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Billy kettlefish

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22 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

We should avoid the Aurigny model at all costs. It's a money pit. 

It looks like your idea works in Scotland where the Scottish Government purchased the aircraft outright and then gets a company, in this case Loganair, to operate them. 


That’s for Public Service on the smallest islands and shortest routes. Scotland do it with ferries also, where ships financed by, paid for by, built for and owned by CalMacAssets ( owned by the Scottish Executive ) are provided to the company that operates the booking, and operating, namely CalMacOperations.

Routes are tendered every 5 years and the winner is, normally, the bidder doing it for the smallest subsidy. That’s normally CalMacOperations, owned by, you’ve guessed it, the Scottish Executive.*

Fares are subsidised to the extent of 60% revenue and no capital costs.

it’s supposed to introduce a market, competition, keep costs down. In fact it costs a fortune in constantly being in a state of submitting tenders, measuring performance data, etc etc. And the ship procurement. Well the latest big two are 5 years behind and 100% cost over run, and increasing daily.

* Shetland & Orkney Services used to be P&O NorthLink, but they surrendered their operating rights due to loss making, the CalMacNorthlink for 5 years, and now NorthLink which is run by Serco.

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We should have taken the opportunity to secure our three most popular routes via a leasing arrangement when there were loads of Dash aircraft sitting idle after the demise of Flybe. We had some crew living on island, and also a functioning but struggling maintenance organisation which could have been part of a deal. If it were possible to have control over just the "vital" links then surely that would have been better than what we have now. I do know a business case was drawn up by ex Flybe employees and it made perfect sense, of course that is where it fell down, as we were, and perhaps still are hell bent at playing Heathrow on Sea ! Whilst ever easy Jet are decimating the available footfall, we don't have the numbers to properly support either them or others ! Until someone is struck hard in the face with the reality stick it will continue to be a shitshow.

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11 minutes ago, asitis said:

Whilst ever easy Jet are decimating the available footfall, we don't have the numbers to properly support either them or others ! Until someone is struck hard in the face with the reality stick it will continue to be a shitshow.


The 'benefit' of the Open Skies Policy.


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4 hours ago, germann said:

Morning and evening flights to/from Dublin would be very handy for middle/Far East destinations. A decent international connection with a reliable One World carrier.  Their current mid-afternoon slot isn’t very helpful, and misses all the Istanbul, Doha, Abu Dhabi & Dubai hub connections.

We tend to forget that our nearest international airports aren't in Britain (Liverpool 145 km is the nearest) but Ireland with Dublin 125 km and Belfast International 120 km.  And in 2019 DUB handled more passengers than Manchester (33 m v  29 m) and BFS than LPL (6m v 5m).  So DUB in particular is a viable alternative even if it doesn't quite the numbers of LGW (47 m) or LHR (81 m) and of course there's not the APD on longer routes from there.

But the trouble with redirecting traffic there is that we have no idea what stupidities the UK government will inflict on its external relations, especially with the Tory candidates vying to be the most xenophobic and EU-hating.  So whether the CTA will survive the year is another matter.

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11 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:


Could the new boss be starting a policy of honesty?  The stats at the end about evening extensions are interesting.

I'm not positive about the current mess, but we have to accept that it's not all caused by Ronaldsway.

EasyJet scheduling a flight so close to the airport closing time is asking for trouble goodness knows why they do that .
Loganair are just making an absolute mess of it all full stop at the moment I really feel for hospital patients they are extremely vulnerable in this situation. Where airlines fail to meet their service standards make sure you write , complain and get the necessary compensation. Little comfort when you have been so inconvenienced but these airlines need to know it’s not acceptable . 

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16 minutes ago, Bill1977 said:

Add the airport to the list of basic infrastructure systems we can’t operate. Schools, hospitals the list goes on!

Jeez you would have to write that list on a shite house roll. And not one of them cheap dealzs rolls  something with quality and length.

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1 hour ago, IOM said:

EasyJet scheduling a flight so close to the airport closing time is asking for trouble goodness knows why they do that .

An ATC guy told me earlier this week that historically they have always had the attitude "we are easyJet, they won't close "

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4 hours ago, asitis said:

We should have taken the opportunity to secure our three most popular routes via a leasing arrangement when there were loads of Dash aircraft sitting idle after the demise of Flybe.

You either weren't here or your memory is fading.

Terry Liddiard offered that intellectual colossus, the Castletown dim-wit T Brown, a ready-ready made island airline before the BA take-over.

The rest is history.

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21 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

You either weren't here or your memory is fading.

Terry Liddiard offered that intellectual colossus, the Castletown dim-wit T Brown, a ready-ready made island airline before the BA take-over.

The rest is history.

Oh I was here, and Brown was the one I believe when told of the downsides and costs of chasing lo cost airlines said something along the lines of I don't care what it costs as long as it's better than Jersey. Terry knew / knows what he is talking about pity the dimwits didn't !!

Not many routes with our current passenger numbers are capable of producing profit, simple business sense says we should have taken those that were in house. Some are still clinging to the utter bullshit of the 2006 / 8 predictions.

Edited by asitis
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