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Billy kettlefish

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43 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

What a load of crap.

There is hardly a shortage of work.  Look at the job pages.  We have shortages of people in all industries and at all levels and it is a major barrier for businesses just trying to remain staffed at their current levels, never mind grow.

We need more workers for the island to even tread water at the moment.  Nearly every hospitality business is looking as there simply aren’t enough people to do the work and hospitality staff are jumping to better paid jobs with more sociable hours.  It’s not sustainable.  We NEED more people.

I'm not convinced we do. Why are businesses short of people, OK you've explained hospitality but what about the "all industries" you're talking about?

Why are they short of people - is it a shortage of people, or is it an excess of business? An excess of business would mean a great economy right? And yet public services are at an all time low in my life time, we're constantly told that government has no money, food bank use is on the up.

Here's a radical thought. Perhaps we should tax businesses at what it costs us to provide public services. This idea of attracting businesses here, allowing them to pay no corporation tax and then spending millions importing people to work for them clearly isn't working. Let's try something else, something progressive, something sustainable, something that will make people want to move here without thousands in NI breaks and relocation packages.

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18 minutes ago, Asthehills said:


The same applies right across government and politics here.  Yes there are problems but there is decent progress being made in many areas but people still moan.  

That's the whole point though, they aren't making decent progress, they're sticking to their blinkered approach of throwing money ( our money) at people to move here, despite the fact that it is clearly, demonstrably not working.

What's that saying? The definition of a fool is someone who keeps doing the same thing and expects different results.

It's all very well employing a firm of accountants to tell them how to run the island. Trouble is it's not quite as simple as that. Running a country is about more than the bottom line and any fool could tell them that such a one dimensional approach is doomed to failure, as they are inevitably beginning to find out - about ten years and many millions of pounds too late. 

Edited by A fool and his money.....
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1 hour ago, Asthehills said:

What a load of crap.

There is hardly a shortage of work.  Look at the job pages.  We have shortages of people in all industries and at all levels and it is a major barrier for businesses just trying to remain staffed at their current levels, never mind grow.

We need more workers for the island to even tread water at the moment.  Nearly every hospitality business is looking as there simply aren’t enough people to do the work and hospitality staff are jumping to better paid jobs with more sociable hours.  It’s not sustainable.  We NEED more people.

A huge amount of jobs being advertised are Govt jobs - the Govt does not need to grow its big enough/too big already!  The internal working practices need an overhaul. 'They' seem to think it is efficient eg to have an 'absence team' in the great pit that is OHR.  A simple recruitment of one person now has so many people involved who only do one part of the process that nobody really has a grip on the end result.  Of course Alf wouldn't reach his target headcount if the CS stopped growing.  CS taking people from other areas of employment needlessly. The IOM does NOT need more people we need the right people.  We should have controls to ensure we don't swamp the Island with people just so Alf can say he's reached his target headcount before Jersey ....  for some reason the offshore jurisdictions seem to be launched headlong down the same path .. out of control increase in population and cover every square inch in Dandara hutches.

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31 minutes ago, asitis said:

Maybe it's time for someone to ask why ?

Yeah.  Ask if it due to constant criticism and bitching despite the guys in the ground (well, in the tower) doing absolutely everything in their power.

Ask if it’s because of people who don’t know what they are on about constantly going on about “tea breaks”

I am surprised any are left.

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36 minutes ago, daisy said:

A huge amount of jobs being advertised are Govt jobs - the Govt does not need to grow its big enough/too big already!  The internal working practices need an overhaul. 'They' seem to think it is efficient eg to have an 'absence team' in the great pit that is OHR.  A simple recruitment of one person now has so many people involved who only do one part of the process that nobody really has a grip on the end result.  Of course Alf wouldn't reach his target headcount if the CS stopped growing.  CS taking people from other areas of employment needlessly. The IOM does NOT need more people we need the right people.  We should have controls to ensure we don't swamp the Island with people just so Alf can say he's reached his target headcount before Jersey ....  for some reason the offshore jurisdictions seem to be launched headlong down the same path .. out of control increase in population and cover every square inch in Dandara hutches.

I sometimes wonder if the great plan involves growing the Govt. in the hope that the private sector will grow in order to service it? A huge amount of private sector employment here already relies on Govt. contracts in work and supply so if we grow the Govt. more the private sector will grow to respond to its needs. Govt. thinking at its best.

Twisted and inverted, but so are lots of other ways and means here....

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Top work with the red and green lines. They literally just brushed the dirt away a little bit to paint instead of, I don’t know, maybe use the opportunity to make the place more presentable? It’s daft anyway. The new guy clearly copied this from Gatwick where they have this. Except Gatwick has 40000 parking spaces, we have 400. Been here almost 30 minutes now and not seen any parking enforcement so how exactly are they planning to enforce the 15 / 30 minute free parking? My guess is they can’t. 








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6 minutes ago, Nellie said:

Some issues with weather in the UK, but it's funny how IOM always end up on these lists. Cancellation rate on LGW-IOM since Monday is 40%. 

And some posters claim EasyJet have provided a step change to the island ! 

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6 minutes ago, IOM said:

And some posters claim EasyJet have provided a step change to the island ! 

I said prior to the recent timetable changes / ATC issues. Before that non-weather cancellations were pretty much the sole domain of other carriers such as Flybe/Loganair/Manx2


And yes to answer the other part about Bristol/Belfast not operating daily - the flights of these I've been on recently are half empty, hardly a massive demand to/from IoM.

Edited by Mercenary
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14 minutes ago, Mercenary said:



And yes to answer the other part about Bristol/Belfast not operating daily - the flights of these I've been on recently are half empty, hardly a massive demand to/from IoM.

Have you ever considered that is because the market is not big enough for a 156 seater plane ? And a more frequent service with smaller planes  might provide more travel options . Have you noticed that for four days throughout the summer there is only one Gatwick rotation ? I just don’t get how any of that could be defined as a step change . 

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