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32 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Gibraltar managed with a small terminal, no multi million pound perimeter fence and traffic lights to stop vehicles and pedestrians as flights landed. It seemed a lot busier than Ronaldsway!

Jersey airport is the same smallish terminal and puts through a lot more people than here. We’ve really tried to make our airport as shit as it is as yet another civil servant employment scheme. 

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

You people are just so demanding. A mere half-a-century ago I flew to somewhere in Greece where was no airport terminal. You got off the aircraft and had to stand in a queue outside waiting to go into a concrete bunker where your passport got stamped - guarded by men with guns in case anyone objected.

This will no doubt prompt responses from people who have been to places where passport control was a tin shed.


Actually a grass shed - open on three sides to allow breeze through.Simple bench seats. Luggage placed on trolley to one side. Red dirt runway.

Tiwi islands off northern Australia, overlooking the Arufura sea. Beautiful and memorable. 

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

Problem is the current 'terminal' is shite. It's a weirdly shaped building and not really suited to be a modern terminal. 

I've travelled through a good number of regional airports in Europe. Some of them in the Nordic countries and Spain are relatively modern, small, well designed places. 

A square check-in hall that flows into security and straight into departures. No up and down stairs or pissing back and forth through a weird old building. 

The simple and economic solution would be demo the current terminal and replace it with a modern simple facility.... but this is IOM Government so it would end up costing £150m

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the modern terminal for the size of the operation. It’s not “weirdly shaped” .

You check in and then go up stairs, on a lift or on the escalator to security and the departures lounge. A few yards “ pissing back” as you call it is neither here nor there. 
That’s not the problem. It’s flight reliability which is really all that people are asking for. Yes the opportunity to purchase some refreshments would also be nice but that has nothing to do with the airport layout.

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the modern terminal for the size of the operation. It’s not “weirdly shaped” .

You check in and then go up stairs, on a lift or on the escalator to security and the departures lounge. A few yards “ pissing back” as you call it is neither here nor there. 
That’s not the problem. It’s flight reliability which is really all that people are asking for. Yes the opportunity to purchase some refreshments would also be nice but that has nothing to do with the airport layout.

Literally just raze the current building to the ground. It's not fit for the volume of passengers government plan on.

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11 minutes ago, SuperHans said:

We’ve really tried to make our airport as shit as it is as yet another civil servant employment scheme. 

A huge Govt success then 😂

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23 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

You are wrong. We need the bare minimum terminal. IOM is not an international destination. It's a tiny regional airfield. We basically need a shed (and bring your own sandwiches). We certainly don't need a whole new building. Let's just make do with what we already have - which is already way more than we need.

That's literally what I'm advocating. 

Government are going to spend the best part of £10m trying to retrofit the current 1930's building, when all they need is a new shed. 

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3 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

A huge Govt success then 😂

Oh absolutely I had to go to Liverpool the other week. Over zealous security who made me take my trainers off and bizarrely even scanned and swabbed my socks. I assume as they were bored. A useless dirty Costa where a coffee is over £4. Uncleaned toilets. A broken cash point when I needed some cash. And delayed flights at both ends arriving back just before they closed the airport 3 hours late which meant I had to top the parking app up from Liverpool airport when it was clear how long the flight was delayed for. It wasn’t really worth the hassle for a 2 hour meeting. Impressive we can be that bad yet still want 15,000 more people to come here. 

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I did not think that so many ManxForumers would be concerned about the state of the departure lounge, when clearly the greatest problem is getting aircraft to take off and land on schedule. There must be a few DoI employees here.

Note the document "Isle of Man Airport: Function, Future and Form" when recommending an arm's length organisation states: "... it would provide greater commercial incentives, which are likely to minimise the need for subsidy..." . It's all about money, not about people travelling. And what will the commercial incentives be, and who will benefit from them?

Or, to be extreme, if the airport can make a profit while operating no flights, that would be a successful business.

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34 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

I did not think that so many ManxForumers would be concerned about the state of the departure lounge, when clearly the greatest problem is getting aircraft to take off and land on schedule. There must be a few DoI employees here.

Note the document "Isle of Man Airport: Function, Future and Form" when recommending an arm's length organisation states: "... it would provide greater commercial incentives, which are likely to minimise the need for subsidy..." . It's all about money, not about people travelling. And what will the commercial incentives be, and who will benefit from them?

Or, to be extreme, if the airport can make a profit while operating no flights, that would be a successful business.

A Lidl, we need a Ronaldsway Lidl. 

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What were the figures spouted by Reynolds during the Gawne DOI days, something about the airport costing £3M a year less to run, were it to be so on a commercial basis?

Although given some of the other drivel she dripped during her time, it's probably not remotely realistic.

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