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Billy kettlefish

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1 hour ago, madmanxpilot said:

There is no way there will be a full compliment of 16 ATCOs actually able to operate in September.

Here’s the math:

There are currently ten validated controllers on the books. Two of whom are not able to control for undisclosed reasons.

So that means we have 8/16

Four other controllers are in various stages of training, one of whom is a student.  It may be months, or even years before they are validated.

When they do validate, which we do not know when that will be, we will have 12/16

Three student controllers start in September, it takes three years for them to train and validate.

So, in three years time we will have 15/16.

The FOI request fails to mention the fact that an ATCO (who is a trainer and examiner) is working their notice.

So that makes it 14/16

It may well be that the two who are qualified but are not able to control will come back on line, so, in three years time.

That would make it 16/16 - a full compliment. In three years!

Of course, this does not consider further resignations, loss of medical or suspension. Not does it include any further recruitment.

However, to suggest that we will have a full compliment of working controllers in September is quite frankly pie in the sky.



A retired ATC was telling me he's going back for a bit.  Not sure if full, part or just when required though.  Or if he has to do some training to get back up to speed/validated. 

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1 minute ago, newaccount said:

People won't pay the stupidly high prices that Loganair want

Well that’s fine if they don’t see the value of having a frequent service it will soon be down to one rotation a day at random times . If that’s what people want then so be it I just happen to think an island needs more connections than this ! People should also think about comparing their air fares to rail fares in the U.K. which are very high for relatively short journeys. 

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Indeed. I’m fairly sure the closures they had (for a couple of hours during the night) were due to an acute shortage of ATCOs due to sickness. It was late April or early May IIRC (?)

There has been a NOTAM published reducing the hours that the southerly runway is open, but it’s still available at the peak time and I would be amazed if this has affected capacity in any way. As you say, it may be due to a lack of demand rather than ATCO shortages in any event.

As an aside, the whole 23L/05R scheme is considered by some to have been a massive waste of time, money and environment. It was never going to improve capacity in the same way as having a runway or runways either side of the airport terminals like LHR, AMS, CDG etc . This is because you have to cross the existing runway to get to it, meaning you have to wait for a gap in the inbounds. It’s usually used for take offs only. This because if you land on it you have to back track the runway again to get to the terminal (which means other planes can’t land at that time). It’s not used in low visibility conditions either.


Swampy would be most unimpressed.


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14 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I’m the MHK now responsible for the airport (I know, lucky me) and the only free parking I get is when visiting on official business.

Hopefully you can start keeping us up to date with what the Govt is doing to address the airport issues then Stu?

Because we haven't seen Chris Thomas on here since @madmanxpilot started making his extremely well-informed and knowledgeable contributions.... 😉

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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

Not really. Tim Glover did that when he resigned.

Hi Stu, if you get chance in Tynwald, you may like to ask how have the airport found the brassneck to raise all it's charges to users, given the appalling levels of service on offer !

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