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Billy kettlefish

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Strange to think that the DOI has only been in existence for about 10 years. It used to be department of transport or something similar and got such a bad reputation that the name was changed so that annual departmental comparisons couldn't be made. It seems that a lot of self seeking high flyers made it the most desirable dept to be in. 😕 

Edited by emesde
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19 minutes ago, emesde said:

Strange to think that the DOI has only been in existence for about 10 years. It used to be department of transport or something similar and got such a bad reputation that the name was changed so that annual departmental comparisons couldn't be made. It seems that a lot of self seeking high flyers made it the most desirable dept to be in. 😕 

It was created by Tony Brown as part of the post-VAT cut reshuffle. It absorbed the old DoT (as you suggest), the bus and rail network, parts of the old DOLGE to include housing administration and and a whole plethora of functions from other Depts too. It would be fair to say that it has expanded since then as well.

A complete clusterfuck of incompetence and unaccountability that has been described in Tynwald as being utterly dysfunctional.

Its performance in a number of high profile projects and the recent departure of a number of its senior staff would suggest that is an accurate description.

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12 hours ago, 0bserver said:

You couldn't be more wrong really. The new ship was needed anyway whether owned by IOMG or the vulture capitalists at Banco Espírito and Macquarie.

The IOMSPC wasn't consulted over the new Liverpool Terminal - that was entirely down to DOI who thought they knew best. Peel Group offered to build a terminal, at their own cost,  about half a mile further up the river - but this wasn't good enough for the politicos, crayonistas and assorted chinless wonders within DOI. So I'm not sure how you're laying that one on the IOMSPC? 

If anything IOMSPC is, for now, the only Government-owned enterprise that is actually making a profit (covid period excepted) and relatively well run. 

Sadly the steam packed has made a loss for the last few years ,  things have improved ,mainly because of the shambles at the airport , and when people travel  they require certainty  which the Steam packet actually brings , even if you have to catch a train or  long distance bus for your onward journey , but balance that against the increased fuel costs and I think the packet are struggling , particularly with the Sea Cat which must be loosing them money , I wouldn't be surprised  to see a change in the user agreement  to dispose of the fast craft , they have gone everywhere else on the Irish sea routes ,

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22 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Sadly the steam packed has made a loss for the last few years ,  things have improved ,mainly because of the shambles at the airport , and when people travel  they require certainty  which the Steam packet actually brings , even if you have to catch a train or  long distance bus for your onward journey , but balance that against the increased fuel costs and I think the packet are struggling , particularly with the Sea Cat which must be loosing them money , I wouldn't be surprised  to see a change in the user agreement  to dispose of the fast craft , they have gone everywhere else on the Irish sea routes ,

My understanding was the fast craft gets replaced by another Manxman type ferry in the medium term. The costly design work has been done now so if it actually turns out alright (which it seems like it will) then building another one makes some sense. 

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but where does that leave liverpool  when there is no freight and the last sailing is before 9-45pm  and steam packet management confirmed  there was no dialogue or consultation  between the government and themselves  regarding the future facilities and berthing arrangements  in Liverpool , the present Chairman  is on record  as being very peeved about the situation . you  couldn't write  the script for this comedy of errors . ! Typical DOI and we are the experts !

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7 hours ago, Omobono said:

Sadly the steam packed has made a loss for the last few years ,  things have improved ,mainly because of the shambles at the airport , and when people travel  they require certainty  which the Steam packet actually brings , even if you have to catch a train or  long distance bus for your onward journey , but balance that against the increased fuel costs and I think the packet are struggling , particularly with the Sea Cat which must be loosing them money , I wouldn't be surprised  to see a change in the user agreement  to dispose of the fast craft , they have gone everywhere else on the Irish sea routes ,

We know it made good profits in every year up to and including 2019-20. We know it made a technical loss in 20/21 ( the loss was after applying, and less than, depreciation ). We don’t know about 21/22 as the accounts haven’t been published, yet. As travel normalised last year, and freight continued unabated, I’d expect 21/22 to be better than 20/21.

Does the current agreement, the one entered into after the share purchase,  require use of a fast craft?

As freight rates have been increased we don’t know what effect fuel price rises will have on bottom line.

Have you any actual evidence of a struggle?

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9 hours ago, 0bserver said:

My understanding was the fast craft gets replaced by another Manxman type ferry in the medium term. The costly design work has been done now so if it actually turns out alright (which it seems like it will) then building another one makes some sense. 

That’s not what the plan as published is. They’ve got it pencilled in to replace Mannanan with another fast craft in 2027ish. 

I agree a second Manxman class would make more sense.

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Sitting in departures, en route to Gatwick. Should have been airborne by now. The inbound EZY was 90 mins late departing Gatwick.

That'll have an impact on all its rotations today.

Which is why the late evening slots are a problem.

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Yes and once again last nights London Gatwick EasyJet flight did not arrive until 10pm and departed at 10.30pm . Once again the airports team have gone a long way to arrange an extension. I do hope EasyJet pay the additional charges associated with this . 

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1 hour ago, IOM said:

Yes and once again last nights London Gatwick EasyJet flight did not arrive until 10pm and departed at 10.30pm . Once again the airports team have gone a long way to arrange an extension. I do hope EasyJet pay the additional charges associated with this . 

You'd certainly hope so - but who knows what agreements were put in place by the previous management?   EasyJet basically saved Reynolds' face by keeping passenger numbers up as business traffic declined - even if it was mainly Manxies taking their spending off-Island.  So I suspect she was fairly generous to them.

It would still be cheaper for easyJet is they paid though, rather than paying for putting up a planeload of passengers overnight and all the other costs.  And they can't dodge that - though they seem to be trying.  If can't get their plane there during the airport's advertised hours, it's not the airport's responsibility for not being open.

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Isle of Man (Ronaldsway) Airport

Expressions of Interest are invited for the development of hangars and ancillary aviation premises. Specific proposals for the site on the plan should be submitted in writing to lesley.gallagher@gov.im


This is wonderful in its irony. The site outlined, which I think is at the far side of the airport, I have known of a least six wealthy individuals who have tried to develop that site going back probably 15years and recently. On each and every occasion they have been thwarted by a civil servant (who I won't name), who has taken 6 months to come back to them and at least one of them has sat in his office and after 18 months told him to get stuffed as nothing was happening. It would be wonderful if no one was interested now as it would be payback for those civil servants who are neither civil nor servants !

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Just now, IOM said:

Loganair performance poor again today . Delays to Manchester, Birmingham, London Heathrow and London City . The island needs better than this ! 



Who would be a better operator in your opinion then? Or what would your suggestion be out of interest. 

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3 minutes ago, Manxweegie said:



Who would be a better operator in your opinion then? Or what would your suggestion be out of interest. 

It’s difficult because there are not many alternatives. I think the island needs a balance between EasyJet and a smaller operator but there are not many options . London could be served well by British Airways City Flyer operating an overnight stop with a London City route. It’s early days for Flybe as a business but maybe they will become a more reliable operator who could play a role in the future . Whoever flies to the island the airport director should be working closely with to ensure they deliver the agreed schedule and the fare paying customers should also be making appropriate representation to the airline when they fail to deliver the service . Over the long term holding companies to account can often improve things . 

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