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Sewage, something stinks!

Max Power

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1 hour ago, Newbie said:

That would be the sewage treatment plant at Trevalga then? Some distance from Boscastle in open countryside, and not in the centre of the village.

The one that cost 11 million?

https://www.thepost.uk.com/article.cfm?id=1090&headline=Fancy a tour of the new £11-million sewage works?&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2011  

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3 hours ago, Newbie said:

I don't know of any similar treatment plants that have been built in central village locations, or in the middle of popular tourist areas. They are always sited at some distance, presumably for a reason. I appreciate that the geography in Laxey makes it a challenge, but it is a Conservation area, and that must count for something.

The original report that was commissioned to look at options was basically written to prove that the proposed site was the only feasible one, rather than to objectively evaluate alternative proposals.

Many you will not know about. They don't have to be large, just properly maintained.

Here's one close to me.

The output from the houses below is pumped up ~20m to this. When not run properly it can stink to high heaven, otherwise not a whiff.

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17 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

This is nothing (or very little) to do with nimbyism. It was a shit choice for many reasons but before they heard the facts about why it was such a shit choice they’d already shelled out the money to buy the whole plot. 

Is there any other business in the world where this sort of ‘acumen’ would be tolerated? 

While the Island is divided on whether it was a good location or not, the really important question is being ignored.

The above applies to just about any other government cock up you should wish to mention. 

You’re welcome. 

What are the NIMBYs proposing instead?

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3 hours ago, Newbie said:

I don't know of any similar treatment plants that have been built in central village locations, or in the middle of popular tourist areas. They are always sited at some distance, presumably for a reason. I appreciate that the geography in Laxey makes it a challenge, but it is a Conservation area, and that must count for something.

The original report that was commissioned to look at options was basically written to prove that the proposed site was the only feasible one, rather than to objectively evaluate alternative proposals.

You  have to put a pump station or treatment works where the sewers currently end. That is just how it is, it is a fact.

Port Erin has a massive one in the middle of the village, Port st Mary's is on the quay, Ramsey on the prom, they all had to go where the pipes go to now.

Laxey's pipes go to the harbour so you need to either build the treatment works there or a huge pump station.

I would imagine that the 3 towns I mentioned above have pump stations and not treatment works because pumping is not too difficult, Laxey's end of its sewers is at the bottom of very steep cliffs and a steep valley which makes pumping expensive and noisy.

ETA MU would always have to buy the chalets, they HAD to build something there , works or pump station.

Buying that before everyone knew what was going on was a shrewd move the plot would have been a lot more expensive if people knew that it was critical.

Edited by Boris Johnson
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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

Do you, or anyone know what was in the original plan from the IRIS project? There seems to be a dearth of information on it. Not whether it was a good idea or not, but just what the projection was at the time? 

I don't but basic engineering says that there would have been a pump station at the ends of all the sewers before sea outfalls and pumped back to Meary Veg.

That was IRIS original plan, everything pumped but that has changed over the years, 25+ years I believe to more localised treatment.

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6 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I understand there were (approx) thirteen other possibilities.

It is not for the general public to say what they want in advance. That s never done and if it is it’s only ever lip service (see town regeneration for details).

Its up to the GA to designate a site after due diligence and the public can object to that. In this case I believe just about everyone objected.

But here we are again, discussing the nuances instead of why government were authorised to buy a site they decided would be a good spot to site a sewage treatment plant (going against their own regs of not building on a flood plain) and paid up front before the plans were even submitted.

Does this strike you as a good use of your taxes? Is there anywhere else you could think of that could use that injection of cash rather than investing it in a pup? 

They'll just sell it again. Maybe make a little profit.

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3 hours ago, Newbie said:

I don't know of any similar treatment plants that have been built in central village locations, or in the middle of popular tourist areas. They are always sited at some distance, presumably for a reason. I appreciate that the geography in Laxey makes it a challenge, but it is a Conservation area, and that must count for something.

The original report that was commissioned to look at options was basically written to prove that the proposed site was the only feasible one, rather than to objectively evaluate alternative proposals.

Think there is one in the heart of the village in Andreas

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12 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Think there is one in the heart of the village in Andreas

Sewage from Andreas is treated at Balladoole as far as I know. There have been complaints from that site about the smell. Fortunately. it isn't near any built up areas

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