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Billy kettlefish

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7 minutes ago, Banker said:

It’s called supply & demand, see example given by Gladys. Some people expect to travel at the time & date they want at short notice for a cheap price but don’t want to be flexible to get cheaper prices , they need to get in the  real world & stop whining 

The real world of bankers!

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Travel at Xmas is hardly unexpected, but I suppose if it is for an emergency, it might be a bit steep.  But so it would be if you chose to fly. 

People always knock the Steammie, but they are a commercial outfit, even if they are owned by IOMG, they still have to operate commercially.  

well, presumably the standard price they offer is commercially viable - you would hope it is - and the punitive fares are profiteering. It is all the more galling now the tax payers have paid to purchase the company. i understand why it's run at arm's length from the government - god help us - but as the IOMG used our money to buy it, to preserve the access to the mainland we need, maybe they could look at the pricing structure to help us out a bit more. We aren't all rich over here, although the people who make the decisions are, of course.

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1 minute ago, Hoops said:

well, presumably the standard price they offer is commercially viable - you would hope it is - and the punitive fares are profiteering. It is all the more galling now the tax payers have paid to purchase the company. i understand why it's run at arm's length from the government - god help us - but as the IOMG used our money to buy it, to preserve the access to the mainland we need, maybe they could look at the pricing structure to help us out a bit more. We aren't all rich over here, although the people who make the decisions are, of course.

How do you assess the fares as punitive and profiteering?  What are you measuring them against and do you know how they measure up against costs?

They need to make a profit to give the shareholders a return on their investment.  I won't close the loop on that line of thinking for you. 

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16 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Good to hear that Steve Peters (MD at Blackpool) has realistic plans for Blackpool Airport.

Looks like this should of been the guy we should of hired and not the numpty we got

No one in their right minds has plans for Blackpool. Any plans to reopen Blackpool commercially  are totally unrealistic. It’s never going to happen.

Its easy to talk about improving service over 10 years, when you’re starting from zero.

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Last time I flew from Blackpool, a few years ago obviously, they charged us £10 tax at the airport to leave and my friend had to pay £40 odd pound because her cabin case was oversized according to them although it was fine at Ronaldsway on the way over.   We swore we would never use Blackpool Airport again as they were robbing bastards.   No wonder they closed down shortly after people won’t be done over twice.    The airline itself was pure Michael Mouse the man who was at the ticket desk was the pilot it was like going back 60 years.   Blackpool Airport will never rise from the flames and does not deserve to.

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20 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Last time I flew from Blackpool, a few years ago obviously, they charged us £10 tax at the airport to leave and my friend had to pay £40 odd pound because her cabin case was oversized according to them although it was fine at Ronaldsway on the way over.   We swore we would never use Blackpool Airport again as they were robbing bastards.   No wonder they closed down shortly after people won’t be done over twice.    The airline itself was pure Michael Mouse the man who was at the ticket desk was the pilot it was like going back 60 years.   Blackpool Airport will never rise from the flames and does not deserve to.

IIRC the £10 tax was supposed to be a redevelopment fund?

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Blackpool like many places got the, I shall call it "Development Rage", where the next big thing was always the target.

They had a phase of discouraging all operators who weren't the big shiny jets, and ended up with all their financial eggs in I think it was Jet2's basket.

They weren't helped by having some very dodgy smaller operators in training and charter.

Of course the whole house of cards collapsed and Blackpool were left holding the baby as it were.

They are recovering albeit slowly and have fought off the housing developers for now.



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