant delays or overspends or both ?? Not to mention cockups . Waiting !! ?


Here we go again.

Private sector good, Public sector rubbish.

Re your request to be informed of one contract that endured constant delays or overspends, and wasn’t a cock up.

I believe the stationery procurement procedure works well and is one example of such a contract. There are many more but we only get to hear of the ones that go a bit wonky causing some people get all in a tizzy.

For someone who doesn’t like arrogance, bullying or hectoring  (“waiting!!), your second paragraph comes pretty close to displaying all these behaviors.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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4 hours ago, Declan said:

People are overreacting. 

To what? People are entitled to their views. People are totally fed up, depressed and sick to the back teeth of these showers of $¥!}@. Hard working Manx Families, Manx Taxpayers and the Great Manx Public have had great hardships thrown on them. People all over the island have made sacrifices. This census comes along and Minister Harmer has made a complete Drama out of something which is normal and carried out on a 10 year basis.

Lessons will be learned - lesson 1 - Don’t give Harmer any responsibility, he couldn’t run a hot kipper van on Peel Promenade. He has had 5 years at COMIN so the Census would have been discussed - I refuse to believe that these topics aren’t mentioned.

Secondly the other members of COVID are as guilty as Harmer, they could have sorted this mess out, showed iniative insisted of being humiliated. It comes to something when we have the Southern Befrienders helping older folk complete the forms online and paper versions. Is this what a charity is having to do - fulfill the Government’s role?

As the Chamber of Commerce is a beneficiary of IOMG largesse, why don’t their members and the Junior Chamber of Commerce get off their pampered backsides and actually het out into their communities, perhaps helping people (elderly, poor and vulnerable) complete the census. They actually may learn/see how some people live, and it may open their eyes.

Sorry if I’m over reacting. 

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5 minutes ago, 2112 said:

To what? People are entitled to their views. People are totally fed up, depressed and sick to the back teeth of these showers of $¥!}@. Hard working Manx Families, Manx Taxpayers and the Great Manx Public have had great hardships thrown on them. People all over the island have made sacrifices. This census comes along and Minister Harmer has made a complete Drama out of something which is normal and carried out on a 10 year basis.

Lessons will be learned - lesson 1 - Don’t give Harmer any responsibility, he couldn’t run a hot kipper van on Peel Promenade. He has had 5 years at COMIN so the Census would have been discussed - I refuse to believe that these topics aren’t mentioned.

Secondly the other members of COVID are as guilty as Harmer, they could have sorted this mess out, showed iniative insisted of being humiliated. It comes to something when we have the Southern Befrienders helping older folk complete the forms online and paper versions. Is this what a charity is having to do - fulfill the Government’s role?

As the Chamber of Commerce is a beneficiary of IOMG largesse, why don’t their members and the Junior Chamber of Commerce get off their pampered backsides and actually het out into their communities, perhaps helping people (elderly, poor and vulnerable) complete the census. They actually may learn/see how some people live, and it may open their eyes.

Sorry if I’m over reacting. 

Not in  my opinion. You have hit the nail on the head!

The census is a very important exercise carried out every 10 years and World Wars excepted has been exercised since 1801. The information contained is invaluable to historians and others. Here we are in 2021 and we are not able to carry out this important task without cocking it up big time. 

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I bet our friends in the Channel Islands know how to conduct a census. Remember that well known ex Civil Servant Colin Kniveton went to Sark to help them set up a Civil Service. I bet their Civil Service could run its census better than we can. 

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3 minutes ago, NoTail said:

Not in  my opinion. You have hit the nail on the head!

The census is a very important exercise carried out every 10 years and World Wars excepted has been exercised since 1801. The information contained is invaluable to historians and others. Here we are in 2021 and we are not able to carry out this important task without cocking it up big time. 

We are sadly reliant on the good people of Peel and Glenfaba to do their civic duty and vote out the two sitting clowns. If HRH The Chief Minister won’t exercise his authority and grow a set, show he understands actually does something, then I’m afraid it’s down to the voters. Tim nice but Dim was many things, but he must be a better bet, and I think Kate Lord Brennan will get in as well. 

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21 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's a form that takes 10 minutes to complete. If you can't get connected wait and try later. Not ideal, but not a reason to kick off. Save your anger for the many things they've truely cocked up.

Well said. After giving up trying on Sunday I went on at 6am Monday and sailed through it. 

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