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Billy kettlefish

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You are on your way to the airport, in a bit of a rush, so on the way your co-driver dials up the Internet and makes a booking for the Range Rover section of the car park. When you get there, that section is full, so you have to park with the Ford Escorts. How do you get a refund? How do you prove where you parked? Would it be easier to get a refund from RyanAir?

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4 hours ago, Asthehills said:

We all know it’s too late, but what is the point banging on and on and on about what people who don’t work there anymore should have done years ago.

They are trying to fix it.  The more incessant moaning from people online about a situation that can’t be changed quickly the worse it will get.

If you worked in ATC and were doing your best but logged on every day to see people moaning about something that there can’t be any more done about would you feel valued and stay?  Don’t be surprised if we see more leave.

No. Although not your fault you would totally understand why people are moaning, not about you personally, but the situation itself.

I was a bit miffed when the Post Office stopped Saturday deliveries but I didn’t vent my spleen at our postie.

I am sure these ATC personnel  use air travel themselves, so they will be sharing the same frustrations as the general public.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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5 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

You are on your way to the airport, in a bit of a rush, so on the way your co-driver dials up the Internet and makes a booking for the Range Rover section of the car park. When you get there, that section is full, so you have to park with the Ford Escorts. How do you get a refund? How do you prove where you parked? Would it be easier to get a refund from RyanAir?

First world problems?

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3 hours ago, Asthehills said:

Yeah.  Ask if it due to constant criticism and bitching despite the guys in the ground (well, in the tower) doing absolutely everything in their power.

Ask if it’s because of people who don’t know what they are on about constantly going on about “tea breaks”

I am surprised any are left.

Unless I've missed something on this thread, I have never heard anyone blaming the controllers themselves. The government on the other hand, they're fair game. How many millions have been squandered on that airport in the last decade or two? The runway extension, the perimeter fence, the dodgy Italian radar, new control tower, the list goes on - all justified by fanciful claims about passenger numbers.

And where has it got us? I can't remember a time when air travel was more problematic here. While they were spending millions on infrastructure for the hundreds of thousands of passengers they were promising, nobody bothered to think about how to staff the place. Nobody thought about whether their unimaginative free market model for airlines left us in a vulnerable position, nobody thought about how all these new passengers were going to get through security, nobody bothered to worry about tidying the place up, or provide edible food for passengers. Nobody bothered to worry about the car parking problems.

I will give the government something though. They've been spot on with their timing with the arrival of the Manxman, cos one thing's for sure, "we're gonna need a bigger boat."

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19 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Unless I've missed something on this thread, I have never heard anyone blaming the controllers themselves. The government on the other hand, they're fair game. How many millions have been squandered on that airport in the last decade or two? The runway extension, the perimeter fence, the dodgy Italian radar, new control tower, the list goes on - all justified by fanciful claims about passenger numbers.

And where has it got us? I can't remember a time when air travel was more problematic here. While they were spending millions on infrastructure for the hundreds of thousands of passengers they were promising, nobody bothered to think about how to staff the place. Nobody thought about whether their unimaginative free market model for airlines left us in a vulnerable position, nobody thought about how all these new passengers were going to get through security, nobody bothered to worry about tidying the place up, or provide edible food for passengers. Nobody bothered to worry about the car parking problems.

I will give the government something though. They've been spot on with their timing with the arrival of the Manxman, cos one thing's for sure, "we're gonna need a bigger boat."

Why would anyone blame the controllers? It’s not their fault in the slightest we are in this situation.


29 minutes ago, Banker said:

As many have said it’s not just IOM impacted 

The IOM is the only airport in the British Isles that is completely closed  for several periods throughout the day because of a shortage of ATCOs. Yes, other places have it bad, but nowhere near as bad as here. Why?

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14 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Governments latest act of desperation is to abolish the work permit system, presumably to remove any danger of existing residents being employed ahead of an import.

There is pretty much full employment here. Anyone who wants a job has a job. Anyone who wants to develop themselves can develop themselves. Walk into any Corporate Services Provider and they’re all desperate for staff, and the likes of Suntera are happily taking on 17 year olds and training them up.

6 hours ago, Banker said:

There’s plenty of jobs for locals it’s just lots wanting an easy life working in an office with no responsibilities or a number just picking up benefits.

ATC is a very specific job with very restrictive rules, and many people won’t be suited. I’m short-sighted and would fail the medical.

Your other points show the disconnect in the employment market though. Of course people who can earn £30k in a 9-5 office job aren’t going to decide to do it the hard way and earn £30k by doing nights in a nursing home. Maybe they would if the nursing home paid £50k, but then where would the shareholders’ dividends come from?

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2 hours ago, Mercenary said:

And yes to answer the other part about Bristol/Belfast not operating daily - the flights of these I've been on recently are half empty, hardly a massive demand to/from IoM.

Large planes on an irregular frequency are not there to develop links, they’re there to capacity dump on the busiest days. Bristol is one thing- nobody else would realistically fly there if EasyJet didn’t- but EasyJet’s appearance on weekends to Belfast International killed the daily Flybe to City.

It’ll be interesting to see how Belfast goes now Emerald are flying daily to City.

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