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22 minutes ago, Gladys said:

trodden HR pathways to deal with competency, which are devised to improve performance (or identify that performance cannot be improved)

I agree, but not in Government, the problems at the airport have been flagged up for a long time by lots of people involved around the place, and nothing changed. The problems start with appointments of people who are going to be a problem from day 1.

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3 hours ago, asitis said:

That is probably people asking him to do his job !

Or maybe somebody actually pointed out to him that he was shit at it. When he was actually here.

Overt bullying. :whatever:

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3 hours ago, Augustus said:

Yes, but that all assumes that Spake was subject to "bullying and harrassment". The alternative view is that he should never have been hired in the first place, wasn't up to the job and didn't enjoy being exposed once his protector had been emptied out.

He was totally unqualified for the job, relying on his evident charisma to help keep those that could see right through him at bay. Work he should have been doing himself he sub contracted out at great expense to an individual abroad. He claimed to be an Aeroflot Airbus pilot, but didn't know the slightest thing about the things a pilot would know off by heart. 

It's a good thing that he has resigned.

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I am greatly saddened by this whole saga.  Whatever the attributes or otherwise of the recently departed management duo it has been hugely disappointing to witness the slow decline in services at Ronaldsway, for whatever reason. This is not a reflection on many of the very good people employed at the airport but, I believe, rather reflects on the culmination of many changes in the organisation.  I remember back twenty or so years ago we had a welcoming friendly airport where it was a joy to travel to and from. Whilst I accept that we cannot return to the days of Manx Airlines and their large network, albeit at prices that we would probably complain about today, we need to do something urgently to sort out the current failings in our essential air services and at the airport.  Let us hope the new management team can find solutions. 

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2 hours ago, Boo Gay'n said:

It is quite staggering if the implication in this article is true - that the old ambulift was withdrawn before a new one was in place.  Could they manage a piss up in a brewery?

It looks like another attempt to 'do a scoreboard'.  They wanted a new toy (no doubt bypassing the usual procurement process) and so got rid of the old one so Mummy and Daddy would have to give them it.   The DoI said it was "withdrawn from service owing to its age and general condition" not that it was broken. 

But even if it had broken, getting a temporary replacement should have been a top priority.  Instead a lot of vulnerable people have had to suffer a lot of inconvenience and pain over the last eight months.

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1 hour ago, Manx Mole said:

He was totally unqualified for the job, relying on his evident charisma to help keep those that could see right through him at bay. Work he should have been doing himself he sub contracted out at great expense to an individual abroad. He claimed to be an Aeroflot Airbus pilot, but didn't know the slightest thing about the things a pilot would know off by heart. 

It's a good thing that he has resigned.

What did he sub-out?

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

It looks like another attempt to 'do a scoreboard'.  They wanted a new toy (no doubt bypassing the usual procurement process) and so got rid of the old one so Mummy and Daddy would have to give them it.   The DoI said it was "withdrawn from service owing to its age and general condition" not that it was broken. 

But even if it had broken, getting a temporary replacement should have been a top priority.  Instead a lot of vulnerable people have had to suffer a lot of inconvenience and pain over the last eight months.

As I said further up the blog.... some assets are the DOI's. Yet another example of how bad or should I say, non-existent the maintenance is.

And it's interesting to note in the report that they have dragged Air Menzies into the shit-storm. How effing disingenuous is that? 


A spokesperson for the Department of Infrastructure says both the airport and ground handling agent strive to provide customers with whatever assistance they require.


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6 hours ago, Gladys said:

You don't resign with immediate effect unless your employer has agreed to waive notice, or you are saying that the bullying and harassment  is making it impossible for you to serve out your notice period.

Expect a claim.  

Yes you can. You might be in breach of your contract, but you can certainly resign at any time. Its unethical but not illegal. When it gets to that stage very few employers would bother making you stay under duress.

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So the airport  want you to be there 2 hours before the flight because they cannot sort out the shambles of security despite having spent £300k to sort the problem out. What a shambles, summer timetable starts in 3 weeks.

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=66147&headline=17 people miss flight due to security lines&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2022

’Passengers should aim to arrive at the airport two hours ahead of the flight departure time to ensure that there is sufficient time to pass through the process. 




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