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Billy kettlefish

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10 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Response 9 is a load of bollox.

The charges are publicly available on the airport website:  

The only thing missing is how those charges were applied to each of the flights according to the scales on the rate sheet.

What is wrong with these people, it's not a fucking state secret.

These people must think we were born yesterday. 

It makes you wonder if easyJet are getting some special terms, or a discount, for having so many extensions? Maybe that's what the initiator of the request was getting at. 

I'd have thought that, bearing in mind the burden of manning these extensions will fall on a a small number of people, the scale of fees should be punitive for operators who need them day after day. The more you need, the more the daily rate.

Edited by Nellie
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3 minutes ago, Nellie said:

It makes you wonder if easyJet are getting some special terms, or a discount, for having so many extensions? Maybe that's what the initiator of the request was getting at. 

I'd have thought that, bearing in mind the burden of manning these extensions will fall on a a small number of people, the scale of fees should be punitive for operators who need them day after day. The more you need, the more the daily rate.

Mates rates in lieu of free seats, Nellie?

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59 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

What is wrong with these people, it's not a fucking state secret.

These people must think we were born yesterday. 

Indicative of the attitude towards the general public that seeps from this part of society.

We've seen it dozens of times in the recent past alone, the general public are some sort of an inferior sub-order who need to be treated as such and told as little as possible.

Although that's also convenient when you're as incompetent as those who are our administrators.

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I think what gets me is that these folk were ordinary citizens who seem to have changed somehow.

It's the same with the state of the roads/ hedges/ footpaths, the DOI folks use them every day but don't seem to notice the state of them. 

Is there a special brainwash system that new public servants have to got through when they get the job?

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4 hours ago, Nellie said:

I'd have thought that, bearing in mind the burden of manning these extensions will fall on a a small number of people, the scale of fees should be punitive for operators who need them day after day. The more you need, the more the daily rate.

Trouble is, EasyJet wouldn’t pay it, they’d just cancel. And then everyone would blame the airport…

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1 hour ago, Ringy Rose said:

Trouble is, EasyJet wouldn’t pay it, they’d just cancel. And then everyone would blame the airport…

But, if easyJet cancel it costs them a lot of money. They have upto 360 displaced passengers to whom they will have to pay re-routing costs which could be anything up to £100k. 

To me, it is obvious that there needs to be a robust conversation to find a sustainable solution. If easyJet insist on running the service this way in 2024, with all the cost, hassle and reputational damage, then the Airport need to tell them that there will be no extensions, beyond 21.45. 

This whole problem doesn't happen in Winter when the flight leaves Gatwick at 18.15. There lies the solution. It's not rocket science.

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4 hours ago, Nellie said:

An aspect that you seem to have missed is that the request refers only to the "punctuality of the evening LGW-IOM-LGW flights". The CAA datasets don't report on individual flights, only on routes, so the data requested is not available from the CAA. I'd have thought it reasonable to expect the Airport to know exactly when flights have arrived and departed, and that it wouldn't be too hard to collate it in the way requested. Using the route data masks evening performance because the morning flight tends to be fairly punctual.

And the questioner tried to pin them down by giving flight numbers as well.  I suspect what happened was that the person who deals with FoI requests at the DoI told the Airport people that there was a request about punctuality and they just said that it was all in the CAA stuff.  We've seen this sort of unhelpfulness from the DoI before and they clearly didn't understand (or care) about what the data reports actually say.  Most obviously in this case they're referring the questioner to the CAA Airport data - but (apart from the overall airport cancellation figures) the punctuality data aren't there.  Unsurprisingly they're under Flight Punctuality.

Oddly enough most Airports' punctuality figures aren't all produced to the CAA by them.  According to the UK flight punctuality statistics notes:

Airport Coordination Ltd is responsible for allocating slots to airlines operating at many of the airports included in the punctuality reports and their data are assessed with the “planned data” provided by the airports.

However: Airport Coordination Ltd does not coordinate slots for airlines at for the airports listed below and the “planned data” is not audited.

Isle of Man and Southend.

This may explain the large mistakes and misallocations that I've pointed to in previous posts on cancellations.  There's no one auditing the IOM figures.   So how much you can believe even what they produce is another matter.

So it should certainly be possible to produce reliable figures - I'm sure there are people on the ground recording them, as they legally have to.  But whether they have the systems to monitor, verify and analyse such things never mind make use of the information, that's another issue.

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