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Census 2021


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19 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's a form that takes 10 minutes to complete. If you can't get connected wait and try later. Not ideal, but not a reason to kick off. Save your anger for the many things they've truely cocked up.

Its a very basic exercise to a competent organisation especially with the extent of the in house tech experts. The last census was dogged by issues the main one being the omission of being 'Manx' . The population has not changed that much numerically so they knew what would be expected around the census date . The demand was too much for the site then a total failure to be able to send out enough forms to those requiring them. Then also the difficulties to get through on the phone. Sorry , its a epic fail of what should have been a routine exercise.  

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46 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's a form that takes 10 minutes to complete. If you can't get connected wait and try later. Not ideal, but not a reason to kick off. Save your anger for the many things they've truely cocked up.


Really, people must have so little going on in their lives.   It's worked absolutely fine for most people.

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21 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:


Really, people must have so little going on in their lives.   It's worked absolutely fine for most people.

Agreed. I couldn't see what the fuss was about.  I affected a particularly feeble Yorkshire accent and said.......

"Now listen up wife,tha needs to get on that www telly and get thee act together,no slackin' now or you'll be third in't queue fer bath watter, after the sheep 'n aal. These buggers are gonna charge us brass fer this if you clart it up!"

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21 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

It’s a minor inconvenience 

If it was a small business I would agree but when its a multi million pound organisation with upwards of 9000 employers lots who are paid big salaries and there bosses being in receipt of £110 k upwards plus pension then its totally a epic fail . You cant defend the indefensible despite your efforts to do so. 

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1 hour ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:


Really, people must have so little going on in their lives.   It's worked absolutely fine for most people.

Cobblers! Most people I know gave up on the site early last week, whilst trying to pre-fill. Myself, it took me 40 minutes to fill in my own data, it just kept hanging and crashing. I saved it and came back to it later, when it took me 20 minutes to fill in my wife's data, it just kept hanging, but only crashed once. On Sunday night, I spent half an hour trying to submit it, but it kept coming back with "server error". I gave up and emailed for a paper copy to fill in. By chance, on Monday I went back in to try to submit if one more time, and it submitted first time. A total of around 1h 40m. Paper form would have been completed in under ten minutes and I would happily pay postage. 

ETA, on Monday when it submitted, it gave me a submission reference number of 900 odd. So in reality, under 1000 managed to submit their data by mid afternoon Monday, of around 30,000 households. 

Edited by Cambon
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I tried for about 6minutes and decided to do it again in unsociable hours.

It is poor that they didn't plan for the demand though. But given how slowly Government moves, and how embedded in particular technology stacks they are, it's perhaps unsurprising.

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6 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Cobblers! Most people I know gave up on the site early last week, whilst trying to pre-fill. Myself, it took me 40 minutes to fill in my own data, it just kept hanging and crashing. I saved it and came back to it later, when it took me 20 minutes to fill in my wife's data, it just kept hanging, but only crashed once. On Sunday night, I spent half an hour trying to submit it, but it kept coming back with "server error". I gave up and emailed for a paper copy to fill in. By chance, on Monday I went back in to try to submit if one more time, and it submitted first time. A total of around 1h 40m. Paper form would have been completed in under ten minutes and I would happily pay postage. 

ETA, on Monday when it submitted, it gave me a submission reference number of 900 odd. So in reality, under 1000 managed to submit their data by mid afternoon Monday, of around 30,000 households. 

I asked the 10 people that work near to me and no one had an issue. Other than someone thought a couple of the questions were unnecessary.   I filled it in for 5 people.  Took me about 15 minutes.  I did it around 8 30 a.m.  no issue at all.

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25 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

If it was a small business I would agree but when its a multi million pound organisation with upwards of 9000 employers lots who are paid big salaries and there bosses being in receipt of £110 k upwards plus pension then its totally a epic fail . You cant defend the indefensible despite your efforts to do so. 

It’s not a case of defending the indefensible. It’s putting things in perspective.

If the consequences of having problems in submitting the census forms online would be catastrophic then I would also agree.

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36 minutes ago, Cambon said:

ETA, on Monday when it submitted, it gave me a submission reference number of 900 odd. So in reality, under 1000 managed to submit their data by mid afternoon Monday, of around 30,000 households. 

Apparently that number can’t be treated as a sequence number. I thought I heard a minister say that around 20,000 online forms had been completed. 

ETA https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/dont-panic-if-you-havent-completed-census/

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25 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Cobblers! Most people I know gave up on the site early last week, whilst trying to pre-fill. Myself, it took me 40 minutes to fill in my own data, it just kept hanging and crashing. I saved it and came back to it later, when it took me 20 minutes to fill in my wife's data, it just kept hanging, but only crashed once. On Sunday night, I spent half an hour trying to submit it, but it kept coming back with "server error". I gave up and emailed for a paper copy to fill in. By chance, on Monday I went back in to try to submit if one more time, and it submitted first time. A total of around 1h 40m. Paper form would have been completed in under ten minutes and I would happily pay postage. 

ETA, on Monday when it submitted, it gave me a submission reference number of 900 odd. So in reality, under 1000 managed to submit their data by mid afternoon Monday, of around 30,000 households. 

Between 45 and 46,000 households. At best 50% of returns were submitted on time, on line. Given the digital by default tag, that is pathetic. If it were the other way around i.e. register on line as an option, the figures would probably be about the same, but with a further 40-45% paper returns in the bank.

the only saving grace is that this year, right now, no one can really go anywhere, which is probably why they're making up this period of grace, usually reserved for return of be fined for the missing 5%. So good fortune, not good management might s till save the situation

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24 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

It’s not a case of defending the indefensible. It’s putting things in perspective.

If the consequences of having problems in submitting the census forms online would be catastrophic then I would also agree.

You are clearly a CS or goverment worker or have been as you have no idea of expenditure or how it effects the general public ! 

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Hopefully it won’t matter when the data is compiled that the questions and responses are in a different order on the paper and online forms, nor that the answer options are different in some cases, nor that the question about where you were on census night is missing on the paper form .
Not sure what statistical use optional answers will be other than to show how many people did/didn’t want to answer those questions. Anyway, completed online, not difficult, but the submission reference number is entirely random, mine started with 20 million, so is no indication of the number submitted online.

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4 minutes ago, NoTail said:

I am still struggling with the questions 

Did you get 1+ O levels? A yes

Did you get 2+ O levels? A yes

What was that about?

Wonder did you get the GCSE option depending what age you had put ?? 1986 they started I think. I have none of them so the question didnt require my input 😂

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