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Billy kettlefish

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4 hours ago, Bandits said:

That’s how it should be though to be honest. People expect to pay at an airport carpark. But at the moment nobody is using the bus or taxis as the parking is free so often you can’t now park up there when you get there. The lack of charging has already put the private airport parking/shuttle service at Balthane out of business and is also affecting airport taxi fares I believe as there’s a lot less work so nobody wants to go down there. And worse of all the taxpayer is still losing £50K a month so that a truly terrible service is maintained. 

8 taxis were waiting this morning at 9am

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16 minutes ago, Banker said:

In 4-6 weeks apparently. I’m amused to read that it will be reliant on an app for payment, with no consideration being given to cash users…ironic when you think that the actual real reason behind the current debacle was because the payment machines couldn’t accept pound coins once the new English ones were in circulation.

The trumped up excuse of them internal and not external barriers is beyond laughable, but typical.

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30 minutes ago, Manx Bean said:

In 4-6 weeks apparently. I’m amused to read that it will be reliant on an app for payment, with no consideration being given to cash users…ironic when you think that the actual real reason behind the current debacle was because the payment machines couldn’t accept pound coins once the new English ones were in circulation.

The trumped up excuse of them internal and not external barriers is beyond laughable, but typical.

Barriers soon could be the same as the runway resurfacing soon ! don't hold your breath !

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My gast is completely flabbered! What an utter load of bullshit. What on earth is wrong with a touch card system?  Simple, user friendly ........ah........that's the problem, it's user friendly. Repeat post cos I'm still flabered. 

What on Earth is wrong with our elected? They know that quite a lot of folk are not capable, happy, au fait with apps yet they go ahead with such a system. Just use touch card or cash.

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13 minutes ago, Manxweegie said:

If the app they use is RingGo then you will all be fine.


It is a great system and used all around the UK, also has the added benefit of not needing maintenance light a contactless system or money system would, so overall it's a massive saving!

but presumably does require wardens and/or a system of ANPR, data requests, penalty notices to keeper, court demands etc. Hopefully they won't be bringing in a preditory parking management company to run it all. Hopefully.

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2 hours ago, Yibble said:

but presumably does require wardens and/or a system of ANPR, data requests, penalty notices to keeper, court demands etc. Hopefully they won't be bringing in a preditory parking management company to run it all. Hopefully.

Well if you pay what’s due there’s no problems!!

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7 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well if you pay what’s due there’s no problems!!

The system they propose requires you to pay *more* than is due, by forcing users to estimate in advance how much time they require, with presumably a financial penalty if they want to extend the time needed.

No doubt the gov. will describe it as maximising the revenue stream, or similar.

I am on holiday. Here, you get a ticket with a QR code when entering the car park, and pay for the time use - to the minute - on the way out. Screwing money out of the visitors does not seem to be on the agenda. Perhaps Crookall should come down here to give them advice about how to treat customers.

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Well if you pay what’s due there’s no problems!!

I shall being doing so, but:

  • my point is that there are likely to be a lot of costs involved beyond the app itself.
  • as has been pointed out, pre-pay systems involve contracting customers predicting the future and estimating the maximum time they may be staying, not the actual time.
  • if you're confident that there will be 'no problems' with UK style parking enforcement, you've lived a sheltered life. That is especially so where private parking companies are involved ("absolute disgrace", "outrageous scam", "rogue companies", to lift a few choice phrases from UK Hansard). One hopes that the airport won't be so stupid, but this is the DoI . . .


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1 hour ago, The Phantom said:

My mum can barely text and goes to the UK probably every few weeks. Good luck getting her app'd

Those questions haven’t been answered but seeing as Crookall told DOI tenants who want to pay rents in cash that they would have to travel from all over island to markwell house to pay I don’t hold out much hope!!

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