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Billy kettlefish

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7 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

And there lies the problem. They're so blinkered into throwing money at people to come and live here, they've got no vision or money to train any existing residents. 

This has backfired big time with ATC because even the ATC's they're throwing money at importing need local training.

As the last census shows though it's not working generally either - what was it, a 600 odd net increase in economically active population since the previous census. Government head count had grown many times that in same period - no doubt many of them working for locate.im. 

I've also heard of a good few of these imports staying the two years that the sweeteners last for and then buggering off again.

Governments latest act of desperation is to abolish the work permit system, presumably to remove any danger of existing residents being employed ahead of an import.

As someone who has worked and paid tax here all my working life, I'm increasingly feeling like our government just want to milk us for what they can get. Why offer us training? We're paying tax already, far more lucrative to import someone who isn't yet paying them tax, even if we have to throw thousands at them to persuade them.

So much for social mobility or life-long learning, they can be sacrificed at the alter of lucrative government pensions. The Manxies can get back in their box, we'll import people to do the clever jobs.

The lack of opportunity for local people to improve their skills, decent apprenticeships for young ones, is really poor. We talk about sustainability with regard to energy, environment etc (Talk being the operative word),but how about talking about it in terms of employment, now and for the future? If we did that, more of our kids might stay on island, leading to healthy population increase rather then an influx of older people.

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7 hours ago, newaccount said:

So stop crying and pick Loganair 

Exactly what Government should have done, they should have a base here and 24hr line maintenance and crew based on the island. You would stand half a chance of going in a morning and getting back in the evening.

Strangely, priority for aircrew based here is getting home too !

Big mistake, when the orange fin became the driver for every commercial decision made at the airport since 2006.

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10 hours ago, madmanxpilot said:

IOMG Statement

Finally an admission that it will take at least three years to bring staffing levels up to where they need to be. There will have to be further recruitment, and even with that the target will only be achieved if everyone does well in their training. 

Regarding the current situation, the words used aren’t very reassuring.

Some of the closure periods could be removed by August’, which really means that some of the closures periods may disappear, but it is possible that all of the closure periods will remain after August. 

Lets hope their confidence is justified.

Manx rumour mill says more ATC quitting and it’s getting worse before it’s getting better. Either way it’s shit the way it is right now but at least we have “premium parking”. 

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8 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

That doesn't make sense because the programmed breaks are only 45 min max I think.  What also seems to be impacting things is slow ground handling as referred to in one of the replies to one of the Tweets above.  Obviously if landings are more concentrated into particular periods there will be more pressure on ground handling, but I suspect things need to be improved there as well.


You can check FR24 if you don't believe me! Flight EZY517 arrived 6 minutes late. EZY518 departed 1 hr 59 mins late!

The ATC closure compressed seven arrivals, including four easyJets, into around 30 minutes. The knock on effect was that GH struggled. Not enough steps, baggage trucks, people etc, so some of the turnarounds became very protracted. The planes with integral steps (ATR-72, EMB-145) were much quicker, suggesting that lack of steps were part of the problem?


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46 minutes ago, asitis said:

Exactly what Government should have done, they should have a base here and 24hr line maintenance and crew based on the island. You would stand half a chance of going in a morning and getting back in the evening.

Strangely, priority for aircrew based here is getting home too !

Big mistake, when the orange fin became the driver for every commercial decision made at the airport since 2006.

A mercantilist idea that would add £40+ per ticket and limit to certain operators.


The problems with easyJet's late Gatwick slot (compounded with ATC issues) can surely be solved in other ways rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Should we try and build the planes here too at Ronaldsway Aircraft Company? 


Whether it suits you or not easyJet have added great utility to the Manx public - perhaps that's focused on the general mass rather than business users but it is still a clear step change over previous offerings. Prior to now the reliability was also unparalleled, when you look at Flybe/Loganair/Manx2/whoever, their services were always much more hit and miss.

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8 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

And there lies the problem. They're so blinkered into throwing money at people to come and live here, they've got no vision or money to train any existing residents. 

This has backfired big time with ATC because even the ATC's they're throwing money at importing need local training.

As the last census shows though it's not working generally either - what was it, a 600 odd net increase in economically active population since the previous census. Government head count had grown many times that in same period - no doubt many of them working for locate.im. 

I've also heard of a good few of these imports staying the two years that the sweeteners last for and then buggering off again.

Governments latest act of desperation is to abolish the work permit system, presumably to remove any danger of existing residents being employed ahead of an import.

As someone who has worked and paid tax here all my working life, I'm increasingly feeling like our government just want to milk us for what they can get. Why offer us training? We're paying tax already, far more lucrative to import someone who isn't yet paying them tax, even if we have to throw thousands at them to persuade them.

So much for social mobility or life-long learning, they can be sacrificed at the alter of lucrative government pensions. The Manxies can get back in their box, we'll import people to do the clever jobs.

There’s plenty of jobs for locals it’s just lots wanting an easy life working in an office with no responsibilities or a number just picking up benefits. Most of the immigrants particularly Eastern Europeans, Filipino are hardworking & better than local workers 

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8 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

They're so blinkered into throwing money at people to come and live here, they've got no vision or money to train any existing residents. 

Haven’t they just finished a local campaign to recruit trainees?

Lets not let facts get in the way of a pointless rant though.

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8 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Governments latest act of desperation is to abolish the work permit system, presumably to remove any danger of existing residents being employed ahead of an import.

What a load of crap.

There is hardly a shortage of work.  Look at the job pages.  We have shortages of people in all industries and at all levels and it is a major barrier for businesses just trying to remain staffed at their current levels, never mind grow.

We need more workers for the island to even tread water at the moment.  Nearly every hospitality business is looking as there simply aren’t enough people to do the work and hospitality staff are jumping to better paid jobs with more sociable hours.  It’s not sustainable.  We NEED more people.

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5 minutes ago, Mercenary said:



Whether it suits you or not easyJet have added great utility to the Manx public - perhaps that's focused on the general mass rather than business users but it is still a clear step change over previous offerings. Prior to now the reliability was also unparalleled, when you look at Flybe/Loganair/Manx2/whoever, their services were always much more hit and miss.

So you believe the EasyJet offer is a step change ? Some destinations ( Belfast and Bristol )  only get 2 or 3 flights a week ( they had daily in the past ) a lot of flights are at random times every day rather than a set pattern , the Gatwick late flight has a problem for about 6 years either delayed or cancelled. And the routes they operate now have significantly reduced frequency compared to previous years . Am struggling to see how any of that is a step change . 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

There’s plenty of jobs for locals it’s just lots wanting an easy life working in an office with no responsibilities or a number just picking up benefits. Most of the immigrants particularly Eastern Europeans, Filipino are hardworking & better than local workers 

But most of the immigrants aren't Eastern European or Filipino. Most of them are British and few of them are more hard-working or better than the locals.

Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against immigration, far from it, there's plenty of room and employment here for anyone who wants to come. I just think throwing long thousands at people to move here is severely misguided, especially when training opportunities on island are chronically under-funded and getting worse.

Edited by A fool and his money.....
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3 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Indeed, at least five years too late and only in desperation when their main tactic of importing them has failed big-time.

We all know it’s too late, but what is the point banging on and on and on about what people who don’t work there anymore should have done years ago.

They are trying to fix it.  The more incessant moaning from people online about a situation that can’t be changed quickly the worse it will get.

If you worked in ATC and were doing your best but logged on every day to see people moaning about something that there can’t be any more done about would you feel valued and stay?  Don’t be surprised if we see more leave.

The same applies right across government and politics here.  Yes there are problems but there is decent progress being made in many areas but people still moan.  

It’s pathetic and never ending.

I know people who work in the civil service (mainly DOI) who make up a fake job if people ask them to avoid the inevitable crap that gets spouted.

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