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Census 2021


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19 minutes ago, The Chief said:

5,695 residential properties were recorded as being vacant - WHAT!!!!

This 5695 attached to the minuscule population growth should put to bed ANY major housing estates construction, they are simply not needed.

So young people will continue to struggle to buy houses, because the census found that during the pandemic many holiday homes were empty and many people didn't complete the form.

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One of the headline figures is 



The number of people in employment has increased by 1,930 (4.6%) while the economically active population - that's anyone 16 and older and either seeking work or waiting to start work - increased from 42,777 in 2016 to 44,875 in 2021 - an increase of 4.9%.

It would be interesting to know how many of those 1,930 are tax takers (public sector) and tax creators (private sector).

The figure may sound good, but if they're all public sector jobs then it's a massive liability.  

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29 minutes ago, Declan said:

So young people will continue to struggle to buy houses, because the census found that during the pandemic many holiday homes were empty and many people didn't complete the form.

6 out of 225 homes planned by Dandara were classed as affordable first time homes, the rest executive homes.

Its utter horseshit that affordable homes are being built in any great number. How about i don't know refurb and selling the empty properties to first time buyers and regenerate areas where there a glut of them.

My point is we don't need massive new greenfield estates with 200 £450,000 executive homes. if you said they were building 200 first time buyer houses at £150,000 each then that argument would be different but they are not and never will.

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

If the population hasn’t grown as much as been hyped beyond recognition, perhaps now tough choices and hard decisions can be made. The basic infrastructure has been allowed to wither away, and our medical services are such, where many local residents can’t get on to the books of certain medical practices. As for getting a doctor appointment, forget it ……… impossible dream. Censuses mean nothing if this island isn’t going to address issues ……….. or perhaps …………

……….. the population has grown but IOMG has made such a complete mess of the census, that the statistics are totally unreliable?

Not sure what medical practice you use but I have never had an issue get appointments at Hailwood & my wife can get appointments at Palatine. If you want a particular GP you may wait a week or 2

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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

Not sure what medical practice you use but I have never had an issue get appointments at Hailwood & my wife can get appointments at Palatine. If you want a particular GP you may wait a week or 2

I agree with you . Had lots of issues over the years and never had a problem being seen at Hailwood . Be it doctor , my choice too , or nurse. 

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3 hours ago, asitis said:

I get the distinct impression that developers are now not viewed as "developers", but as NI and taxation suppliers ! Hence they have free reign to do more or less what they want. What they do, is now secondary to the employment created.

I've long thought this too. Our current economy is largely predicated on 1) E-gaming, 2) A diminishing(?) Finance sector, 3) Construction and 4) Online shopping. Everything else forms tiny percentages of the overall picture and/or is struggling.

Yet the VAT rebate continues to burgeon year on year, it can only be these things that are driving it. Construction is therefore less about "developing" and more about building the return?

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The problem with buying an older property is that mortgage lenders are not helpful which is a shame.   Lots of people would love to buy an older property and improve it but unless you have the cash it is pretty impossible.  Building new houses whilst there are empty properties seems crazy but if you can save a deposit and buy a new build you get a new kitchen, bathroom etc property painted and you should not have to spend any money on the property for a good number of years this is the appeal for them.  There should be no more building on green field sites. 

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2 hours ago, The Chief said:

6 out of 225 homes planned by Dandara were classed as affordable first time homes, the rest executive homes.

Its utter horseshit that affordable homes are being built in any great number. How about i don't know refurb and selling the empty properties to first time buyers and regenerate areas where there a glut of them.

My point is we don't need massive new greenfield estates with 200 £450,000 executive homes. if you said they were building 200 first time buyer houses at £150,000 each then that argument would be different but they are not and never will.

They are obliged to build them, but what they have done is moved the phasing so that they're last to be delivered. That is when the profit has been maximised elsewhere on the development. Morally bankrupt perhaps but there is nothing in law to stop them. The cheapest homes will appear with the shops etc.. Shitty really.

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3 hours ago, Declan said:

So young people will continue to struggle to buy houses, because the census found that during the pandemic many holiday homes were empty and many people didn't complete the form.

There are a lot of empty & underused properties about. Let's see some incentives to get them put into use, & regeneration of brownfield sites for social housing and first time buyer homes

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Sharp developers will use any ruse to get their way to build huge housing developments, whether they are strictly necessary or not, all that matters is the bottom line.

The first time buyer allocation is horseshit, they know it, we know it, so why continue with the farce. It fits in alongside the bypass, unnecessary, but they knew a dimwit MHK would fall hook line and sinker for it. The only problem it has solved is the developers need to build 350 houses on green fields !

Why do we think every HNWI and every big business is our friend !


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8 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

There are a lot of empty & underused properties about. Let's see some incentives to get them put into use, & regeneration of brownfield sites for social housing and first time buyer homes

The Manx Development Corporation (remember that) is camped in the same building as Dandara with salary costs in the region £500K to do just that. 

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4 hours ago, Banker said:

A number of people on social media comments saying they didn’t receive a census or complete one & know of several others in same position, I know of a block of flats where only 2 out of 8 completed

They can't really blame Covid either as they made similar mistakes in 2016.  There's bragging about it being a 'digital first' census, but the whole point of a census is you need to get people out on the ground, knocking on doors, knocking on neighbours doors, contacting landlords, checking whether places look empty and going back to check again. 

They've also missed the opportunity to investigate the status of empty properties.  Ireland do this in interesting ways and might be somewhere to look at, but that would mean admitting there was a problem - or at least a problem that can't be solved by Dandara.

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