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Billy kettlefish

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5 hours ago, asitis said:

Christ, since 2006 the airport has had massive investment in all areas, just not the right areas and just not for the right reasons. It's also been run by basket cases, so not difficult to see where it all went wrong.

Exactly - people with no idea of what was actually needed spending tens of millions of our taxes on things that made f**k all difference to anything. 

The CM read out a reply to Jason Moorehouse's question(about airfield lighting)  in Tynwald last week which had obviously been provided to him by someone at the Airport. He said that the lighting was typical of that found at similar airports in the UK (it most definitely isn't - it's the worst I know of) and that significant improvements have been made recently (they most definitely haven't - money has been wasted).

With this sort of misinformation being supplied to the politicos, unwittingly or otherwise, nothing will ever change for the better.


Edited by madmanxpilot
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10 hours ago, madmanxpilot said:

Exactly - people with no idea of what was actually needed spending tens of millions of our taxes on things that made f**k all difference to anything. 

The CM read out a reply to Jason Moorehouse's question(about airfield lighting)  in Tynwald last week which had obviously been provided to him by someone at the Airport. He said that the lighting was typical of that found at similar airports in the UK (it most definitely isn't - it's the worst I know of) and that significant improvements have been made recently (they most definitely haven't - money has been wasted).

With this sort of misinformation being supplied to the politicos, unwittingly or otherwise, nothing will ever change for the better.


You would think that with Reynolds, Spake, Black all gone in disgrace, yet another new Minister in post, and the CM talking about ‘changing the culture in IOMG’ someone at the Airport would think, “Actually, it’s time to come clean here. Admit Reynolds et al fucked up for years, and to stop protecting them, to start telling the truth and actually get things going in the right direction.”

The fact that the next level of CS just keep telling them same old lies shows that Alf is right. The whole CS culture is broken. 

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53 minutes ago, asitis said:

Must be referring to the ILS, but that's nothing to do with the lighting minima !

No - that actually needed to be replaced because several parts  of the old installation were knackered. The new (replacement ILS) won’t change anything to do with minima, you are quite correct. I was referring to the widening of the starter extensions primarily, and the installation of IRVR equipment. 

The entirety of the starter extension strips didn’t need to be widened. The reason given for justifying this expense by Mr Spake was so that aircraft could do 180 turns to exit the runway should the taxiway exits at the end of the runways ever be closed. All that was actually needed was for the very end bit to be widened to allow for this, creating a turning circle or area. There was no need to do the whole lot. Turning circles at the end of the runway are used at many airports with narrow runways, Southampton and Belfast City being two that spring to mind.

The new IRVR equipment that is being installed may allow operators with head up displays and/or auto land capability to make approaches in lower visibilities using a procedure called Lower Than Standard CAT1 ILS, but the decision altitude will remain the same as a standard CAT1 ILS, so with the BASIC lights, there very little chance of this being an advantage. I know for sure that Loganair can’t use this anyway, it may be that EasyJet can, but as I just said, the lights make it a futile exercise.

IRVR equipment will be needed if ever the airfield is upgraded to allow for CAT2/3 operations, so maybe if this ever happens, they will come in useful. But I do know that they were not purchased with this in mind.

Loganair do not do Cat2 on their ATRs. Flybe could never do Cat2 here because the runway isn’t long enough. So before we go head long into spending vast sums on any further ‘upgrades’, speak to the airlines who operate here and see what they would need to be done to make things better, don’t just guess!

If I was running things, I would concentrate on putting some more approach lights onto the 26 end. It doesn’t need to be a complete gantry, just a few pylons secured to the sea bed would do the trick.


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20 hours ago, swoopy2110 said:

Due to ATC restrictions

Easy to blame ATC, unfortunately not true. And so often ATC are blamed for restrictions, which have occurred when slot times are issued because the aircraft is running late. This is far more often due to the aircraft having been tech, uncrewed or due to handling delays. 

It's desperately unfair blaming the people in ATC who are trying their best to keep everything on track.

It's also worth knowing that a great majority of the delays into Gatwick lately are due to runway resurfacing work on the Main runway there, resulting in the standby strip being brought into use. This requires greater safety margins, and therefore results in delays.

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52 minutes ago, NoTailT said:


I'm sorry, but it's not the airlines jobs to ensure the Island remains connected. It's the Airports job to attract the airlines to keep the Island connected.

Yes but to honour their schedule and provide the service they have set out that’s what they need to do no ifs no buts . Something that is sadly lacking from both EasyJet and Loganair at the moment. 

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lets be fair,


ronaldsway seems unable to be open for what everyone would consider the expected times it ought to be open,  ignoring weather that can affect anywhere we also have ground staff issues whether that be ATC , fire services or who ever , add to that the  security set up , parking issues, and we get our airport.


airlines are also short staffed themselves at the moment and are also proving unreliable due to NOTHING to do directly with ronaldsway.


add the two together and you end up with the weapons grade shit show we have.


with the money that has been thrown at the place WE SHOULD  have an airport that can service what ever turns up whether on schedule or delayed along with all the light aircraft and private jets but we don't, not even close, we should get our airport in the order it used to be.

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